is on hiatus, sort of, but not really!
I’m going to try and take it easy over the next few weeks, because it’s
the winter holiday season and I half-expect nobody to be around on the
internet. Things will get back in gear
sometime in January, but until then? If
you ARE here, then enjoy a handful of high-quality filler posts. It’ll be fun, presumably!)
Before I get started, let’s play a game.
I want you to think of a villain -- your favorite
villain, from any story, from any medium, from any time. Take as much time as you need before going
on. Then, once you have that villain in
mind, think for a minute about why that villain means so much to you. (In the event that the villain is more of a
concept/conflict than someone the hero can punch in the face, substitute that
instead.) Don’t worry about forcing
yourself to articulate it, or even mentioning it here in a comment. Just keep your answers fresh on your mind,
Great. Remember those answers,
because I’m going to come back to them later.
But for now? Open your eyes for
the next Faiz.
My SPOILERS will make you cry.
Wipe your tears with this.
*tosses printed copy of the last two
Gaim posts*