How’s it going,
everyone? Hope you’re all having a merry
Halloween -- perhaps you’ve got your routes for the night all planned out to
optimize both your candy runs and late-night shenanigans…? And I’m willing to bet that a few of you out
there has a costume so elaborate Lady Gaga would look like a gruel-munching
In any case, I thought
I’d take a week to do something a little different with the much-adored(?)
Spirit Showdown here on Cross-Up. I
remember a certain someone suggesting
that each post in the series would likely only be about two thousand
words. Imagine my surprise, then, when
one of the posts reaches the seven thousand mark. Even for me, that’s a little excessive,
especially considering that this is arguably a vanity project -- a chance to go
“Look at me, I’m GIFTED!” and try to argue towards that point. It’s something that I want to do, because I
feel as if I can offer something
meaningful in spite of the project’s nature. But on the other hand, it’s something that I don’t want to do, because it IS
ultimately just a bit of grandstanding.
That said, I’m leaning
more toward the “want to do it” camp, because…well, I think it’s fun, and I
hope that through my little profiles and explanations, I’m offering something
that’s fun for you readers, as well as something educational, and most of all
inspiring. I strive to get others to take
action, or at the very least think about things they wouldn’t have before, or
perhaps in a new light. If the Spirit
Showdown can do that, then I’ll keep it going.
That said, I want to
try to make this a bit more reader-friendly -- something that’ll benefit both
parties with greater ease. The other
three posts are going to stay there (and the basic format will continue as-is),
but right now I’m going to make it so that you don’t have to commit an entire
afternoon to read what I have so far…unless you want to. That’s cool.
So here’s a quick
recap -- a five-minute abridged version of everything so far...with a song!
And of course, you can
check out each character’s page in-depth here, here, and here. Swordsmen, she-beasts, and superheroes, oh
It’s also worth noting
that in terms of popularity, currently Ursa has a slight edge over the
competition, with Ocelot V in second place and Deias in third. Surprising results, in my eyes…though maybe I
shouldn’t be surprised, given that one of those characters has some extra equipment
to give her some extra leverage. I never
would have guessed that people would respond so positively to women with horns.
In any case, I figure I
might as well reiterate the rules of the Showdown. Remember, the idea here isn’t just to show
off; it’s to promote discussion and reactions.
Comments are not only welcome, but encouraged -- because the person who
comments the most smartly and aggressively will be the one to earn special bonuses, courtesy of
Cross-Up. And even with that
tantalizing(?) bonus aside, this is a great chance for you to cast your vote,
and take your favorite hero one step closer to becoming the “Hero of Heroes.”
And speaking of heroes,
here comes another one now. How fast!
All right then. I’m about ready to bail out of here for now
-- but before I do, I’ll start a preliminary vote. Cast your hat into the ring, and vote for
your favorite thus far. One press of a
button is all it takes to decide where your loyalties lie -- so if ever you
felt undying love and affection for a handful of concepts given (digital) form,
this is it.
That’ll do it for
now. See you guys around -- and make sure
you get lots of Pixie Sticks in your goodies bags.
Next: Gotta go fast.
Next: Gotta go fast.