It’d be easier to call
myself a writer if I had any credibility (i.e. a legion of devoted fans who
await my fictitious gospel and launch assaults with a wave of my hand), but for
what it’s worth, just being able to talk about stories, and analyze stories,
and come up with stories has to count for something. I’m not an authority, but I think at the very
least I have the potential to be. I
mean, I’ve put more than a little thought into my stories. One day when I was eleven I started daydreaming,
and then I never stopped daydreaming. That’d probably explain why I’m not an
And what was I
daydreaming about? Well…
All right, so sell this guy in ten words.
From a child’s
imagination comes a hot-blooded hero -- simple, yes?
You’re not very good at being brief.
What’s your design philosophy?
I came up with him back
when I was eleven or so. “I’m gonna
write a novel!” I said, wide-eyed and pencil-twirling. “I think I can do it in 125 pages, so other
kids can read it for their English classes.
And it won’t be boring like other books -- it’ll have sword fights and
magic and legends…it’ll be great!” And
it would have been, at least if my Nintendo 64 hadn’t gotten in the way. Well, either that or it would have been a
putrid pile of manatee shit.
That said, you can tell
this is a guy made by an eleven-year-old kid.
He’s certainly changed over the years (just as I have), but at a base
level he has a lot of the same traits: brave, noble, idealistic, fun to be around…well,
you see him, don’t you? He’s smiling --
smiling, of all things! How very
incongruous with today’s fictional climate!
Isn’t that right, Kratos?
Gaaah! Don’t hurt me!
As you’ve probably
guessed -- if you’ve seen some of my other posts -- I revile anything that’s excessively dark and gritty. I can see the merit, and gritty =/= bad; it’s
just that ever since Christopher Nolan’s Batman
films came around (and before then, I suppose), too many people want to make
their stories and worlds -- and of course, their characters -- as nasty as
possible. This guy isn’t. He’s not dark, he’s not edgy, and the only
time you’ll see him (and by extension his story) get gritty is when he’s swept
up in a sandstorm. That’s not to say
he’s all smiles all the time, but the purpose of this character isn’t to have
him bogged down by particulars. Does he
have them? Yes, undeniably so. In fact they’re a key part of his character
and story arc. But what’s important to
him and his story at large is “moving forward” -- learning to overcome whatever
roadblocks exist in one’s life. Deias’
role, period, is to be an exemplar of that.
He’s a hero, a role
model, and a beacon of hope…if not immediately, then he’ll campaign to be one
over the course of his journey.
Ah, so in other word’s he’s got the spirit of…
Yup, you guessed it.
Guts, huh? Care to elaborate?
Gladly. Guts -- courage, passion, zeal, drive, a
desire to affect change, and change oneself.
It’s the spark of a hero; it’s the engine that has the potential to move
even the most middling of men into new realms, be it to claim legendary status
or cement oneself and his society as heralds of a new age of hope. It’s heat, encapsulated and used liberally,
all for the sake of a brighter tomorrow.
…I should probably dial
back the ham a bit. Let’s talk about
something else.
Fair enough. So how about some
Ah, right. World-building elements. Those are important too, last I checked.
So, hypothetical
situation. You’re an average Joe living
out your life in the not-too distant future, doing things that not-too-distant
future people do (like answer calls with your eyeballs). Just when you’re about to head to the store
to pick up some Zetta-Quality Space Bread™, your neighborhood goes nuts. Or to be more specific, your town goes
nuts. Or to be more specific, your
planet goes nuts. Imagine if you will an
atomic explosion so widespread that it affects everything you know -- and it
causes dozens of natural disasters all across the globe, all at once. Blizzards.
Tsunamis. Earthquakes. Thunderstorms. Hurricanes.
Volcanic eruptions. And of
course, no shortage of detonated weaponry, if only by circumstance. We’re talking about catastrophes on an
unprecedented scale and frequency, the likes of which practically reforms the
face of the Earth. Given that, what do
you do? Here, I’ll give you a bit of time
to think.
Time’s up. If your answer was “die”, then
congratulations, you’re right! Also,
To say things are bad
in this hypothetical future would be an understatement. But just in case you haven’t bought it yet,
know this: not only is more than ninety percent of the population (and the
society they built) effectively gone,
but then, suddenly, everything goes black.
No sunlight. No starlight. Not even the wreckage of the landscape. Just darkness. Smothering, globe-shrouding darkness.
Thankfully, it doesn’t
stick. Unfortunately, the sunrise that
follows ensures that Earth -- dramatically changed from its current state -- is
plunged into a new dark age. You’d think
that the fraction of the population left would pull together to survive, but
without technology, solid communication, resources, and in some cases not even
solid land to stand on, it’s not long before the new dark ages lead to clan
warfare and struggles for survival. And
diseases. Can’t have a dark age without
Thankfully, that
doesn’t stick either. In the middle of a
war, nearly a century after the world’s blackout, a divine being appears in a
column of light. She calls herself
“Avalon”, and declares that she will usher in a new age of peace. With her loyal subjects by her side, and a
gleaming sword of light, Avalon’s efforts drive the world toward brighter days,
and her presence alone actually helps
re-fertilize the earth. Thanks to her
efforts (forceful as they could be), barely a half-century passes before she
and her subjects are known as the “God-Kings”, and the earth is made hospitable
once more. And with their task done,
Avalon and the God-Kings vanish into the annals of history, never to be seen
again. Humanity will have to rebuild
without their help -- a struggle that the goddess knows they can handle.
So Earth faces an apocalypse…and the only salvation comes from divine
intervention? Not very guts-like.
Now just hold on a
minute. Who said anything about that
being where the story starts?
You mean it isn’t? Then what was
the point of that?
Ensuring that every
post I make is absurdly long. I like to
be thorough, you see. And besides,
context is important.
So how about giving the real context, then? Like, the stuff that’s actually relevant?
It’d be harder to
convey my point if I didn’t give a bit of backstory. See, even if Avalon and the other God-Kings
are gone -- and have been for hundreds of years -- their presence is still felt
in day-to-day life (and as these things tend to go, they play a part in the
story later). For one thing, they’ve got
an entire religion centered on them and their exploits. For another, even though the story is
ostensibly set in the future (albeit one that’s not THAT much more advanced
than our society -- remember, we’re talking about recovery from a
near-extinction), there are still people that do as the God-Kings and clansman
from the dark ages did and take up training in melee weapons. And third, there are now people called
Not like that, though. Well, not often.
In a nutshell, they’re
people with enhanced capabilities; they’re stronger, faster, tougher, and in
some cases even smarter. But more
importantly, they’ve received the “blessing of Avalon”, as some would put it --
they have control over an element, and can use it at their leisure. There are Drivers that can command water,
Drivers that can control wind, Drivers that can instantly forge metal, and even
Drivers that can ride the lightning.
And they’ll need that power against a certain threat.
One of the less-adored effects
of Avalon’s efforts was the emergence of the “Virals” -- half-machine,
half-beast monstrosities that emerge from the earth itself. Their motives? Unknown.
Their numbers? Nigh-infinite. Their lethality? Unquestionable. It takes the efforts of Drivers the world
over, organized into unofficial militias (better known as “guilds”) to protect
the innocent from danger. The Virals are
a constant threat, but as long as there are heroes to fight against them the
world will remain safe. Still, it’d be a
disaster if the creatures united under a single commander in a bid to ravage
the planet.
Oh wait -- that’s
exactly what happens.
In the midst of a
battle between two world superpowers, a column of dark flame appears on the
battlefield. With an entrance
reminiscent of Avalon’s first appearance, Veyron descends, and with her angelic
wings a-fluttering, she forces the fight to a stand-still. But she doesn’t stop there. She makes a proclamation to the world,
broadcasting her announcement across every channel: the world is coming to an
end, and only she can save them. But,
only a chosen and blessed few can be saved.
In order to decide who lives and who dies -- who comes with her on her
Ark, and who goes down with the planet -- she wants them to fight. She
wants the spirit of battle and warfare to spread across the entire planet, not
just consign itself to excised territories.
She wants them to kill one another, wherever they may be, whoever they
may be. If they do, the strongest will
earn the right to be saved. If they
don’t -- if anyone puts up resistance to her -- then she’ll command the Virals
as she sees fit, and slaughter all dissidents.
Naturally, the heads of
state aren’t having that shit. After
calling for a ceasefire, they redouble their efforts in stopping Veyron and her
bio-mechanical forces -- armies and guild members alike begin mobilizing,
hoping to secure their future on their terms.
But with a force on a scale and global presence the world’s never seen
before, and with the clock on the planet itself ticking, is there anything that
can be done? Is Earth facing its final
Only one way to find
out. It’s time to drive on.
...With guts!
What, still not feeling the heat?
Wait, you’re still
there, right?
…Oh, sorry, are you done? I just
figured I was here to hear about a character and his story’s spirit, not a
thousand words of setup for a story you haven’t even written yet.
But it’s
important! Trust me; I’m working toward
something here.
Are you really? I’m starting to
have my doubts.
Look, would it make you
feel better if I started talking about the hero now? I think I’m in a good position to do so.
Oh, you mean the thing you said you’d do from the outset? Nooooo…you’ve still got more babbling to do
about the flowers that started to bloom, or the speed of the average glacier.
You’re kind of hard to
please, aren’t you? But if it’ll make
you feel any better, let’s talk about Deias a bit.
Yeah, about that -- what’s with the name? Sounds a little too similar to “Deus” for comfort.
That’s intentional. Plus it's not his real name, obviously. It's actually...well, I'll get there when I get there. But let's get back on topic.
Remember, it was because of one verifiable
god (or goddess) that the world ended up getting back on track, and because of
a second goddess that the world is supposedly on its last legs. There’s a current here that’ll be explored
in-depth, but for now just remember this: “Deias” is an anagram for
“ideas”. Even if he was the best in the
universe, it wouldn’t mean anything if he didn’t have a reason for it. And because of that, he does his damnedest to
fight for what he believes in -- living according to strong principles, helping
others, and taking down baddies as needed.
But it helps that he IS the strongest in the universe, right? Or at the very least becomes the strongest?
Far from it. If anything, he’s the weakest character in the story.
If you know what this is, you know what I'm getting at.
Oh, this should be good…
He’s a Flame Driver,
which -- as you can guess -- gives him the power to create and control fire at
will. As a compliment, he’s got some
serious sword skills earned through years of training; the physical prowess his
training and natural ability afford him make him a very competent fighter. And --
Wait a second. So he carries
around a sword?
That’s right. Pretty common practice in-universe…though I
admit it’s partly because melee weapons are a lot cooler and manlier than guns.
Okay, so if guns exist in his world, why doesn’t he use one?
Simple. 1) Because he knows that using a sword is a
lot more complicated and difficult than using a gun, which earns him the
respect and admiration a hero deserves (remember, “ideas”). 2) Because he doesn’t want to dishonor the
teachings of his master, who he idolizes.
3) Because he can cover himself fairly easily by virtue of his
pyrokinesis -- he’s got flaming bullets that never run out, and he never needs
to reload…well, assuming his stamina holds out. 4) Because of personal reasons, things from his past that'd take another few thousand words to explain here. 5) Because if these two went to a firing range, one of these guys would
get a bull’s-eye dozens of times before he even nicked the target:
So he sucks, then.
Yes. And in more ways than one. See, there’s a sort of idiosyncrasy to Deias
-- even though he’s got his powers, and his skills, and he does get better as
the story progresses, he’s constantly outclassed. He’s the jack of all trades and the master of
none. He’s got a strong offense, but
there are characters that can hammer with piledriver-equipped fists and girls
that can whip up hurricanes when they get a little antsy. He’s got a good defense, but there are
characters that are nigh-indestructible thanks to bringing up rocks to guard,
or otherwise dispatching enemies before they even get in a ten-foot
radius. He’s fast enough, but there are
characters that zip around and litter the field with swords of ice, or can
outright fly. And compared to Veyron (or
a fair number of her soldiers), he and his friends aren't much. The baddies' overall stats are through the roof --
even taking out one of them is a
miracle in itself.
But what Deias lacks in
raw power, unique abilities, or even specialized stats, he makes up for it on
two fronts. First: fundamentals. He gets
stronger as he fights, that much is a given -- but more importantly, he’s
learning. He’s figuring out what he
needs to do to reach the next level.
He’s putting himself through rigorous training while others are sleeping
the night away, devising new strategies and techniques. He even figures out how to fight against
opponents -- even those who are practically gods -- in the middle of a
fight. This becomes a plot point on
multiple levels; he not only begins to develop his understanding of the opponent, but ends up finding an exploit that may very well save the entire planet.
And the second
front? It’s obvious: guts.
The reason he’s able to face off with super-beings and survive (even if
it does end with him getting brutally battered) is because he will never, ever,
give up. I know that’s a common thing
for heroes, but I just want to reiterate how important it is for him to stand
and fight. He carries no shortage of
burdens throughout the tale, but soldiers on regardless. If there’s someone in the line of fire, you
can bet he’ll stand his ground, and clear a path to safety. He doesn’t give a shit about what you throw
at him -- he’ll find a way to win, no matter what. Think of it this way: he’s standing up to
bullies so you don’t have to. And when
he does so, you start to realize that maybe the bully’s not as tough as you
Sounds like he’s hard-wired to be some kind of knight in shining armor.
Like you wouldn’t
What do you mean by that?
has…er…issues. Lots and lots and lots of
Now I’m motivated. Tell me more.
You want the good
first, or the bad?
You can have good issues? Well, whatever
-- start with the good, then.
The most obvious thing
is, to paraphrase Bob “Moviebob” Chipman, is that Deias is a good guy. You’d think that because he’s a
fire-elemental, he’d have a short fuse; in reality, getting him to lose his
cool is nigh impossible. That’s not to
say he never gets angry, but he’s a “speak softly and carry a big stick” kind
of person. He knows anger will just lead
to him saying and doing stupid things, so he’s long since learned how to
control it and use it properly. But temper
(or lack thereof) aside, he’s an incredibly nice and friendly person. Humble, if a bit too reliant on
self-deprecation; earnest, if a little overbearing; pure-hearted, if a little
naïve; as important as it is to strike out on his quest for justice and
brighter days, he knows that he can’t rest until he puts a smile on a single
child’s face. (Quite literally; his
relationship with a girl he meets is a major part of his character arc, and
their friendship spans the course of several years.) Basically, he’s the kind of guy you wouldn’t
mind having around.
But…he’s also the kind
of guy you can’t help but feel sorry for.
His luck is terrible -- he’ll
get bitten by dogs, smacked by falling pipes, hit by cars, and in one instance
struck by lightning. He’ll bear his bad
luck with a smile, but it’s not uncommon to see him ragged and smoldering at
the end of any given day. Also, being a
Flame Driver comes with a certain weakness (multiplied tenfold in his case): a
decent amount of water will knock him flat on his ass. He can’t swim, gets seasick easily, can be
utterly crippled by strong enough
rain, and even in the midst of a fight a good splash can shut him down. It certainly doesn’t help that he doesn’t own
much in the world besides his sword, his clothes, and a half-empty duffle bag
with a meager array of knickknacks.
Fortunately (?), he’s a
bit of a dork. He’s a die-hard fanboy for the Task Force X franchise -- think Power Rangers, only…called Task Force X -- and goes starry-eyed at
the mere sight of any memorabilia. He
knows more about the behind-the-scenes drama in the costuming department for
Season 17 than he does about women -- notably, because he’s fantastically
oblivious to their charms, mindsets, or even basic knowledge about them.
So in a nutshell, he’s
a nexus of hilarious mishaps.
That’s a lot of meaningless information to digest. So, what about --
Oh, and also, he’s a
fantastic cook. He can make a bowl of
noodles like you wouldn’t believe.
…Are you done?
I think that’s
everything. Oh wait, I forgot -- he’s
terrible at math and science, but surprisingly adept in the humanities. You can thank his master’s teachings for
Now are you done?
Yes. More or less.
I kind of feel like I’m leaving a lot out, considering that I’ve only
vaguely touched on his six crazy comrades, but --
Focus, please. Now what’s this I
hear about his issues?
Oh, right. Those.
Okay. So I know I’ve kind of painted Deias as a
straightforward hero at first, and a bit of (i.e. a major) goof more
recently. But there’s a reason for
that. Because if I do my job right,
you’ll see firsthand how much being
Deias is suffering.
Being a hero and saving
the day is important to Deias. Very important. Part of that is because he’s got a genuinely
noble spirit, which is fine. But there’s
also a part of that based on his numerous past failures. Remember when I said his luck is
terrible? Yeah, that’s not always played
for laughs -- people have died just because he was around. Even if he’s doing his best, even if he’s
done everything right and kept his missteps to a minimum, he’s seen numerous
friends die and been to several funerals too many. You can think of his heroism as a kind of
coping mechanism for his survivor’s guilt -- among other things.
Deias uses a lot of
self-deprecation -- but even if it’s a way to show humility, it’s also a way to
emphasize his mindset. He’s not
perfect. He knows that better than
anyone. And deep down, it tears him up
inside. Remember, this is a universe
where godlike beings can change -- and are
changing -- the world according to their whims; his powers and skills
aren’t much better than parlor tricks compared to Avalon or Veyron. There’s an intrinsic weakness to him no
matter how strong he gets, and knowing that he can’t compete with the gods of
old (or the present), or sometimes even his combat contemporaries means there’s
a big gap between what he wants to be and what he is.
Just to hammer it in, this is what he wants to be.
This is more or less what he is.
And Veyron’s dead-set
on ensuring that anyone who tries to be a hero is going to have a hell of a bad
time. Her proclamation that the world’s
going to end and the battle royale she’s hosting makes the world wish that there was still a war going
on. Tensions between the Drivers and
(the more numerous) normal humans rise rapidly, as do relations between
countries and guilds and armies and governments and even civilians. The Virals wreak havoc upon the world at
Veyron’s command, crushing resistance and inciting desperate survivors to start
fighting for their place on the ark.
Battles start raging all over the globe, from neighborhood skirmishes to
outright civil wars. Desperate peoples
all over the world begin subscribing to Veyron’s way of thought, to the point
where cults and religions start forming around the dark goddess. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the planet
starts to physically crack under the pressure -- proof that Veyron’s words hold
no shortage of truth.
It’s a bitter lesson,
but one that Deias and company learn all too soon: saving the world requires
much more than good intentions and sword skills. The world is quite literally falling apart; how
is anyone supposed to fix that? Deias
doesn’t know, but it’s in his nature to at least try…meaning that he’s put
through hell trying to save everyone he meets, protect his friends from
imminent death, uphold his noble beliefs in a world that’s slowly beginning to
discard them, defeat enemies leagues beyond even the strongest Drivers, and
worst of all, do all of that while keeping
a smile on his face. He’s forcing
himself not to crack, but it’s obvious that he’s pushing himself further than
any human should ever go. (And it’s
heavily implied that he’s overtaxing himself with his powers/training, to the
point where it’s shortening his life span.)
It’s not a question of when
he’ll break, but rather how badly he’ll break.
The answer, of course,
is triumphantly.
Yeah, like that. Only with his soul instead of his body. And actually, with his body, too.
You don’t say?
You don’t sound very
Should I be?
It’d make me feel good
about myself.
Come on. You and I both know
where this is going. Don’t even try to
hide it.
Heh heh…yeah, I guess
you caught me.
Just because Deias gets
broken doesn’t mean his story ends there.
Well before that, he’s constantly helping others; he’s constantly
driving people to do their best, and fight back, and be able to wear smiles on
their faces. What he’s doing isn’t
pointless -- it seems meager in the grand scheme of things, but every act of
good he and his friends do comes back to help them in a big way by story’s
end. But even with that in mind, it’s
Deias himself that finds the strength needed to overcome his despair. Okay, he gets a little help from some people
he’s met, but even a mental crashing-and-burning isn’t enough to stop him. If he’s got a problem, he’ll get over
it. If he’s taken a beating, he’ll get
back up. If he’s lost, he’ll come back
twice as hard as before, and win. If
everything he knows is crumbling around him -- his world, his allies, his
friends, and even himself -- he’ll do everything he can to patch it up, and
even make it better than ever. Why? Because he’s driven to be the best hero he
can be, for everyone’s sake. It’s a hard
road, and he learns that over the course of his journey. But it’s one he’s chosen, and one he’ll keep
going down for as long as he can. He’ll
fight, and he’ll fight, and he’ll fight for as long as it takes -- call on him,
and he’ll be by your side, helping you move towards a better tomorrow. Helping you, and everyone else, realize their potential and become something more than what they are now, or what they were back then.
That’s what it means to
have guts.
Sounds like both of you have got a lot of work to do.
Yeah, no kidding. Pretty much everything I’ve mentioned is only
in the first third of the actual
Well, you’re nothing if not ambitious.
Care to give a hint of what’s in store?
What, you don’t mind
Someone out there might, but not me.
Just hit the main points.
All right, let’s see
He gets betrayed by someone very close to him, stabbed in the heart and
thrown off an airship and left for dead.
He ends up finding a way to save the world, but it’s only a temporary
fix and it’s heavily implied that it’ll do as much harm as it does good. He becomes the most wanted man of another
planet and lets himself get imprisoned to save his comrades. He faces off with a swordsman who is so
insanely powerful, he’s as dangerous as Veyron and Avalon -- verifiable
goddesses -- put together. He has to
find a way to stop an epidemic from spreading across Earth, as well as rally
Earth’s forces against an ex-comrade who’s robbed an entire planet of its free
will and converted them into his own personal, unquestioning army. He has to lead an assault against a parasite
the size of the moon before it tears Earth to shreds with its bio-mechanical
tendrils and a sword the size of California.
Oh, and he forms a
travelling performance troupe with his friends to raise morale. They specialize in their own brand of Task Force X knockoffs.
…You’re serious?
Yes. Oh, wait, one more thing. Deias is meant to invoke the specter of Street Fighter’s Ryu.
No surprises there. What
about it?
Ever heard of Evil
Ryu? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…that kinda
happens to him. Only worse. Much, much, much worse.
Please. Clenched teeth and a
change of hairstyle aren’t enough to prove --
…Okay, that might do it.
Don’t worry, it doesn’t
last. Deias is still a goofy,
hard-working altruist. He’s got some
serious work to do, but as long as he -- and everyone around him -- holds on to
their guts, the world is certain to see even brighter days ahead.
So everyone’s after a happy ending, huh? Guess I can’t fault them for that.
How could you? Acting on guts is nothing but admirable.
As long as you don’t overdo it.
True enough. But in any case, lots of guts > no guts at
So I guess that’ll do it for now, huh?
Well…I can’t say I’m 100% in approval, but you did give it a good
shot. A for effort.
Would it help if I
posted his theme song?
No, not really.
Too bad! Metal time!
You really know how to tick me off, don’t you?
I aim to please.
You’re doing a bad job of it.
I didn’t say “I aim to
please you.”
You’re a cheeky one. But on the
plus side, it looks like it’s finally over.
Oh, on the contrary, my
friend. I’m afraid it’s only just begun.
What have I gotten myself into this time...?
Back to the starting page.
Next: Would you look at the size of that...confidence?