Maybe that’s why I have
so many issues with gritty stories. If
you’ll let me make a blanket statement or two, they’re largely about terrible
people in terrible situations and terrible places doing terrible things. Why not give me amazing people in a terrible
world? Or amazing situations and
terrible things? Or terrible situations
with people doing amazing things? And
why not have the entire story (bar a few dark moments) be geared towards a
happy ending, rather than a gritty story that heaps on the doom and gloom only
to go “hey, maybe things won’t be so bad after all!” at the very end? I know there are exceptions (Looper, The Dark Knight, and…well,
arguably True Grit), but I’m pretty
friggin’ sure there are a lot of gritty missteps. O hai Gears
of War 3, Max Payne 3, and Resident
Evil 6.
I don’t mean to harp on
gritty stuff all the time -- sometimes, but not all the time -- but I just want
to make it clear where I stand. Ideas
and themes can be explored in any way, not just through certain aesthetics and
conventions. The moment you start to
limit yourself is the moment you start to fail -- as a writer, as a creator, or
just as a human being. A show that’s
(ostensibly) for children can be as deep and subtle as any other story out
there if it wants to be; all it takes is a little ingenuity, some effort, and
of course a strong spirit. And in my
opinion, a surefire, almost-universal way to appeal to everyone’s sensibilities
-- young or old, naïve or jaded, silly or sophisticated -- is through the lens of
a hero. They inspire. They excite.
They struggle, yet succeed anyway.
They move toward a conclusion by their own power. A hero done right can be a tour de force;
they have the power to make any story more amazing, more special, more
meaningful, and of course more memorable.
In a sense, a good hero
IS the story itself. And I intend to
prove that -- with this series, and ESPECIALLY with this post.
Oh, damn. Here we go again.
Well, you’re back, so I
guess you’re ready to bear whatever punishment comes your way.
Is this going to be another ten thousand words?
Hey, it was more like
seven thousand. And no, I don’t think
so. The last two spirits required a lot
more context and explanation to get the full effect because their worlds are a
lot more in-depth. There was a lot of
stuff that needed to be explained, and there still is -- but I guarantee you
that’s not the case here. So this’ll
likely be much shorter.
I’ll be expecting you to keep your word, then.
Don’t be too hard on me
if I go over the limit. Accidents
Then let’s not delay. Sell this
guy in ten words.
I don’t even know what to say to that.
You can start with “Eh
wha? What are you scheming in that
cauliflower-styled head of yours?”
Not the description that I would use, but whatever. Talk.
Don’t make this go longer than it has to.
Fine, fine. I guess I should talk a bit about the origin
of this character, right?
Origin, design philosophy, whatever.
Just talk.
Right, then. I should probably start by saying that the
“original” Ocelot V is nothing like his current incarnation…so to speak. In all honesty, he’s one of the only
characters to have barely changed in the decade or so since his creation --
which is to say that, arguably, there are two versions of the character. There’s this one here, and the one that
originated during a session of gaming with my buddies.
I’ve said many times
that I’m pretty bad at shooters. I can
hit people (sometimes), but in the end I can never get the kill -- I’ll get
close, maybe one bullet away, but all it takes is one enemy shot to shut me
down. Even if I’m in CONSTANT VIGILANCE
mode when navigating the map, I’ll end up getting shot in the back -- even if I
turn around to check behind me. Most of
my time is spent waiting to respawn, slinking around the map, or just waiting
for someone to shoot me in the back or snipe me into a fine tomato sauce. I’ve accepted my fate. I don’t mind sucking at shooters, and my lack
of skill isn’t the reason why I have a clear distaste for them. But with that in mind, there was a certain
incident in a certain game.
There was a game called
007: Nightfire for the GameCube --
one of several James Bond games that tried (and ultimately failed) to capture
the spirit of Goldeneye. But still, we played it, and had our fun with
it. I remember how out of a surprisingly
large list of characters, I’d end up picking the white-garbed Snow Guard over
and over, partly because we kept picking a snowy level…though not surprisingly,
it didn’t help. But I strove to do my
best -- to be bold and aggressive, and fight back against my far-superior
buddies, even if it killed me (and it did, many times). But I wanted to prove myself as quickly and
as thoroughly as I could -- and as such, I gave my Snow Guard a very distinct
codename, in spite of his highly-generic appearance: Ocelot V.
As you can imagine, the
name stuck. And I’d like to think that I
actually got more kills as Ocelot V than I did as just your old expendable Snow
Guard. Of course, it probably would have
helped if I knew what an ocelot was at the time…
But you do now, right?
Hey, what kind of idiot
do you take me for?
You really don’t want me to answer that.
Well, if there’s anyone
reading this who doesn’t have a commanding knowledge of the animal kingdom (or
just hasn’t Googled it yet), an ocelot is a medium-sized wildcat. They certainly have nothing to do with some breed of crustacean.
But in any case, the
lessons I learned and the persona I created stuck with me. It reached a point where, the very next day,
I decided to take Ocelot V, the lowly Snow Guard, and give him the makeover --
and respect -- he deserved. And thus,
Ocelot V the Snow Guard became Ocelot V, the superhero.
That’s quite the origin story.
Yeah. And over the years, Ocelot V -- just like
everyone else -- has grown an evolved in ways the younger me would never have
envisioned. Like I said, he’s still the
same basic character deep down, but he’s changed juuuuuuuust enough to make me
think he stands a chance, AND can succeed in his lofty goal of becoming “the
world’s finest hero.” And to that end,
his spirit is…
You know it as well as
I do -- the unyielding, unbending force of will deep inside our cores. It’s the strength within that grows mightier
with each day and each triumph; it’s the power to have faith in oneself, and
use it to spring headfirst toward glory!
Is that right? Because I’m
pretty sure there are at least half a dozen adages warning against the use of
pride -- that, and the whole “seven deadly sins” thing.
True, true, but it’s an
important part of OV’s character and his world.
It’s a quality that brings with it chances for great triumph, great
calamity, and in the case of this tale, fantastic
So your plan is to take the silliness to a whole new level. Fitting.
Yep. And the world itself reflects that; it’s much
more understandable than the previous two, mostly because it’s so akin to our
own. The key difference? It’s a pastiche of the nineties.
The year is 199X, with
all the trappings you’d expect. The
clothes. The music. The technology (or lack thereof). All of it, encapsulated within the confines
of the coastal Hard Rock City. It’s a
mixture of sun and suburbia, beaches and rollerblading, arcades and trolleys
and giant cell phones and flannel shirts -- the works. It’s a very active, very energetic world --
one that mixes absurdities with commonalities, invoking nostalgia in some and
confusion in others. And given that
it’ll focus on the misadventures of a few high school students, you can bet
that it’ll get even wilder.
It also helps that
there are things like Dr. Rhesus and his Gorill Army, the lobster commandoes,
the Necronomi-Comic-Con, and a mayor who’s so ridiculously evil that he plans
to extort money from the city so he can build himself a giant revolver and
carve his name into the moon. And he
calls it the Dirty Harry.
And that’s ignoring the
alien invasion.
Well then, I suppose it’s a good thing that there’s a superhero out to
handle whatever comes his way.
Yup. Good thing Joe Nerves is around.
I’m sorry -- did you say Joe Nerves?
Yeah. Joe Nerves is the hero of Hard Rock City -- a
war veteran from…well, no one knows which war he fought in (he just calls it
“The War”) and since then has used his soldier skills to take down any threat
that plagues the city. He’s a
much-adored face in town; even if he has a bad habit of mumbling and growling
everything he says through clenched-teeth, it’s hard to hate a guy who can,
has, and will put his life on the line to take down the baddies. His efforts are so thorough that he ends up
reducing the crime rate to its lowest point in decades: negative seventeen
All is well in the city
-- so well that the people decide to offer Joe a fully-paid cruise to celebrate
so many well-done jobs…and of course, to spend a little time with his mom. He reluctantly accepts (and by reluctantly I
mean is pretty much forced to go), and as such the city is largely
unguarded. The HRPD think they can
handle things while he’s away, but of course, they can’t. It’s a good thing that Joe’s ship doesn’t get
swept up into a storm, he and his mother are lost at sea, and stranded on an
island that inexplicably gets sucked into an alternate dimension, thereby
turning what should have been a brief vacation into a months-long struggle just
to be able to blink freely.
Oh wait. That’s exactly what happens.
So I suppose that’s where this Ocelot V comes in.
More or less. Oliver “Ollie” Vance isn’t exactly your
average high school kid. Even if he’s
just days away from becoming a junior, he’s got aspirations well beyond those
his age. He outright declares he wants
to be a superhero -- as if his normal life wasn’t quite enough for him. His mother is one of the biggest names in
Hollywood, with all the riches that entails.
His grandpa’s a brilliant scientist who makes Nikola Tesla look like a
dunce. He has a race car bed. But all that isn’t quite enough for him; once
known as the King of Pranksters at his school, he’s out to make a new name for
himself after gaining inspiration from a wealth of collected comic books. All he needs is one big chance.
And he gets his big
chance. A trip to the zoo turns into a
disaster as Dr. Rhesus goes to town, unleashing a horde of neo-genetic beasts
to wreak havoc. Ollie almost immediately
jumps into the fray…and almost immediately gets mauled by a neo-genetic ocelot.
You can probably guess
what happens next.
A little on-the-nose, don’t you think?
So the gist of his origin story is that his utter failure is rewarded
with superpowers.
I wouldn’t have used
“failure”, but yeah.
Once he learns the ins and outs of his powers,
Ollie -- taking up the mantle of Ocelot V -- becomes a verifiable whirlwind of
destruction. He’s what you’d call a
lightning bruiser: he’s quick on his feet, extremely agile, almost always lands
on his feet, and is more or less a parkour maniac. He also gets a certain degree of super
strength -- nowhere near as strong as, say, Superman, but still more than
powerful enough to punch and kick his way through anything. And failing that, he’s got the expected
skills of a wildcat: retractable claws, enhanced sight, smell, and hearing, and
given enough time he can grow a really nice beard.
There are some
drawbacks, though. He’s a lot stronger
than the average man, but he doesn’t get the super anchoring power that
Superman would have. As a result, if he
tries to lift anything too heavy -- like a car or a bus -- it would fall apart
around him, or just drive him straight into the ground. Likewise, he doesn’t exactly have the combat
savvy that Joe Nerves would; most of what he knows about fighting comes from a
mixture of comic books and badly-dubbed kung fu movies. And his superpowers come with a very serious
drawback: dogs now hate him, and will gladly try to rip him apart if they cross
Consider it “canine
Ha ha. Very cute.
Even with that in mind,
OV’s dedicated to becoming the hero the city needs in lieu of Joe Nerves’ extended
absence. He’s crazy for thinking that he
can handle it all on his own, but in his eyes it’s little more than a
challenge. He’s ready. He’s eager.
He’s exploding with energy. He
genuinely believes that he’s the only man for the job. His belief in his own strength and skill and
will prevents him from giving it any less than a hundred percent.
It’s a miracle that
he’s been able to live for as long as he has.
He’s a remarkably poor student. The
subtleties of most conversations, from sarcasm to most three-syllable words,
are lost on him. He’ll come to a
completely wrong or utterly insane conclusion even if evidence to the contrary
is right in front of his face. Reason and logic, in his eyes, amount to
“hitting people in the face with the biggest fish you can get your hands on”. In one proto-short story I wrote, Ocelot V
met Spider-Man in a New York subway station…and immediately assumed he was a
supervillain named The Human Lasso.
Ocelot V is at first
(and to a lesser extent, up to the end of his career) kind of a crappy
hero. He’ll beat up the bad guys, but he
won’t make sure that they end up getting sent to jail. He’ll do huge amounts of property damage,
often times for no reason other than “the wall was in his way.” He’ll bust up any gear his grandpa makes for
him, requiring many, many, many reproductions.
In one instance, he actually creates a whole army of new supervillains
after accidentally contaminating the city’s water supply with a mutagen created
by Dr. Rhesus. But there’s a bright
side, at least; at least his offenses are localized in Hard Rock City, and he’s
not doing anything to disrupt the space-time continuum by both reckless epoch-jumping,
interference with peoples across the timeline, and ultimately becoming a
chronological anomaly merely by existing.
I’ve been getting a
lot of mileage out of that joke recently.
You know, I think I’m starting to see a recurring trend here. First you talk about a would-be samurai whose
journey breaks him physically and mentally…
Then you introduce a heroine who is more likely to destroy the world
than save it thanks to her own selfish whims…
And now you’ve got a hero who is so ridiculously inept that he does more
harm than good to everything he touches.
Uh-huh. Can’t say I see where you’re going with this,
Are you sure you’re actually writing heroes and not…you
know…villains? Or at the very least,
failures? Or barring that, empowered
people with severe psychological issues?
…Engineer, you wanna
take this one?
Well, I suppose you would be a bit blind to your creations’ foibles.
Really, I don’t think
it’s that big an issue. Even if OV’s
story is a comedy, there’s still plenty of room for depth, don’t you think?
Right. Let me guess -- this is
the part where you try and justify everything, right? Something along the lines of “He’s got his
problems, but…”?
You catch on
quickly. I like that.
There is no shortage
of…well, let’s call them “mishaps” whenever Ocelot V springs into action. But even so, there’s a reason why he’s the
star of the show. He screws up, but he’s
also pretty competent when it comes down to it.
He’ll save the children. He’ll
stop bank robberies. He’ll beat up bad
guys. And he’ll do it all with a wild
smile. So yes, he actually earns a bit
of respect as the story progresses -- and ultimately, it’s by his wildcat-born
strength that the story’s main villains are defeated. You’d expect as much from the main character.
But here’s the kicker:
even if OV is responsible for creating about half of his rogues’ gallery, he’s
also responsible for creating a whole new generation of potential superheroes
in Hard Rock City. They come in all
shapes, sizes, and ages, and from all walks of life; whatever they may look
like and whatever they can do, they each start off from the same point as Ollie
did. Each one has aspirations to become
THE protector of the city. And as you
can imagine, OV is not having that shit.
It’s going to be his city, and it’s going to be his story -- a sentiment
mirrored by many would-be heroes. So
essentially, there are not only a bunch of villains running around, but heroes
of varying levels of strength, skill, and smarts. Some of them are noble, and in some cases
even nobler than OV. Other times they’re
walking headaches for insurance companies everywhere. One thing’s for sure: all these vigilantes
are not going to be allowed to roam free, not as long as the HRPD is kicking
As a wise man once
said, there can be only one. And there’s
one major way to decide who commands the town: whoever can bring the story’s
big bad to justice is the one who’ll be crowned the one and only hero.
And this major villain would be…?
I’ll spare you a long
explanation (for spoilers’ sake), but in a nutshell, imagine a guy who’s kind
of like this, only with an animal-themed costume. And more muscles. And more guns. And more over-the-top one liners.
So basically, not much like this guy.
Well, their costumes are a little similar.
Except your villain is animal-themed. What kind of animal?
The liger. As you can imagine, OV does not take kindly to having another feline-costumed fighter knocking around his city.
So basically, not much like this guy.
Well, their costumes are a little similar.
Except your villain is animal-themed. What kind of animal?
The liger. As you can imagine, OV does not take kindly to having another feline-costumed fighter knocking around his city.
But I’m guessing
your hero is just the man for the job -- or at least he thinks he is.
True enough. Though in all honesty, Ocelot V has no reason
to be as proud as he is.
That statement was in no way an invitation to --
Even though he’s
oblivious to his issues, Ollie’s life is actually remarkably sad. The riches I mentioned earlier? He has zero access to them; he’s been banned
from tapping the family reserves because he’d spend it recklessly and on
stupid, city-leveling items. His movie
star mom? Never home -- and when she is,
she utterly refuses to spend time with Ollie, even going so far as to avoid eye
contact. His grandpa? Forced into house arrest indefinitely, and
lives in a mansion all by himself…and refuses to let Ollie even live there
because he doesn’t want his inventions disturbed. That race car bed of Ollie’s? It’s a key fixture of his room -- a basement
under a particularly ramshackle apartment complex in the noisiest block of
town. In spite of his reputation as the
King of Pranksters, he actually has about three friends total -- his best bud,
a fangirl who latches onto him because he’s Ocelot V, and a rival who’s a rigid
believer in law and order and school rules.
Hell, even his backstory focuses on him spending his childhood trying to
survive a debilitating disease.
And it doesn’t end
there. Ocelot V gets his hands on a
pocket-sized time machine, allowing him to travel as long as the device has a
high enough charge (which is rarely). It
only transports him to a certain time period and back, but that’s all he needs;
he needs to keep visiting the bleak future of the year 19XX -- pronounced
nineteen-exty-ex -- to figure out what went wrong in his time and set things
right. Problem is, every time he tries
to fix a problem, it either has no effect or just makes things worse. That kind of thing can wear a guy down after
a while, especially when fixing the future is vital for giving the story a
happy ending. It certainly doesn’t help
that other fledgling superheroes actively play a part in wrecking the future,
or that he has to break their spirits (and their bodies, by extension) to keep
them from donning a suit and mask. And
it certainly doesn’t help that the struggle to become the city’s number one
hero becomes little more than a popularity contest -- one that OV, in spite of
his best efforts and actual superhero
credibility, begins losing triumphantly.
He’s gonna have a bad
time, is the gist of my argument.
Yet another consistent theme.
That may be true -- but
surely you’ve noticed another trend, o eagle-eyed reader.
Every character in this
story operates on the basis of pride.
Ocelot V went from knuckle-headed troublemaker to crapshoot champion of
the people -- all because he thought he was the best man for the job (and in
some depressing ways, still is). His
chief rival, Dr. Rhesus, has no shortage of pride either; he’s out to take over
the world and continue his mad experiments, believing that he has more than
enough smarts to bend the world’s rules to his will. A huge number of inexperienced heroes chases
after dreams of becoming the best around, believing that with their new skills
they can do what no one else can. The
main villain is out to cause a revolution in his own right, ensuring that the
past, present and future and in a form he approves of. Even the city itself has its own pride; even
though we of the present may look down on the nineties as an era with lots of
silly trends, for those of Hard Rock City it’s the best, and ONLY life worth
living. It has a character of its own,
one that endears and offers so much to its denizens.
In a sense, you can
consider the actions of every character as a means to fulfill and stroke the
ego. Each character’s pride -- OV’s most
of all -- is like a sapling. It’s young
and unimpressive for outsiders looking in, but for each person it’s an
unflappable, unmistakable source of strength.
With each action taken, with each villain vanquished, or robbery routed,
or parade of praise, it gets nourished and has a better chance of growing into
a mighty tree. That’s what OV
wants. That’s what Dr. Rhesus
wants. That’s what damn near every
person, fictional or not, wants. They’re
looking to prove themselves, and gain the recognition they want and need -- to
be able to stand tall and proud, and prove themselves as the ultimate in
whatever venture they take on.
Ocelot V has his
vocation. He wants to be a hero -- not
because he can, but because he has to. He’s in it to satisfy his own pride, but in a
sense to ensure that everyone around him -- the people, and the city itself --
gets a chance to nurture their pride as well.
And to that end, he’ll punch and kick and yell his way to the highest
plateau. He’ll claw his way to the top,
and stand tall atop a pile of his K.O.ed rivals.
He’s on a mission to
become the world’s finest -- and there’s not a force in the universe that’ll
stop him.
He sounds like a simple character, for better or worse.
Because he is. What you see is what you get; he may stumble
a few times, but he’s a hero through and through.
Well, I can tell you this much: I’m glad you managed to pull in the
reins this time around. This may be the
internet, but people have their limits.
Strain their patience too much, and --
Huh? Oh sorry, I couldn’t hear you over OV’s AMAZING
theme song.
If he’s from the nineties, shouldn’t he have a song that came from --?
Cripes, you just can’t
enjoy anything, can you?
Considering what’s coming next, can you blame me?
Hmmm? Oh, you mean another teaser? Yeah, not this time. In fact, you don’t even have to show up next
What? Why not?
I want to do something
a bit different next time. So there’s no
reason for you to subject yourself to this “torment” that I’m putting you
through. You can go…uh…do whatever it is
you do all day when I’m not doing one of these Showdown posts. Or go eat some hot dogs. They’re delicious.
So, yeah. Guess I’ll see you in a couple of weeks or something. Later.
Huh. Well, I guess I’d better
find something to do in the meantime.
The internet is a big place, after all…
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Next: Something different.
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