Beat 96: The Capper
With its shift on the
wane, the sun began its usual commute into Porbeagle’s horizon. The day’s heat subsided bit by bit, but the
hint of salt in the air still wafted regularly past the townsfolk. As always, the sky welcomed and displayed
streaks of gold and orange, with the sun’s rays peeking through thick,
slate-hued clouds. The town might have
known no shortage of frenzy -- in the past, present, or future -- but as it
citizens shuffled off for their homes, a sense of tranquility pervaded
Lloyd smiled. He was exactly where he wanted to be --
outside a supermarket holding a girl’s hair as she puked repeatedly into a
trash can.
Sheila’s body quivered and buckled for the thirty-second time that day, and the
splatter of liquefied lunches echoed out of the can. When she finished, she pushed herself up from
the rim and gasped for air. “Okay…okay…I
think that’s the last of it.”
“You’re sure this
time?” Lloyd asked.
Sheila stood a few
inches higher and sniffled. “…Nope. Still more.”
Her ear wiggled, but
Deirdre didn’t get the chance to say a word; she just bent back down and fired
off another sickening salvo.
“Is that the last of it?”
Lloyd asked.
Deirdre stood up
slowly. “Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I think…I think that’s it.”
She stepped away from Lloyd and patted a hand against her stomach. “So I guess I learned something new today: I
REALLY hate puking.”