I finished Kingdom Hearts 1 a few days ago with
something very near a smile on my face.
I acknowledge that it’s
not the greatest game ever. It has its
fair number of faults, in its story and especially in its gameplay (which I’ll
get to soon, as part of the retrospective).
Its worlds can inspire either wonder or an overwhelming desire to find
the nearest steel wall to bash your head against. But for what it’s worth, KH1 has aged surprisingly well -- much better than I would have
expected. So when I saw that final
scene, with Sora, Donald and Goofy chasing after Pluto down a sunny road with
smiles on their faces, I thought to myself, Yeah. Yeah, this is all right.
KH1 has its flaws. But it’s
the ability of a good game -- no, a good story -- to leave you eager to praise
it in spite of its faults. It’s
something along the lines of its net worth; add the positives and negatives
together, and if you come out positive in the end, you’ve made a profit in
enjoyment. And overall, KH1 made a huge profit in my book.
So yeah. I was feeling pretty good about the
game. But at the same time, there was a
great sense of dread knotting up in my stomach.
I knew that I had to be fair and impartial. I knew that if I gave one game a chance, I’d
have to do the same for another.
And so, not five
minutes after finishing KH1, I reset
the PS2, took out the disk, and slid the next trial into the tray.
Kingdom Hearts 2, I thought, swallowing hard. How bad could it be?
More than Three Hours of Gameplay Later...
Why? Just…why?
I know I’m not the
greatest authority on the KH
series. That honor belongs to either the
creators themselves (spearheaded by the infamous Tetsuya Nomura, as I
understand it), or the dedicated super-fans who are hard at work analyzing and
decoding the series’ secrets and mythos at this very moment. So what I say next -- in case there’s anyone
that needs reminding -- I say purely as my opinion, based on my observations
and understanding of the games I’ve played and seen.
Sora symbolizes
everything that’s right with Kingdom Hearts -- and by extension, the
developer Square-Enix. Roxas -- every
version of him, with memories, without memories, as Ventus, and all of his
spiky-haired friends -- symbolizes everything that’s wrong with Kingdom Hearts
and Square-Enix.
Before I get too ahead
of myself, take a look at this snippet from an interview between GameInformer and Nomura on the subject of Kingdom
Hearts 3D:
GameInformer: What do you say to the segment of Kingdom Hearts fans
that believes the increasingly complex storyline of Kingdom Hearts stands at
odd with the child-focused Disney element of the franchise?
Nomura: First of all, this series is not intended to be
child-focused, and so the complexity of the story is purposefully made
prominent. That being said, with a series being around so long, there are a few
items I have in mind so that a wider audience range can enjoy the experience.
For the time being Dream Drop Distance,
there is a new function called Mementos, and in the section called Chronicles,
the player can read a summary on each of the titles from the Kingdom Hearts series. Whether you are
just starting out or you have played all the games before and need a refresher,
it has all of the key information summarized.
…All right, let’s take
this step by step.
One: “This series is
not intended to be child-focused…” Keep
in mind that you owe half of your product to Disney, which THRIVES on appealing
to children.
Two: Even if you aren’t
focusing on children -- which is fine -- bear in mind that Disney is more than
capable of being mature and deep (not just dark, mind you) in spite of its
colors and big eyes.
Three: “…And so the
complexity of the story is purposefully made prominent.” Making a story complex doesn’t automatically
make it more mature and appealing to the teenage audience; it just makes it
more confusing. There’s a difference.
Four: By the sound of
things, it’s almost as if the series’ intention is to alienate children. Why would you even do that? A cartoon dog and a cartoon duck are two of
the series’ most prominent characters!
Five: Don’t make the
complex story prominent if it means nixing what made the franchise in the first
place: a fusion between Disney and Final Fantasy, a mix between West and
East. Why disrupt that
increasingly-overtaxed balance?
Six: Likewise, don’t
make the complex story prominent if you can’t even get the basics of
storytelling and toddler-level reasoning right.
I don’t think I need to remind anyone of Terra’s “plot” in Birth by Sleep.
Seven: Better yet, why
make the story complex at all? Every new
game adds a dozen more questions and complications; I sincerely doubt that
people enjoy making forty-page summaries of your franchise explaining how six
people can all be the same guy.
Eight: I like how the
rest of Nomura’s answer shifts the focus to how he intends to have summaries
included in-game. A shame you can’t just
weave those into the game’s narrative naturally. But hey, Datalogs worked so well for Final Fantasy XIII. There wasn’t a single person out there who
hated having to stop the story, open the menu, and read about an element that should
have been explained in one of the five hundred cutscenes.
The masters of logic.
There’s a notable
schism that started up in Kingdom Hearts
2. It’s at that point where it
starts to feel less like a Disney/FF fusion; the balance starts to teeter too
far on the side of the pretty boys and absurd plots, rather than the whimsy and
high spirits of the original. Birth by Sleep is a pretty prominent
example, given that Donald and Goofy are banished to the status of cameo roles,
and the spiky-haired leads get to revel in angst and bad decisions. But again, this trend was made clear as early
as the Game Boy Advance release, Chain of
Memories and codified for all the PS2 owners with the debut of KH2.
His name is Roxas. And it’s his multi-hour escapade that very,
very nearly made me shut off the game forever.
Okay. Before I pick this kid apart, let’s see if we
can reach a common ground. There are at
least three points, I think, we can all agree on when it comes to making a good
character. 1) A good character should be
interesting in some capacity -- i.e. they should have some charisma whether they’re
good or evil. 2) A good character should
have some effect on the plot, ranging from slight (like affecting another
character) to substantial (like completely shifting the story in a new
direction). 3) A good character should
develop in accordance with the challenges he/she faces; if the character
doesn’t have enough time to do so, then at the very least he/she should be put
though meaningful trials.
Over the course of
three hours, Roxas fails at all three of these.
It’s incredibly jarring, especially if you’ve come to his part right
after finishing KH1 (or just have
fond memories of the first title). It’s
even MORE jarring when you finish Roxas’ prologue and start Sora’s story -- the
main story -- in earnest. I never would
have considered it before starting this retrospective, but now I have a much
greater appreciation for Sora and what he offered to Kingdom Hearts…which only helps highlight how utterly backwards
Squeenix got it with Roxas.
So. Once more, let’s take this step-by-step.
Good. Stay just like that -- you look like you're facing the firing squad. I like that.
Point 1: An Interesting
Sora’s Take
I’ve mentioned this in
passing, but if there’s one thing that KH
does well, it’s those over-the-top animations. The power or the PS2 -- even as early as
2001-- was tapped by Squeenix’s much-adored predecessor Squaresoft to make some
impressive facial animations. It was
tech used to great effect in Final
Fantasy X, but I looked forward to KH’s
cutscenes just to see the faces shift about.
A shame that it was a bit of a rare occurrence in the original game
(replaced with some generic mouth flaps), but when the characters got to emote,
man oh man did they emote. Was it realistic? Not a chance.
At times, their eyes, eyelids, mouths, cheeks and chins acted more like
Flubber than human faces…and that was the point. It was a stylistic choice. It was to convey emotion, in the same way
that a Disney movie would.
Sora’s the prime
example. In the first game’s opening,
you get to see the look of terror on his face as he’s absorbed by darkness. But you also get to see him smile like a
goof, pout when he loses a contest, and look longingly toward his would-be
girlfriend Kairi. And all that gets
taken up to eleven in KH2. Not only are there more chances to show off
his facial expressions, but his body language has evolved as well. Based on his posture and the motion of his
arms, even if you were to mute your TV you’d know when he’s goofing off,
getting angry, acting brazen, or being the idiot we all know and love. (Incidentally, Sora seems to have gotten a
bit more aggressive going from the first game to the second…but I guess
sleeping for a year and having pent-up puberty-bred hormones stewing inside you
might cause a few imbalances here and there.)
"Let's go on an adventure, gu- GET ME CHEETOS, NOW!"
But beyond those
superficial details, I’m convinced that KH
is at its best when Sora, Donald, and Goofy are on the center stage. They’re THE heroes of the story. They’re THE trio we’ve been following since
the start. They’re THE characters we’ve
grown to love. Everything just clicks
into place when they’re around; you feel the whimsy and sense of adventure
you’re supposed to feel by exploring the Disney worlds. It’s only exacerbated when you realize that
Sora, naïve doofus that he is, fulfils his role perfectly. He’s a stand in; his life is essentially what
ours would be like if we lived in Disney World and spent every waking moment
gallivanting about. He’s always so
excited when he sees new worlds and new experiences. He’ll gladly throw himself into the fray even
if it means violating the series’ Prime Directive (not like anyone cares) --
and defend the sanctity of the worlds.
Even if there are bad guys stomping about and his old pals are MIA, Sora
keeps the angst to a minimum and his childish wonder at maximum. He’s a fun character to be around -- AND he
surrounds himself with fun characters.
There’s a lot to love
about this kid. A whole lot.
Roxas’ Take
So Roxas --
Hold on, I need to
smoke about seven million cigarettes.
So Roxas is the
starting character of KH2. Everybody knows that; before the game came
out, I was one of the wide-eyed speculators, gathering as much info as I could
to try and figure out just who the BHK (Blonde-Haired Kid) was supposed to
be. As it turns out, it didn’t matter
nearly as much as I expected…but I’ll get to that later.
Point-for-point, Roxas’
three hours help establish him as Sora’s opposite in the worst ways
possible. Whereas Sora’s animations
convey a slew of emotions, Roxas’s animations show him being uncertain,
confused, gloomy, and downcast for all but five or six instances. His motions are a lot more sedate. Even his theme is depressing. Compare his theme to Sora's theme...
And suddenly, you’ve got
a good excuse to contemplate writing some awful poetry (which, incidentally, is
the only qualifier for being a Squeenix writer).
There’s a huge
difference between Sora and Roxas. See,
they have very different motivations; whereas Sora’s eager to get out there and
explore the world, Roxas is right where he wants to be. He doesn’t want to move or change or push his
horizons as far as they’ll go. He just
wants to hang out with his friends and laze around town. This is
the complete opposite of everything
the series stands for. Why would you
even create this character if you’re going to contradict everything your
franchise has established up to this point?
Similarly, Roxas’
friends are incredibly disappointing.
Rather than partner him up with some other Disney characters, players
get to spend three hours with Hayner, Pence, and Olette. Pence and Olette are essentially the same
person (except one’s fat and the other’s a girl), while Hayner is the biggest shitstain of a teenager since The Breakfast Club’s John Bender…well,
minus the roguish charm, wit, backstory, or hairstyle that doesn’t make me want
to punch through a rhinoceros. What do
they add to the story? In the case of
“You are defined by the company you keep,” do they help develop Roxas? Well, if you ever wanted three hours telling
you “They’re friends!” or “Summer vacation’s almost over!” then have I got the
game for you.
Dammit, if I have to
bring back the Headdesk Counter…I already broke the damage cap, what more can I
Point 2: Effect on the Plot
Sora’s Take
He’s the hero of the
entire series. What the hell else do you
…Okay, that’s not
entirely fair. See, all throughout my
playthrough of KH1 I’ve had a
niggling thought in the back of my head.
He’s the main character, but is he really the hero? With the advent of Birth by Sleep (urrrrgh), the once-almighty Keyblade in his
possession is just one of thousands out there, and can be wielded by masters,
villains, and idiots alike. Sora had his
Keyblade temporarily hijacked by his rival Riku. His top priority in the first two games,
arguably, was finding his friends and getting back to Destiny Islands; he just
happened to wreck whatever villains got in his way. Recent events in the series may be pushing
him toward being the chosen one or some sort of messiah figure (as JRPGs are
wont to do), but I prefer to think of him as a normal kid who got pulled out of
his element, and is just taking on baddies as they come.
He's also an ultra-hardcore Rock-Paper-Scissors champion.
It’s not like he bears
any ill will towards any of the villains he meets. Even the series’ greatest villains, like
Ansem (Ansem, Seeker of Darkness) and Maleficent are just enemies he’ll face as
they come. When he starts going up
against Pete in KH2, there’s an
almost playful element to their interactions.
Even against Organization XIII, he’s decidedly mellow. He knows they’re baddies and he has to stop
them, but he never devolves into base rage.
He still keeps the same general air about him.
That’s not to say he’s
100% predictable and clueless. Partly,
yes, but not entirely. Sora will show
that he’s been paying attention to what’s going on around him, and can surprise
players with a few deft moves. Stabbing
himself in the heart with an evil Keyblade is one example, but getting down on
his hands and knees in front of a villain is another, and a pretty telling
moment about his character. His
motivations are simple, and his character by extension, but he’s actively
pursuing a goal. He’s moving toward
something every step of the way. And
given that, how can you hate him for it?
Roxas’ Take
Roxas, as a lot of you
know, is essentially Sora. More
specifically, Roxas is the physical refuse left behind when Sora decided to
shove a dark Keyblade into his heart to save Kairi, turning himself into a
Heartless. What he didn’t realize was
that with that deed, Roxas emerged and…went somewhere…and became a member of
the villainous Organization XIII -- and because he was part-Sora, he could use
the Keyblade for the sake of evil. (Or
anti-heroism, as it were.) Anyway, Sora
had to go into hibernation so Organization XIII could have their ace in the
hole, Namine (Kairi’s physical refuse, or…something) screw with Sora’s memories
and transfer them and their power into Roxas or…something…meaning that Roxas
could do 100% of what Sora could do -- at least, until a year later when Namine
started putting Sora’s memories back and Roxas lost his memories for…some
reason…meaning that he had to stop existing and give Sora back his power --
from wielding the Keyblade to his very body.
“First of all, this
series is not intended to be child-focused, and so the complexity of the story
is purposefully made prominent.”
You spend your fair
share of time (three hours…) with
Roxas. But all the while, there’s a
feeling of insincerity to the proceedings.
Roxas is so far removed from the events of KH1 -- Sora, Kairi, Riku, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, and every
character and world previously introduced -- that players are just counting the
seconds till they get their hands back on the real hero. Even the game doesn’t really take him
seriously; Roxas’ prologue has about a dozen flashbacks to events from KH1.
It’s a refresher course and a necessary evil, but it cheapens Roxas as a
character. “Hey, remember all that
stuff?” the game asks you. “Don’t
worry! You’ll be continuing that awesome
adventure soon enough! Just keep doing
repetitive minigames and meandering tasks until it’s time for Sora to wake up!” The most we learn about Roxas as a character
is that he likes sea salt ice cream and watermelon (and depending on how you
interpret one scene, isn’t into girls).
But as a member of
Organization XIII, surely he’s one of the most important characters
around! Given the hype surrounding him
pre-release, you’d think that’d be the case…and yet, I can’t think of a single
instance where Roxas manages to do anything besides be a passing
reference. After his prologue, he
disappears and becomes a part of Sora.
Sure, you’ll see scenes where his body’s superimposed atop Sora’s, and
there’s a scene early on where he uses Sora’s body to cry, but are there any
lasting effects on the plot? Ehhhhhhhh…I
admit, I’m not done with my KH2
playthrough, but even then I doubt that’d change much. Here’s what I remember most:
A) Axel, Roxas’
Organization buddy, hatches a plan to try and bring him back. It doesn’t work.
B) The other
Organization members see Sora, yet sense Roxas -- even calling him out by
name. Naturally, this has no effect on
C) Late in the game,
Sora and Roxas fight inside…Sora’s…heart or something (only in a cutscene, of
course -- unless you’ve got the Final Mix version). Sora wins, and Roxas fades out again. I sincerely doubt Sora even knows who he just
D) In the game’s last
cutscene, Roxas (still inside Sora) reunites with Namine (now inside
Kairi). They smile, and…roll credits.
Seriously, what was the
point of this character? Besides giving
the writers fuel for more byzantine plot twists and Nomura another hairstyle to
Clearly he needed the practice.
Point 3: Development
Sora’s Take
This is where things
get a little dicey. Sora’s story arc as
a whole is incomplete; so long as Squeenix keeps pumping out KH games -- at least those that matter
to the canon -- they can change and add to Sora as much as they like. The kid who started out as a happy-go-lucky
loser is quickly becoming something of an angelic figure of justice and
hope. (I personally prefer him when he’s
not treated like a holy little snowflake, but that’s a discussion for another
In my perfect world,
there would be only one KH game. Sora starts out as a dumb kid who has his hopes
and dreams, but still remains naïve to a fair number of proceedings and just
can’t quite get what he wants most (the love of Kairi, respect from Riku,
proving to that mysterious cloaked figure that he actually knows junk). I’d argue that the main force behind his
evolution as a character is “perseverance” -- only by continuing his travels
can he become stronger, wiser, and more capable of protecting his friends. He’s exactly the kind of kid you’d expect to
see in a Disney movie -- someone who’s good at heart, but just a little short
of the gold and thus in need of “learning a valuable lesson.” By the story’s end, he’s made it there, even
managing to throw Ansem’s line (“One who knows nothing can understand nothing”)
right back in his face like a lemon pie.
Where does that put
Sora for the second game? For the sake
of argument -- and because I haven’t played or seen it -- let’s leave Chain of Memories aside for now. Let’s focus entirely on KH1 and KH2. Does Sora “go anywhere” as a character? Ehhhhhhhh…yeah, I guess. In KH1
it was downplayed, but if asked you could probably draw a line from Starting
Sora to Finished Sora and have them end up in different places. In KH2
it’s also downplayed, but for a different reason -- Sora’s already had his
lesson learned, and his powers gained.
He’s already been put through his paces.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t any more challenges left for him, because
there are; he’s just more suited to the proceedings than he was before, taking
it all in stride, bashing enemies as they come, and making sure to leave time
at the end of every world to have a group laugh that wouldn’t be out of place
at the end of an episode of Full House. He’s
still an enjoyable character to follow -- even more so in KH2 than 1 -- but he gets
fewer chances to shine as a result of the overall weaker events of the sequel. Yes, I'm declaring that KH1 is better than KH2.
Hear me out before you
consider kicking down my door. In the
original, Sora had to contend with Riku, his foil in plenty of ways: Riku was
stronger, smarter, and more dedicated to saving Kairi, but was far more willing
to play with the wrong crowd to get what he wanted. There was an air of desperation around Sora’s
search, knowing that the Heartless were consuming worlds like cupcakes, and
that his friends were MIA and therefore in grave danger. The Disney villains put Sora and company to
work, proving themselves to be a constant threat -- along with Riku (naturally)
and the true enemy Ansem.
In the sequel, Sora has
to contend with Organization XIII…a group that, thanks to events in Chain of Memories, has had its numbers
effectively cut in half. He doesn’t even
remember them thanks to Namine, so why should we care about them? Why should we consider the group a threat
when the most we see of all but three of them are their introductions, seeing
them screw around in the Disney worlds, and the boss fight when they get killed
by Sora? Kairi’s safe and waiting at
home for Sora -- at first -- so she’s in no danger (which begs the question why
he didn’t check up on her from the outset).
All that’s left is to find Riku and King Mickey -- and by the halfway
point, just Riku. Sora’s out on another
journey, but without any real sense of adversity or threat, it’s hard for him
to have any sort of evolution.
That said, Sora’s still
leaps and bounds above Roxas.
Roxas’ Take
I’ve heard that Roxas’
story isn’t quite done in the context of the franchise (the fact that he’s
gotten a spinoff game, has a copy of him appear in another game, and was so
blatantly wormed into promotions for KH2
are all proof enough). But again, if we
focus on the context of this game, what does he add? How does he change? What does he go through?
Roxas, I’d argue, goes
through negative character
development. In my ideal world,
character development should have a hero start off at one level and through
certain events come out on a higher plateau by the end. Of course, that’s not the only form of it out
there; The Dark Knight had Harvey
Dent go from a sharply-dressed ally of justice with a mean streak to the
villainous, self-justifying Two-Face.
Shakespeare’s Richard III seems to have everything under control in
accordance with his plans, but ends up falling apart by the end (and, you know,
dead). Those two aren’t what I’d call
heroes, but their story arcs are satisfying, thoughtful, and most of all
Pictured: beautiful storytelling.
Roxas’ isn’t
satisfying, thoughtful, or complete.
Most of his time is spent looking grim and reticent, wondering what’s
going on in spite of the obvious futility.
Answers to his origin’s questions are either underwhelming or danced
around during his three hour
prologue. The charm and charisma you’d
expect from the series -- either from the Disney-infused surroundings or its
oddly-coiffed lead -- are absent, replaced by a teenager contemplating his
ultimately pointless origin. Sora is
the hero of the story -- don’t waste our time trying to make us feel
sympathetic about a character you yourselves can’t be arsed to make interesting.
You could argue that we
don’t need a full game to get the full dish on what makes Roxas special -- and
on that note, I’d agree. You can do a
lot with three hours of storytelling time.
Movies can start and end in that time, and you can have a decided
understanding and appreciation for its characters. You’ve seen their struggles, you’ve seen
their enemies, you’ve seen their stakes, and you’ve seen their changes, either
subtle or overt. What does Roxas
struggle against? Trying to prove to
Hayner that they’re still friends just because he got spotted within five feet
of the local tough guy? Who are his
enemies? Cannon fodder enemies, a guy
introduced in the Game Boy Advance game, and someone who won’t appear in the
main plot for dozens of hours (and uses this time to give cryptic advice)? What are his stakes? Trying to figure out what’s going on so he
could go back to life as a teenager shooting the breeze with his friends? That would work in any other game or
story. In Kingdom Hearts -- in a game BUILT on exploring new worlds and
meeting new people -- it crashes harder than a Gummi Ship into an asteroid.
You would think that,
even in such a small amount of time, Square-Enix would manage to give us some
semblance of a character arc. Something
to latch onto, to convince us that those three
hours weren’t pointless. But they
don’t. Roxas starts as a gloomy sad-sack,
and ends as a gloomy sad-sack prone to violence and lamenting his existence. And then he disappears until roughly the last
three hours of the game so he can lose to Sora.
So what happens now?
I need to switch subjects before I choke on my rage.
I don’t have a lot of
love for Roxas. Nor do I have any
confidence if -- when -- Squeenix decides to properly bring him back into the
series. I’ll acknowledge that maybe he
got something to make him more palpable in 358/2
Days, but that only makes me wonder why, in his grand debut, his only
purpose was to try to earn the player’s pity (which he did, but for all the
wrong reasons). Was there anything
related to Roxas that we absolutely HAD to know? What makes him so special that he’s worthy of
stealing the spotlight from Sora?
What’s really
depressing is that Roxas could have been a great character -- and a great
character in the story’s main context, rather than flashbacks and side stories
where it hardly even matters anymore.
Imagine if Roxas’ presence was more pronounced. In a minor case, he could be trying to wrest
control away from Sora, and return to his home in Twilight Town. The two of them could clash against each other
from within Sora’s heart, with Roxas posing questions and reasons Sora doesn’t
have an answer to.Or consider this: make
Roxas THE antagonist (or just barely below the second game’s Big Bad). He could pursue Sora like the Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.
Roxas could have been this vengeful, dedicated force on the villain’s side, ready to take what he thinks belongs to him. You get a glimpse of the power he wields at the end of the prologue. Imagine how dangerous he might be (and imagine how much he’d establish Organization XIII as a threat) if he used all those powers and more to try and take Sora’s power and heart as his own. If your plan was to make the game darker, make a character who doesn’t go through the same arbitrary motions of friendship and peace. Make him nastier, more cynical, more pragmatic -- all too eager to slice his way through Disney worlds to get what he wants. Make him a force of nature that’d give even the lighthearted Sora pause.
Wishful thinking? Sure.
There’s no sense in hoping for a story element that’ll never come. We’ll just have to make do with what we
have. Right now, what we have is a
delightful trio who make the franchise awesome -- a dynamic on the verge of
being ignored and forgotten by Squeenix.
With any luck, they’ll pull it together of r the inevitable release of Kingdom Hearts 3. Until then, I’m going to bide my time, and
continue my playthrough of KH2. Because luckily, at the very least, I managed
to get past the prologue.
I will concede,
however, that Roxas’ hair is infinitely less stupid than Sora’s.
Oh Luxord...if only your hair was sillier, you'd have your own game.