Lloyd slammed his palms
against the desk. “You’re on the run
from the authorities, aren’t you?”
Trixie couldn’t say a
word in objection -- but her body said more than enough. Her reeling posture; her reddened face; her
legs, once so straight and proud, now buckling under her weight; her hands,
held up like those of a prisoner caught in a searchlight.
“Now I can see your
heart,” said Lloyd with a quick nod. “I
was wondering why you were a bit restrained in talking about your heritage;
call it a misconception if you will, but I would have guessed that a southerner
like you would have been eager to describe your hometown. It can only mean that, for one reason or
another, you’re unwilling to go back -- especially due to the consequences you
stand to face. Am I wrong?”
“Y-ya couldn’t be more
wrong!” Trixie yelled. “What, are ya
tryin’ to say I’m some kinda criminal?
Huh? Are ya? ‘Cause I’m not!”
He glanced at the pages
again -- at the “failure” written in pulsing red. “Bad fortunes have brought you to
Porbeagle. But it is a fortune, locked
within our fair town, which you intend to unearth and use to claim newfound
glory. In doing so, you intend to prove
yourself to your peers and kin.”
“Wh-what’re ya gonna do
to me?” Trixie asked, with her guard raised; for a moment, Lloyd almost thought
her a camper staring down a growling bear.
“Are ya sayin’ that ya don’t want me here anymore? That you’re kickin’ me out?”
“Good heavens,
no.” Lloyd held out a hand. “What I’m saying is that, for one reason or
another, you ARE a failure -- but it’s your search for redemption that gives
you strength.”
Inch by inch, Trixie
started to lower her guard. As she did,
Lloyd had to force himself not to lick his lips in anticipation; the stars that
he once feared reaching zero would no longer be a problem. He’d seen everything he needed to see -- and
with one masterstroke, he would see four illuminated lights at once.
“You came here to act,”
said Lloyd -- all too aware that her real self had ulterior motives, but that
this phantom was his current target.
“Acting is a profession that requires passion, skill, and dedication --
all qualities you possess in spades. If
you’re to move my heart, and the hearts of any audience before you, then you
have only to decide it. Use the passion that
drives you to seek glory. Have it fuel every word you speak, and every action
you take, from here until the toll of your funeral bell.”
“I…I don’t really…what
are ya talkin’ about?” Trixie asked -- but Lloyd knew better. Both the woman before him and her fishy mask
opened their eyes wide, contemplating, and hanging on his ideals. He could feel the heat radiating from her;
and, from himself as well. With just one
more push, one more offense, he could…!
“You, my dear, are full
of scalding passion,” Lloyd said, offering an almost childish grin. “I felt it all too clearly when you -- a
version of you, at least -- hit me with the hardest blow you could muster. If you could channel even a tenth of that
energy into your every word and action, then you could blaze your way into the
hearts of all.” He clasped his hand into
a fist. “You needn’t fear. You needn’t worry. You came this far on passion alone, and you
can come even further. You can
triumph, Miss Walters, if only you’re willing to believe. You are no failure. You were never a failure, and never will
be. Not just because of your inner heat,
Lloyd pressed a hand to
his heart, and smiled once more. “I feel
you, Miss Walters. And I believe in you.”
For a moment, Trixie
just stood there, staring at Lloyd. A
part of him feared for the worst; he wondered if he’d gotten a little too
carried away in his declaration (or if his words had been too dense and hammy
to even understand). She showed no signs
of registering, or reacting, or resisting his claim. She just stood, still a little red in the
face, her mouth slightly agape. Her mask
must have felt the same way, as it gazed blankly at Lloyd. Even the stars seemed a little wary to react.
And then, finally, she
“Is all that really
Lloyd nodded, and held
up four fingers. “There are four rules
that I must never break, if I’m to be a man worthy of a woman’s time.” He wiggled each finger in turn. “Never lie to others. Entertain the masses. Love everyone. And most importantly, have faith.” He clapped his hands together. “What I do, I do to move the hearts of men
and women everywhere -- and, Miss Walters, I expect…no, I believe you can do the same.”
“Lloyd…ya really feel
strongly about this, don’t ya?” She
rubbed her hair for a few moments, and then -- for the first time since her
second debut -- stared at her host with the same pride and confidence she had
in the real world. “All right then. I guess I’d better give it my all.”'
Lloyd’s eyes widened as
the stars spun at quadruple speed. And
then, as if that wasn’t enough, they doubled, then doubled, then doubled their
RPM again -- they blurred into one consecutive line, and threw heated gales
through the audition room. Did I do it?
Is this what I’ve been working toward? he wondered, feeling his hair
ruffle across his forehead and watching the stage’s curtains flutter. Yes. This is it.
This must be -- this HAS to be --!
The stars shot into
each corner of the stage, leaving golden streaks floating in the air for a
brief moment. One by one they took their
positions; on arrival, each one let fly a corona of light.
All four stars in
place. All four stars, shining bright.
Trixie, at long last,
took notice of the stars, taking a moment to stare at each of them in
turn. “Did I do that?” she asked -- but
a second later, shook her head and smiled.
“Nah, doesn’t matter. I’m not
here to look at some fancy decorations.
I’m here to put on a show. Can’t
let down a guy who’s willing to give a girl like me a chance, right?”
“I couldn’t agree
more.” Lloyd leaned forward, his
moistening hands now clutching the table’s edges. Trixie looked more radiant now than she’d
ever been, even compared to her real world counterpart; her colors were more
vibrant. Her posture, more proud, and
almost making her look several feet taller.
Her face, cast into a bold, energetic grin -- one that had long ago cast
aside fear. As Lloyd stared at her, his
eyes drifted once more to that mask; it, too, bore a great smile. He could hardly tell which of the two looked
“All right. Better get ready, ‘cause here I go!” Trixie took a step forward, and for a second
left Lloyd breathless. The heat he’d so
desired almost made him start sweating; as he watched Trixie toss her pages
aside, he felt his own heart speeding up.
The boldness he sought lay bare…and now…
“I’m Trixie Walters!”
she declared, her voice packed with enough force to bowl Lloyd over. “Better get ready, Porbeagle -- I’m here to
make your treasure mine!”
Lloyd’s eyebrows shot
upward. Did she just say --?
But Trixie didn’t give
him a chance to ponder her words. She
kicked up a storm onstage -- the mask that had once looked so bashful and
uncertain started to beam. And then, all
at once, its materials turned to swirling gas, and mixed with the rest of the
sphere behind it. Like the stars that
had once orbited around it, the sphere whirled faster and faster, tossing out
sickles of blue particles.
Could this be? Lloyd thought, holding a forearm over his face to
protect himself from the winds. But
suddenly, he realized there was no need; they did no harm, save keeping him
from watching the storm unfold. Yes.
This is it. This has to be what I
-- no, we have been striving for.
He folded his arms and
smiled. Climax!
The gaseous sphere
burst, spraying its contents throughout the room. Wind and light followed behind, along with
enough of a temperature spike to leave heat waves in the corners of the stage. To Lloyd’s shock, the display was more than
just a pretty show; the black and white that had dominated the audition room
gave way to an array of blue hues. The
ocean itself filled in all the formerly blank gaps -- cyan and cerulean, teal
and turquoise, and even sapphires glimmered below its surface. No matter where he looked, he spotted crests
and undulations, and the pale twinkle of sunlight on the sea.
You’ve done it, Miss Walters, Lloyd thought with a smile. He nodded in approval as the woman of the
hour stood onstage, standing tall and radiant; for a moment, he feared that the
watery surfaces might scald his skin. I can feel your heat. Your heart beats like a mighty drum -- and
its resonation moves my own. With that, I see no more reason for me to stay
“A new star has been
born!” he declared.