I’m almost done with Kingdom Hearts 1…again.
I would be finishing it
up right about now if I hadn’t quit early to watch How I Met Your Mother -- which, to my surprise, wouldn’t even be on
this week in exchange for everything else on CBS Mondays. Blast.
Such a miserable fate…but oh well.
Here I am, writing a bit on that whole retrospective thing. Kinda weird, since I know by the time I finish
this segment I WILL have re-finished the game (and it probably won’t be
primetime Monday anymore), but that’s how it goes.
I’m on the last level
-- the last savepoint before facing off with the baddie with a darkness fetish,
Ansem. Once I walk through it, I’ll be
facing off with him and all the power at his command. Will I survive the Expert playthrough? Will Donald and Goofy use up all my items? Will my X button survive another round of
In order, probably,
definitely, and only if I forget how to properly apply pressure to my
controller. Anyway, let’s get on with
the retrospective. Ready, set, dive.
Part 2: Worlds
You know, I’m starting
to wonder if “worlds” is the right word to describe the KH locales. When you hear
that word, you think huge, expansive areas.
Lots of sights to see and explore; a living, breathing ecosystem with at
least something in the way of interactivity.
That’s a lot to expect
from a game made not too long after people started getting boybands out of
their system. It’d be almost cruel to
examine KH1 in comparison to, say, Xenoblade Chronicles or Skyrim; in light of those games, KH1 is an utter failure. Compared to games from its era (and those
just a year or two before it), it fares much better. For example, Final Fantasy X. A lot of
people put that game on blast for being too linear, forgoing a world map, and
shuffling you from one less-than-grandiose area to the next. Fair points, but I’d argue it doesn’t
matter. Like I’ve said before, FFX is linear, but you’d be hard-pressed
to deny that it wasn’t a living, breathing world with a unique character and
plenty of variation.
KH1 is on the same wavelength, give or take. Sometimes the locales look and/or feel
massive in scope, and other times feel rather small. It’s not always about how big the areas are,
but what’s in them. FFX had you go to a city under siege, then a semi-submerged ruin,
then undersea wreckage, and a coastal hamlet in the first couple of hours (and
before you were done you’d be transported from the requisite ice world to the
requisite desert world because…because). With KH1,
at least there’s some justification -- these are literally different dimensions
you’re heading to, and what applies in one area -- like trippy houses that make
you violate the Square/Cube Law -- don’t carry over to another -- like the
mermaid king’s front lawn. It’s like
making a dinner. You could take one
route and load up a plate with lots of spaghetti -- one big experience with
lots of little flourishes that make it tasty on top of the main course. Or you could take another route (the
“Thanksgiving at Voltech’s grandma’s house” option) and Pack your plate to
capacity with a number of sides. Different, but viable options that try to
answer the question “How do you fill up a hungry, hungry gamer?”
And as an ancillary
question, can KH1, with its Thanksgiving
Bonanza Style, hold up without making gamers spew all over the place
twenty-nine times in a row? Let’s have a
look at these worlds, one by one, and see how they hold up.
Except Hundred Acre
Wood. Since it’s not part of the game’s
story, it doesn’t seem right to judge it in accordance with the rest of the
levels. Also, I hate that place and
everyone in it, just as I did as a child.
World 0: “Dive into the Heart”
Technically this isn’t
a full world, but I want to include it anyway because it’s the first area we
explore. It’s here that we hear the
series’ famous “Dive into the Heart” track for the first time -- and I can see why they’d continue to use it. The area here lends itself to darkness and
mystery -- confusion that both Sora and the player are no doubt feeling. Moreover, outside of the music playing and
cursory sound effects, we don’t get to hear Sora (or his host) speak. That silence and coldness only hammers home
the ominous nature of the area.
As for the visuals
themselves, we get lots of stained glass -- much of it depicting
(foreshadowing) the Princesses of Heart that become much more important later
on. While the area’s nothing too complex
-- just a few platforms you traverse through the tutorial level -- there are
still some good moments. The oppressive
darkness that surrounds you. The
stretching staircases that lead you deeper into this suffocating world. Your first, and ultimately futile encounter
with the Darkside Heartless. Sora
getting absorbed by shadows, and the fear in his eyes as he realizes his
adventuring days are over before they’ve even started. It’s a strong start to the game, and one that
I think has withstood the test of time.
World Ranking: 5
Shadows out of 5.
The Best Part:
Seriously, did you listen to that song?
The Worst Part: Are you
seriously asking me to screw with boxes and barrels? Yeah, this is gonna be a real magical
World 1: Destiny Islands
If the point of the
tutorial level is to emphasize the idea that “it’s gonna hit the fan,” then the
point of Destiny Islands is to emphasize the idea that “you’re a kid on an
island, so go nuts before it gets wrecked as 84% of all starting JRPG areas
Destiny Islands is
probably one of my favorite areas in the game.
It just so effortlessly captures that vibe of a children’s paradise, at
least in the area you explore in-game.
The sun, the sand, the splashing waves, the balconies, obstacle course,
palm trees and coconuts and springs…to be honest, it made me wonder just why
the hell Sora, Riku and Kairi were so eager to bail on their raft. Come to think of it, just where were they
going to go? Other islands, maybe? And what about their parents? Does Sora just not give a shit about
abandoning his mom for potentially life-threatening high-seas adventure? That always bugged me…
But I digress. What’s important is that Destiny Islands is
incredibly pleasing to the eye, as well as vital in establishing the tone and
themes of the game. Friendship! Courage!
Exploring new worlds with wide-eyed, youthful optimism! Putting Riku in his place! Abandoning old worlds so you can go gaga over
the next area, only to repeat the process ten more times! An- wait…
World Ranking: 4
Seagull Children Killed Before Birth out of 5.
The Best Part: Stunning
Wakka by hitting his own blitzball back at him.
The Worst Part: Are we
ever going to see Sora’s mom, or any of the other parts of Destiny Island? What kind of society do they have there? I know they have one thanks to KH2, so why
can’t we see even a glimpse of it? Also,
cheap-ass Riku and that reversal ukemi that kills you almost instantly.
World 2: Traverse Town
Anyway, Traverse
Town. It’s the first new world you
visit, and keeping in line with the theme of “Let’s kick Sora’s emotional shit
in,” he’s left alone against hordes of Heartless. It keeps the humble veneer of the first RPG
town, but with several twists; the safety you’d expect only lasts up to the
doorways to the First District. And even
then that’s a stretch, because there’s the nasty business of the town’s
inhabitants being similarly-exiled from their home worlds. Step outside the town’s hub, and you’re
bombarded by Heartless from one end of the district to another. It certainly doesn’t help that Squall’s
around to shoot your teeth in, and you’re still as alone as you were when
Destiny Islands was destroyed.
It’s easy to write off
Traverse Town as being just three districts, but there’s still a bit more to it
than that. There’s a hotel with several
rooms, a back alley, a waterway, Merlin’s crib, a gizmo shop, and the Dalmatians’
house. Pretty snazzy…and then you
realize that the Third District is pretty much just a boss arena. Even if that area’s pretty much a wash, Traverse
Town’s First Distrct has a very warm, Disney-esque feel to it; the Second
District is fairly successful in marrying the old-timey nature of Disney with
modern design. So all in all, a likable
hub. Good thing, too; you’ll be going
back there a few times.
World Ranking: 3
Inexplicable Resurrections of Aerith out of 5.
The Best Part: Finally
putting Donald and Goofy in your party -- the signal that the real adventure’s
about to begin.
The Worst Part: Having
to go through every area to get Donald and Goofy, going through a certain order
and having to go back to trigger the Leon cutscene…seriously, that sequence
stalls me for like two hours every time.
World 3: Wonderland
The first world you
visit with your new wreckin’ crew.
Wonderland captures the spirit of the movie fairly well, as it should;
the infamous falling scene, the Queen’s courtyard, the forest, the Mad Hatter’s
house, they’re all there. There’s also a
house for some reason, but that’s where things get really interesting; it’s the
level’s central hub, but in a different way than Traverse Town. You’ll find out that items that just seemed
like decoration at first are actually the keys to saving Alice from
imprisonment and beheading. The multiple
points of entry lead to the room getting flipped around, like the Death Egg
Zone from Sonic and Knuckles, and how
you’d flip gravity around. But you don’t
just go on the ceiling; the other walls are fair game, to say nothing of the
fact that you see the room while big and small.
It’s a way for the developers to get some real mileage out of their
assets -- it’s one area, but it has multiple viewpoints and multiple areas to
cover as a result.
Though, again, this
does bring up a question I’ve always had.
If Sora, Donald, and Goofy are (presumably) normal-sized when they enter
Wonderland, does that mean they spend almost the whole level, from the courtyard
entry to bashing the Trickmaster Heartless, as micro-sized versions of
themselves? You’d think that Sora could
just take the potion and go back to normal size to crush the boss, or even the
Queen (a complaint I leveraged against the recent Alice in Wonderland movie), but does that mean that the gang
remained small throughout the rest of the game?
They left without drinking the potion -- and it WOULD explain why he
barely comes up to the hip of other characters...
World Ranking: 4
Sentient Card Soldiers Who Hopefully Don’t Feel Pain out of 5.
The Best Part: Using
the terrain to jump up and smack the Trickmaster’s head. Or, alternatively, resisting the urge to yell
“Objection!” when you’re standing before the Queen.
The Worst Part: Knowing
that if you’re luck’s particularly crappy, that evidence you collected won’t
mean anything.
World 4: Olympus Coliseum
What can I say about
Olympus Coliseum?
Well, there are three
areas to it. One is a big box with an
entrance and exit. Another is a small
room where you can talk to the satyr Phil and enter tournaments. There’s also an arena, surrounded
by…completely empty stands.
Can I get a mulligan?
World Ranking: 2
Show-Stealing Scenes with James Woods out of 5.
The Best Part: The
swell of the world’s theme when you win a match, and seeing Goofy do one of his
victory dances. Wonder where they came
up with that…?
The Worst Part: The
“return” of Cloud -- an appearance that beckoned dark days for the future of Final Fantasy VII.
World 5: Deep Jungle
The Deep Jungle…boy,
you’re in Tarzan’s house now!
This level has some
really strong moments and some really weak ones. On one hand, you can explore some caves
behind a waterfall, meet gorillas, and you get to fight a damn leopard. On the other, you go through a particularly
unimpressive tree-surfing segment (multiple times!), have to navigate through
some jungle vines, and search a camp for some unremarkable items. Because it’s not Disney magic without a
mostly-pointless scavenger hunt.
On the plus side, the
level itself is pretty expansive. Lots
of varied areas, from Tarzan’s treehouse to a hippo lagoon to a bamboo
forest…it’s a surprisingly large area, all in all. It’s got color and intricacies; its verdant
nature conveys life, but the solitude and isolation from other talking
characters (even from Donald and Goofy for a bit) emphasizes the natural
inhospitality of the world. Also, monkey
World Ranking: 4 Feet
that Jane Apparently Has on Sora out of 5.
The Best Part: Seeing
the Keyhole for the Deep Jungle, appearing amidst a storm of swirling, glowing
butterflies. Several steps above being
the mouth of a talking door.
The Worst Part: Why the hell didn’t Tarzan do the scream?
World 6: Agrabah
Confession time: Aladdin is probably one of my favorite
movies in the Disney Animated Canon. Not
THE favorite (that honor goes to The
Great Mouse Detective), but I have some pretty fond memories of it. So were my expectations met when I entered
the world? Well…yeah, eventually.
The “Agrabah” part of
Agrabah is a little more underwhelming than I’d prefer. On the plus side, it has a vertical element
to it that I thought was cool; being able to traverse the rooftops and fight
Heartless pots up there has to be a pretty marked highlight. On the minus side, the areas are unusually
cramped and few in number; I know building up instead of building out is an
architectural thing, but come on. Can’t
you give me a little bit more to work with?
Once you head out of
the city, though, the party starts getting crazy. For one thing, you actually FIGHT the Cave of
Wonders’ entrance -- which, need I remind you, is a giant tiger head. Then you go into it and have to navigate a
sprawling labyrinth, full of traps, deep chasms, rolling boulders, and of
course gold. (Bonus points for sending
Abu to touch “anything but the lamp” to trigger events.) And it all comes to a head when you fight
against Jafar -- first in his spindly warlock form, and again in his pumped-up
genie form while surrounded by lava while he throws hundreds of tons of molten
rock at you.
Aladdin. It’s more metal
than you think.
Rating: 4 Squawking
Gilbert Gottfrieds out of 5.
The Best Part: Stealing
from Aladdin’s house. Don’t give me that
look; it’s an RPG, you’re supposed to raid the houses of strangers.
The Worst Part: The
magic carpet ride to escape the cave. It
seems to help solidify the trend of “half-baked ideas” running through the
game; I appreciate the variety, but if you’re going to dabble in creating a Star Fox clone at least make it so I can
steer properly.
“World” 7: Monstro
Oh, hell.
Everything starts out
promisingly. It’s Pinocchio! And Gepetto!
Even Cleo! And a ship graveyard
inside Monstro’s mouth! And hey, Riku’s
back! Oh yeah, time for some serious
plot development!
And then you start the
level, and…what the shit? Why do his
insides look like smashed-together crayons, jellybeans, and vomit? Why do all these areas look exactly the same
outside of a few ledges? Why do I have
to go to Chamber 5 to go to Chamber 2, then back to Chamber 3 to go to Chamber
6, but not that exit or it leads back to Chamber 1, and when you get back to
Chamber 4 you get knocked off the ledge and have to start over? Also, why are they called Chambers? They might as well have used “Generic Enemy
Arena B” or “unfinished_area04.gtg.”
Last I checked, the
goal of the game was to have players whisked away to a dream world of
magic. Apparently, the idea for invoking
memories of Pinocchio involved taking players to places to areas that not only
have nothing to do with the movie they’re based on, but would sooner appear in
the fever dreams of Gary Busey than any part of the Disney canon.
World Ranking: 1
Distinct Lack of Italy out of 5.
The Best Part: Firmly
planting Riku in “from now on, we’re enemies” territory. Alternatively, finishing the level.
The Worst Part: Getting
confused as to just how Monstro’s anatomy works. Do whales work that way, or are things just
different in Japan?
World 8: Atlantica
Let’s be real here: Kingdom Hearts 1’s camera is 1.35
gigabytes of shit. It’s zoomed way too close on Sora, meaning
that you can only see so much of the battlefield at any given point. Kind of a problem when there can be a dozen
enemies on the screen with unique attack patterns. When you rotate the camera, it does so at a
sluggish pace; it clings to walls; if you’re locked on to any enemy that moves
at a fast pace, you’re going to have to deal with a camera that struggles to
keep up, and gets shakier than action scenes in The Hunger Games.
You would think that
Squaresoft would do its best to avoid putting any more stress on an already
finicky camera -- that it would decide not to put you in a situation where
you’d have to examine not just one finite plane of exploration, but an infinite
number of others via a full 3D range of motion.
You’d think wrong. I know I shouldn’t, but -- again -- I’d like
to blame Nomura for this.
Atlantica is
problematic. Not just because of the
camera, or the reduced pace in which you move through the water. No, it actually makes the gameplay aspect
suffer; because you have no legs, you can’t jump or dodge roll. You can’t guard, either. Your special attacks, like Strike Raid and
Sonic Blade, are forbidden. In exchange,
you get the ability to ascend and descend through the water very slowly -- oh,
and a boost that you’ll make use of exactly one time. Riveting.
Even though it’s a slog
getting through this area, at least it looks great. With the full range of motion, you feel as if
this world is the largest one you’ve visited yet; you go up and down to
explore, and bash clams open to get items.
The area may be overwhelmingly blue (in the same sense that modern games
are overwhelmingly brown), but there are still colorful flourishes abound, and
plenty of variety. There’s a sunken ship
to investigate, Ariel’s grotto full of lost goodies, and the shot leading up to
Triton’s palace is a pretty impressive image.
I also like how Ursula’s lair is decidedly more menacing -- proof that
you should never trust fat purple octopus women.
So what else can I
say? As Bob from ReBoot would put it, “It’s nice to visit, but I sure wouldn’t want
to live there.” And then he’d go brush
his silver 3D dreadlocks or...whatever computer people do all day.
World Ranking: 3
Instances of Scurvy out of 5.
The Best Part: Finding
the Search Ghost Heartless underwater. A
copypasta job from Monstro’s world? At
face value, yes…until you realize the implication that they’re standing in for
the abandoned, long-submerged corpses of innocent sailors. (The same applies for them appearing in
Monstro’s belly, but I’d like to pretend that place doesn’t exist. Because it sucks.)
The Worst Part: Again,
fighting with a gimped skill set.
Foreshadowing for Square-Enix’s distaste for good combat in place of
billion-dollar cutscenes? You be the
World 9: Halloween Town
Now, I’ll admit that I
don’t have very fond memories of The
Nightmare Before Christmas. I never
saw it as a child, and I wouldn’t even see the movie -- and less than half of
it, at that -- until visiting a distant relative and watching TV until it was
time to leave. So I know about Jack
Skellington and Sally, and that…weird…tentacle thing in the ground, but not
much else. I barely even knew who Oogie
Boogie was until KH1 came out. So you’ll forgive me if certain images are
lost on me.
That said, this level
is damn awesome. Creepy and kooky,
mysterious and spooky, it has a twisted layout and warped architecture. Fog permeates the area, and there are plenty
of ludicrous locales like the doctor’s lab and the graveyard -- all of which
have an undeniable charm to them. The
characters (and the Heartless, too) all have a delightfully macabre air about
them. Oogie’s manor is surprisingly
expansive, and marries the abstract machinations of a blind construction agency
with the doodles in Tim Burton’s high school notebook -- at least, the ones
between pictures of unicorns and breasts.
It’s a world that reaches
its horizontal and vertical limits. It’s
visually appealing, with lots of surprises.
You get a spiffy costume -- one that successfully makes Donald Duck look threatening.
Greatest world of all
worlds? It just might be.
World Ranking: 5 Bolted
Bodies out of 5.
The Best Part: Oogie’s
boss arena. It’s a torture machine/board
game. Somebody sell the rights to Hasbro
or Milton Bradley.
The Worst Part: Falling
off the manor after the long climb. On the other hand, you get to spend more
time in Halloween Town, so…yeah, not much of a weakness.
World 10: Neverland
I feel like calling
this place “Neverland” is a bit of a misnomer.
Yeah, you’re in (around? Next to?) Neverland, but you spend so much time
in Hook’s pirate ship that you hardly see any of it. Even the world’s Keyhole isn’t on the
mainland; you head to London and lock up one of Big Ben’s faces. Which, I admit, is a pretty cool event. Though does that mean that for a brief
instant, Sora visited the real world, or at least some facsimile of it?
But I digress. As for the world itself, there’s actually not
much to say about it. It’s on a pirate
ship, so you see pirate-y stuff. Masts,
cabins, lots of…wood. Oh, and boxes and
barrels. You do get to slug it out on
the main deck with Hook and some Heartless, but the area surrounding you is
less than impressive in terms of visuals.
Fortunately, there are enough story developments here to keep you from
thinking about how the area looks for TOO long.
Also, late in the world
(as in just before the final battle) you earn the ability to fly at your leisure. Mechanically, the controls and idea remain
similar to Atlantica -- hold circle to ascend, square to descend, and you can
fly about as high up or far out as you deem necessary. What makes it different, however, is that A)
the flying is almost entirely optional, B) since you can land on the ground at
any time, meaning your skills AREN’T useless, and C)being able to fly gives you
a slight tactical advantage. Take to the
air, and you can bash flying enemies that give you so much trouble on the
ground. Or better yet, use it to avoid
Hook’s storm of attacks. Theoretically,
you can trick him into falling into the water, jumping up, and then knocking
him back into the water in an endless loop until he’s dead -- but since I was
busy flying away for my life, I didn’t get the chance to try it out.
So bottom line: not the
best level, but nothing too offensive.
Kind of weird about that whole flying thing so late; did the developers
just figure that the inside areas were too small to fly in? Whatever the case, it’s a marked improvement
over Atlantica; it’s like that level was just practice, and this level was
ironing out the concept. It makes me
wonder why BOTH levels couldn’t work, but I suppose that’s just how it goes…at
least, if you have less foresight than Miss Cleo with a head injury.
World Ranking: 3
Swaggering Shadow Soras out of 5.
The Best Part: Again,
Big Ben. You just get to fly around for
a while, taking in the sights and chilling to some cheery music.
The Worst Part:
Seriously, where’s the rest of Neverland?
World 11: Hollow Bastion
Hollow Bastion. Playtime’s over.
Ignoring the fact that
there are some hefty plot twists and reveals (and FIVE boss battles), Hollow
Bastion is just an all-around fantastic world.
It’s a massive, oppressive world, with no shortage of scale provided by
the view of the castle from the front gates.
You navigate around its outsides from a series of lifts and elevators,
observing the Heartless’ stronghold with an oppressive tune hovering about
you You’ll visit sprawling waterways,
stretching libraries, and spectral halls that threaten to suck the life out of
you. It combines the mystic décor you’d
expect from Maleficent or a slew of Disney productions with a mechanical
aesthetic that threatens to scald you if you so much as look at it. So basically, it’s a great place to spend an
And if that wasn’t
enough for you, the idea of loneliness, isolation, and “you’re boned, little
boy” gets hammered in when you spend most of the level separated from Donald
and Goofy. On the minus side, you’re
left completely alone and stripped of nearly all your combat prowess. On the plus side, you get to travel with the goddamned Beast.
World Ranking: 5
Behemoth Stomps out of 5.
The Best Part:
Seriously, that shot of the castle before you enter. If you ever play the game, just go stand in
front of the entrance, hit Select to go into first-person mode, stare at it for
a while, and just try not thinking “That’s
it. The universe is doomed.”
The Worst Part: Those
damn flying enemies attacking you in the castle’s exterior. If you get too willy-nilly, you might end up
falling off and having to slog back to that point…only to have the enemies you
dispatched respawn.
World 12: End of the World
Damn. Just…damn.
Guess they were saving the best for last, huh?
First, you emerge from
a cave and stare down a swirling nexus of energy in the distance.(Side note: can you imagine the terror Sora must have felt, staring into that gaping abyss for the first time?) But before you can make it there, you have to
prove yourself -- namely, by fighting some of the toughest Heartless the game
has to offer. Then if you make it that
far, you have to push back against Behemoths and navigate a series of portals
-- many of which warp you to arenas from past levels (symbolizing the Heartless’
mindless spread throughout the universe, I’d argue). Then while exploring the Hollow Bastion
remake, you come across a mysterious room that wasn’t there before, detailing
parts of Ansem’s ultimate goal. Then you
fight on and go up against FUCKING CHERNABOG.
Then you head into a series of sprawling subterranean caves with
crystals and lights and glowy bits. And
THEN you fight your way down to a green-floored arena, where you test your skills
against an onslaught of Heartless, doing your best to hold out until the door
unlocks. And THEN you get to see a
shattered version of Destiny Islands.
The visuals, the scope,
the fact that you don’t have to hold a button up or down to navigate it…they’re
all airtight, even after all these years.
Moreover, it’s a smorgasbord of subtleties ad implications. This is the final world; Sora’s journey is
about to come to an end. More
importantly, it’s the dark side to his desire to explore; his childlike wish
comes with responsibilities and duties he has to carry out. He has to be willing to venture into the
darkness, much like Riku was, but succeed where his rival failed. There’s a majesty to it that sucks you in,
but at the same time makes you wish to leave immediately, and return to the
safety -- the familiarity, and the light -- of your home.
It’s just an all-around
amazing area, and the perfect climax to Sora’s adventure.
World Ranking: 5
Screams of “DARKNESS!” out of 5.
The Best Part: That the
“Dive into the Heart” theme is used -- a symbol of how far Sora’s come, and how
much work still lies ahead.
The Worst Part: That it
If you crunch the
numbers, then by my measure KH1’s
levels only score a paltry 73% -- a C minus score, at best. Given that, you’d think that I’d say that all
in all, the worlds that are supposed to be magical are overall harmless at
best, or worse than the original sin at worst.
And yet, I can’t bring
myself to say that.
Yes, the worlds have
their fair share of low points, but what did you expect? The franchise was new, the technology hadn’t
been fully cracked yet, and I’d argue that this was just a “testing ground” of
sorts. If (when) Squaresoft made a
sequel, they could use what they learned about KH1 -- through player feedback and their own development trials and
experiences -- to make the next product even better. Learning from mistakes, as it were. Considering that Atlantica in KH1 would be replaced by…that in KH2 (which I’ll get to eventually), I’d say they at least tried.
But I wonder, just as I
did earlier. Do the places you visit in KH1 deserve to be called worlds? In terms of base definitions, yes. But considering the average, overall scope --
considering places like Neverland and
Monstro -- they’re less of worlds in the traditional RPG sense and more along
the lines of a stage in a platformer.
Challenges to overcome, and promptly forget about later on when you’re making
your next perilous jump. It certainly
doesn’t help that KH1’s average
playthrough time is about 30 hours -- anywhere from ten to twenty hours less
than JRPGs that came out as much as five years prior.
That said, it doesn’t
feel right to shortchange the levels so quickly. They’re sometimes not as big as one would
hope, but they deliver the spectacle and wonder inherent in a lot of
RPGs. It’s enough to make you stop and
look at the scenery, rather than plow on to the next cutscene. In the same sense that Sora’s on
a mission to find his pals and explore the universe, so are you. Are there annoyances? Yes.
Oh lordy yes. But do you also get
to tag along with Sora, Donald, and Goofy as the phantom fourth member of the
group? Absolutely. Are there ideas that aren’t even
one-eighth-baked? Yes. Are there times where you thank Squaresoft
for the chance to explore these worlds?
Sure are.
All in all, the worlds
come out positively in my book. They’re
not perfect, but they serve their purpose well.
And with that, another
installment in the Kingdom Hearts Retrospective comes to a close. Tune in next time when we get to the heart (herp
derp) of the game: the game itself. Hope
your X buttons are al oiled up, folks.