Never thought I’d see the day.
It kind of makes sense, though. If you blur your eyes a little, then coat them with Vaseline, put on a blindfold made of thumb tacks, and dip your head in a vat of jalapeno pepper juice, then you could maybe mistake Devil May Cry V for Kingdom Hearts III. Or, if that’s a bridge too far, then just remember that these two, long-awaited, high-profile releases came out in a relatively narrow window of time. And on top of that? Pared down to the ABSOLUTE basics, they have the same genre of gameplay.
True, DMCV isn’t an action RPG. KHIII isn’t a character action game. But on the lowest fundamental level, there’s some overlap. The former does have its share of character customization and leveling up, after all. The latter does pit you against hordes of dark forces with a slew of crazy abilities at your disposal. But before you come at me, let me elaborate: the devil’s in the details. Even though both games have different objectives and roadmaps to follow, the craft behind one puts it roughly 1.3 billion steps ahead the craft (and existence) of the other.
So pardon me, KHIII fans, but I’m going to have to use Squeenix’s latest as a whipping boy to prove my point conclusively. And get one step closer to talking about KHIII’s story, because HOOOOOOOOO-LEEEEEEE SHIT.
Savior! Bloodstained! Hellfire! Shadow!
SPOILERS on a landslide!
Savior! Bloodstained! Hellfire! Shadow!
SPOILERS on a landslide! (For real, though.)