If there’s one thing I've learned from my brother, it’s how to beat a dead horse so much that it
starts trailing me as a pus-spewing, shambling skeleton of an undead
equestrian. So while people (I hope) are
starting to move away from their anger at Mass Effect, I want to keep talking
about it for a little while longer. Bear
with me here, I haven’t beaten it yet.
I guess I have no one
to blame but myself. I peck away at it
every now and then when my brother isn’t using the Xbox (and when I can tear
myself away from Devil Survivor 2),
but I’ve been spending a lot of time in a sort of black hole within the
Citadel. I headed there after I got a
message from Ashley, thinking to myself “Oh, I got a message from Thane, too. Guess I’ll check on him while I’m
there.” I met with both of them, but
ended up having some lengthy conversations with Bailey and Joker and EDI in her
improbably sexual android body. And
before I know it, I’ve triggered a sidequest with a guy looking for his MIA
son. And then I’m working with a
Salarian soldier, trying to uncover some shady dealings. And then, I’m trying to recruit the
mercenary groups for the war effort -- a motion which involves me running all
over the place, acting as a negotiator and mediator between parties, getting
weapons from the black market for a C-Sec officer, and heading to another damn
galaxy just to get an artifact for a dealer.
And then when I finally -- FINALLY -- get back to my ship, a
conversation with Traynor reveals that there’s a military academy under
attack. Maybe Bioware figured that
nobody would even reach the ending; in my experience, I can’t complete one
mission without eight more cropping up.
But that little
experience in the Citadel got me thinking.
I had to have spent more than an hour going from one corner of the place
to another, running errands like a fusion between an unloved Dickensian orphan
and the average intern. I was supposed
to be saving the galaxy; I was supposed to be throwing myself into firefights
and ducking behind walls before sniping Husks and Cerberus operatives between
the eyes (at least I would be if I could aim).
And yet, I hardly missed the shooty-shooty-bang-bang aspects of the
game. I had just as much fun, if not
more, walking around and talking to people.
Groovin’ in Purgatory and chatting it up with James. Overhearing stories at the gift shop and talk
of a Turian’s daughters taking dance lessons.
Telling people in distress that
they could support the war effort besides shooting at robo-zombies; they could
lend a hand in kitchens or medical bays.
It’s thanks to moments
like that where I asked myself a question: why do so many games need fighting
to establish themselves?
Now I know what you’re
thinking -- isn’t it a little hypocritical for someone who wrote over-the-top
poetry about fighting games to be asking about fighting in games? Yeah,
probably. But hear me out. If Mass
Effect didn’t have those action-based segments, would you really be missing
out on that much? You’d lose your
frontline Shepard, of course, but think about how much time you spend fighting
in relation to talking, exploring, settling disputes, preparing for battle, and
more. I might be a little biased, being
one of the few people who enjoy the planet-scanning, but I see the gunplay as a
minigame than the actual game.
It’d be problematic to
just remove the gunplay entirely from Mass
Effect -- not without some serious redistribution and restructuring. But I don’t think it’d be impossible;
Bioware’s a competent company, and whatever they remove they can replace with
something as viable and entertaining.
These are the guys that made Blasto:
Partners in Crime. There is no room
for dissent.
Regardless, the concept
makes me wonder about the place of combat.
On one hand, you can’t have a LOT of games without combat. Fighting games thrive on them, of
course. Some of Zelda’s greatest moments are in its boss battles. Call of
Duty’s toast without its ironsight action.
Final Fantasy XIII would just
be running down tubes and triggering cutscenes (which is probably some
yet-undiscovered level of Hell). From a
writing perspective, conflict can be internal or external; video games
typically opt for the latter to engage the players. And while opinions may differ, I’d say
they’re better at the latter than the former.
On the other hand,
there are a lot of games out there that don’t require fightin’ and/or
shootin’. The Ace Attorney games rely on
verbal battles to entertain, and they’re quite good at it. 999
delivered action through puzzles, dialogue, and that unpleasant “oh my god
we’re trapped in a Saw movie”
business. Katawa Shoujo is making the rounds across the internet as a
glorious experience in spite of its unusual premise. Harvest
Moon has been kicking around for years -- and likewise, there’s news of a
new SimCity coming out in the near
future. Adventure games of the past and
present have delighted us gaming gourmets for years. Games like that, I think, offer at least one
of three things: a meaty, entertaining story; content that compels and
distracts you from the fact that you’re doing something that sounds boring on
paper; a world that engrosses you, regardless of its particulars or faults.
Going back to Mass Effect, all three of those
qualifiers are met and exceeded. Its
entertaining story is a given. It’s got
content in spades, and while talking to people sounds boring in theory, in
practice it’s pretty intriguing at times.
And of course, the fact that wikis and fan sites and EU materials exist
should signal just how deep and affecting its world can be. Given that, does it really need gunplay? My
brother and I have discussed at length that its gunplay is -- at least
according to us non-shooter zealots -- nothing special. It’s functional and serviceable, and I LOVE
freezing people with Cryo Ammo, but when I think Mass Effect I don’t think about shooting aliens that disagree with
me. I think about all the myriad
conversations, and the sprawling worlds around me.
I can’t help but wonder
what things would be like if we had more of these “non-combative games.” Well, maybe not more of them, since there are already a lot. Maybe popular
is the word I’m looking for. I mean, can
you imagine what it would be like if the Ace
Attorney games got all the attention and resources Resident Evil did? Can you
imagine what it would be like if Ace
Attorney 5 was on consoles, with a budget equal to RE6’s, with all the hype therein?
Can you imagine what our gaming world would be like if a game’s merit
was based not on the violence within its action, but the factors surrounding
It’s a thought that’s
tantalizing, scary, and maybe even ruinous.
If Ace Attorney and games like
it were the norm, I think it’d only be a matter of time before they became
commonplace. Oversaturated. More prone to slip-ups and a decline in
quality. If a game that’s based on its
writing has bad writing, then it’s a bad game.
Likewise, I’d assume that it takes a lot of effort to do some good
world-building, and even more effort to translate that into an exploration-worthy
video game. So in a nutshell, games
without combat would have their share of problems too.
Still, I think it
presents some opportunities. Going back to Mass Effect (yeah, again), we all know you play as gun-toting
Commander (insert name here) Shepard. A
leader. A champion of the universe. A space marine, if there ever was one. But there are other jobs out there in the
universe that need tending to; we who’ve experienced the ME universe know that there are a lot of different jobs that have
to be done. Teachers, doctors,
politicians…running a universe is a lot of work. So my question -- and proof of a possible
concept -- is this: why do we have to play as a space marine? Why not play as a scientist, searching the
universe for an artifact or a new species or a cure for a disease?
Imagine this, for example. While Shepard is gallivanting around the
universe with his pals, you play as…oh, let’s call him “Sheeper” for now. He (or she, but I’ll use “he” for now) is a
researcher -- not the best or most famous in the universe, but extremely
talented. His story could offer any number of
alternatives to saving the universe with some dakka-dakka. He could search the universe for a scientific
breakthrough with a variable amount of importance to everyone’s safety; it
could be something on a personal level just as easily as it could be about
savin’ the universe. Just as Shepard
needs resources for a war effort, Sheeper could need money for an
expedition. He’d need a crew too, which
would preserve the conversation bits that Bioware loves so much. So with a few minor tweaks, something like
that would work.
But where would that
leave the gameplay? Sheeper would
probably still explore planets himself, but that wouldn’t mean he’d have to
start running and gunning. He’d look for
evidence and valuable items a la L.A.Noire
or the Ace Attorney games, scanning
and gathering data as you would in Metroid
Prime; as the evidence is collected, he’d have to put the pieces together
and prove he’s on the cusp of a breakthrough (and earn continued funding) from
his superiors, colleagues, and even rivals.
You’d be able to build a home base of sorts in the form of a laboratory
(think the factory construction from RogueGalaxy) and run some experiments…or have your lackeys do it for you,
assuming you have them. But just because
you’re a man -- or woman -- of science doesn’t mean you won’t be getting in
some hairy situations. Whereas with
Shepard you could gun down an opponent and move on with your business, Sheeper’s
got some work to do. You’d have to use
cunning and traps to escape danger, along with a few assists from the
environment. See a plant that reacts
strongly to stimuli? Trigger a reaction,
and it’ll spray irritant pollen all over your pursuers. Maybe there’s a control panel in the facility
you’ve spotted? Hack it remotely, and
suddenly you’ve got a distraction. If
you insist on having set-pieces, there could be moments where you have to run
from a mad beast, or a wall of rushing water, or find a way out of a facility
before it explodes…for some reason. Just
because you’re not fighting doesn’t mean that there’s no threat. More to the point, you’d gain an enhanced
perception of a threat -- and with it, an appreciation of the world you’re
That’s just what can be
done with Mass Effect. Would it be awesome, and better than its
current form? Who knows? What’s important is that it’s different, but
it’s possible. We don’t have to limit ourselves to the same
gaming tropes we’ve had for years. There
are alternatives. They could be amazing,
or they could be -- for lack of a better word -- shit. What’s important is being able to appreciate
games that embrace differentiation -- to be able to think of games as more than
just high-end combat simulators, but as something more. Something that’ll give our medium even more
But for what it’s
worth, I can’t say we’re doing poorly right now. We still get to blow stuff up at our
leisure. And for the time being, that’s…that’s
pretty cooooooooooool.