February 28, 2019

The Street Fighter V Salt Mine Report (feat. Falke) -- February 2019

So I got a Top 11 finish in Tetris 99, and I thought “I’m not gonna beat that one for a while.  Time to test my luck in Street Fighter V.”

Which, to be clear, is a thought I only had because I was still salty over getting hit with a Raging Demon last week and stewed over that loss for days on end.  So let’s hit it.

February 25, 2019

RE: Tetris 99

Am I seriously about to do a post on frigginTetris?  What timeline is this?  And why am I so okay with it, even if it means I may have potentially jettisoned my original timeline into the depths of oblivion?

Who cares?  It’s Tetris 99, y’all.

February 21, 2019

Time to Play the Game…Again.

Not that game.  God no.  Well, not now at least.

I guess it’s more of a metaphorical game than anything.  And by “metaphorical” I mean “this blog”.  That would probably help explain why things look a little…different around here all of a sudden.  Such as: a 14pt font!  Which is mostly a consequence of my word processor refusing to properly format with the Blogger dashboard and settings, but whatever.  Don’t worry about it.

February 7, 2019

Kingdom Hearts Voltimania: Kingdom Hearts III (Part B)

“I’m not saying [Kingdom Hearts III] is the game of the year.  But it’s inching toward that point.  Slowly.”
--Me, last week

“Okay, yeah, no, this is not the game of the year and never will be.”
--Me, this week

Welp.  Here we are again.  How about another wrestler theme for the books?