…Is the line I would use to start this post if I hadn’t done that twice already in the past. In all honesty, I have no problems believing that Gundam Build Divers exists, because it’s had two seasons to blaze a trail beforehand. Granted Divers is its own beast on that front; the beauty of it is that it’s (seemingly for now) a franchise reboot, so you don’t need to watch Build Fighters or BF Try in order to understand what’s going on. You should, because they’re friggin’ great IMO, but anyone who wants to jump on board now is free to do so. Failing that? Do yourself a favor and watch the 14-ish minute prologue to Divers. No seriously, do it.
In any case, the anime fandom has this thing called the three episode rule. That’s the grace period of sorts; any given show has three episodes to convince a viewer to keep watching, and/or justify its existence. If it can’t, then it’s off to the shadow realm. Given that, I think it’s time for me to take a hard look at Gundam Build Divers and see how it handles itself. Don’t take me as an authority, given that I have a MASSIVE bias going in, but this is the first time I’m watching episodes as they air, rather than reacting to archived videos months after the fact. I’m excited.
And what better to way to keep up that excitement than with a hype intro? Play ‘em in, boys!