Recent news has
revealed that, as of this post, Sony’s new kid on the block the
PS4 has surpassed seven million sales.
Seven million consoles are out there, not just on the shelves, but in
the hands of customers all around. That
is a lot of consoles -- given that roughly a month ago that number was at six
million, it’s likely that those numbers are going to rise at an incredible rate
yet again. After all, the prevalent
theory is that the recent surge is because of Infamous: Second Son.
But with that in mind,
I have to ask a question: what? Or if not that, then…why?
I’m not going to tell
anyone that they’re wrong for their opinions, or their purchases by
extension. But I hope you’ll forgive me
for being more than a little confused.
The PS4 does NOT have the library right now to justify its
purchase. It just doesn’t. Okay, sure, it’s got some solid indie games
out there, but those aren’t enough. The
selling point should be in the big releases -- and those have yet to cut
it. Knack
isn’t doing it. Killzone: Shadow Fall isn’t doing it. Battlefield
4, Assassin’s Creed 4, and Tomb
Raider: Definitive Edition aren’t doing it -- not to mention that they’re
multiplatform titles, and far from revolutionary in their own right. I can understand the “early adopter”
mentality, but right now the only reason why people might be running out to buy
the latest console is because of a barrage of commercials…some of which don’t
even show any gameplay. Or games.
So. If you want to know what I think of Second Son without suffering through
thousands of words, there you go. Things
aren’t exactly ideal.
I would have gone with the lyrics for “Ride the
Lightning”, but Palpatine beckoned.