Weird punctuation in the
title. This is gonna be a good post.
Anyway, have you heard
about that game J-Stars
Victory Vs.? I’m guessing that
if you’re reading this blog, you have a faint idea of what that is; for the
uninitiated, here’s a primer. Characters
from the much-adored/ballyhooed Shonen
Jump, a premiere Japanese comic collection, come together to fight it out
in 3D arenas via 3-on-3 tag battles. So
you can have famous heavy hitters like Goku, Naruto, and Luffy on one side
going up against new blood and/or old friends like Joseph Joestar, Medaka, and
Kenshin. I’m hoping that the game makes
it over to the U.S. -- and, you know, is good -- because with the semi-recent
announcement that MAH BOI Tsuna is in the game, my body is slowly but surely
becoming ready.
But you know who I
really want in the game? Ichiko from Binbougami Ga!. It makes perfect sense; people have
complained that there’s a dearth of female characters in the game, so she could
fill it easily. She’s got more than
enough inspiration for some special moves, so she could translate into the
combat space pretty easily. She’s got
MORE than enough personality, so her moves could either be ridiculously
over-the-top, or outright comedic (think Faust from Guilty Gear). Or if nothing
else, putting her in the game would certainly put a smile on my face.
Why? Probably because for one reason or another, I
really friggin’ like her anime of origin.
And by extension, probably because I think she’s one of the best Jump characters to pop up in a while -- because there's a lot any given writer can learn from her.
Here’s the setup. Ichiko Sakura has it all: beauty, brains,
athleticism, popularity, all that and more.
And it’s given her a head the size of Jupiter; brash, cocky, and
selfish, she spends her days being fawned over by boys, hated by girls, and
just loving being her (which is to
say, a bitch). But all that changes one
day when she finds a misfortune god hanging in front of her -- as in literally hanging, by a noose. Said god is the slovenly Momiji, who’s come
with a mission in mind. See, the reason
for everything good that’s happened in Ichiko’s life is her absurd amount of
fortune energy; she’s creating an imbalance in the world at large, sapping the
good fortune of everyone around her just so she can profit. Momiji wants to steal that energy and restore
balance to The Force the world’s fortune energy, but doing so would ensure
Ichiko’s life turns to crap. Naturally,
Ichiko ain’t havin’ that -- and so ensues what could easily be called a series
of Looney Tunes shorts with about
three times more breast jokes.
I should probably back
up and give a bit of context. If you’ve
been reading the stuff on this site for long, you may remember that I ended up
naming Devil Survivor 2: The Animation as
easily the worst anime I’d seen in 2013.
That still holds true, with one extra qualifier: DeSu2A is probably the worst anime I’ve ever seen, period. Granted that’s because of some slim pickings
these days, as I’m notoriously bad at finishing anime despite easy avenues like
Crunchyroll and Funimation’s website. So
if DeSu2A is the worst anime I’ve
ever seen -- or if not that, then at least the worst I remember seeing -- then
what do I consider the best I’ve seen semi-recently?
Well, that honor would
have to go to Attack on Titan. EASILY.
But that's a topic for another day. Besides, Binbougami Ga! is pretty good, too.
I’ve had this
discussion with my brother in the past, but he’s of the opinion that anime
isn’t funny. Far be it from me to agree
with a guy who thinks that an anime without screaming angry dudes or an excess
of punching is worth anything, but just this once I have to agree. Not completely, because there are times when
an anime or manga has made me laugh.
(And just looking at clips of the Persona
4 anime -- dubbed or not -- has shown that they can indeed be funny.) But in the grand scheme of things, there’s
never been anything that made me fall out of my chair, or nearly choke myself
in the way that other things have. Maybe
it’s just a cultural thing, even though I’m wary of playing that card. Maybe they’re just not to my tastes.
That’s not a concern
with this anime. I won’t say that every
joke is perfect, or that even the best jokes will have you laughing out loud,
but I will say this: this is an anime that deserves its comedy tag. It’s legitimately entertaining for all the
right reasons -- the nexus of them being that it has a nice little toolset
built for itself, and goes about using them.
Want over-the-top characters? How
about a god that turns into a Chihuahua when he gets to indulge in his S&M
fantasies, or a banchou-style karate girl who gets explosive nosebleeds after awakening to the male persuasion? Want extreme situations? How about Ichiko summoning cute versions of
the 12 Eastern Zodiac animals to do battle, or a tennis match where Momiji does
her best Luffy impression? Not to
mention this is a thing that happens:
There’s a lot to like
about Binbougami Ga! (or Good Luck Girl, if you prefer…even
though I think the English title is a significant step down). The characters are all distinct, and
exploding with color in terms of both their design and their
personalities. The whole series comes to
life thanks to the dialogue and interplay between these OTT personas, as it
should. Dubbed or subbed, the delivery
of these lines is destined to put a smile on your face. It really does play like Japanese Looney Tunes, if only because the
rivalry/friendship between Ichiko and Momiji is freakishly reminiscent of Bugs
and Daffy’s clashes. There’s slapstick,
there’s randomness, there’s banter, there’s sight gags aplenty…you know
what? Honestly, this is the show that Family Guy wishes it was.
I’m serious. I don’t want to invoke (or dwell upon) the
specter of a show that’s dead to me, but BG
has the advantage in more ways than one.
It starts with the characters, as it should, but it’s structurally
sound. That is, in spite of the madcap
action that’s bound to occur from one episode to the next -- pr even one scene
to the next -- the thing that supports BG
is an underlying understanding of how to build upon itself and its
ideas. A layered approach. Simply put?
It has FOCUS. Whether it’s from
episode-to-episode, scene-to-scene, or just the show in general, there’s a road
map the writers are more than willing to follow. Granted that’s because the anime could cheat
and follow the manga’s plan, but that only retroactively proves how airtight
the manga is. Not to mention that the
art is there in its purest form -- seriously, go run a Google search and see
what you find. I’ll wait.
…Did you see Ichiko’s
face when she found that poop? That’s hilarious!
But back on topic. I’ll admit that there’s more than one way to
do comedy, and I’ll accept that you don’t necessarily have to have ironclad
“focus” in order to make something funny.
I think it certainly helps, though; it’s possible that people will
probably remember and derive their entertainment from single gags instead, but
without something cohesive to form around, the jokes are ultimately
unsustainable. Imagine corn on the cob;
those individual kernels might taste good on their own, but without something
to stick to, they just make a mess, get all over the place, and violate the
three-second rule.
More importantly, if
you can digest those kernels in big chunks, then you can enjoy them as a
cohesive unit -- a bigger flavor, as opposed to a tiny taste here and
there. With that food analogy in mind
(thereby establishing my mastery of the craft), it’s important to note that BG actually has an overarching
plot. It’s a shortened version, given
that the anime in its current form only has 13 episodes and the manga’s got 15 volumes, but it still manages to squeeze
in a character arc for Ichiko and the people around her. And in terms of the actual story, there’s
some simple, yet genuine and much-appreciated progression.
Ichiko’s extreme
fortune energy is established early on -- i.e. in the first episode -- as a
heaven-or-hell sort of superpower. On
one hand, using or releasing it in a massive burst can create miracles; she can
make plants grow and cure diseases, and her good luck lets her save people from
otherwise lethal situations. On the
other hand, her good luck is only there because she’s sucking it from others
uncontrollably, meaning the people around her will have bad luck. Setting aside the fact that she's (rightfully) hated by plenty, her trait means that her butler very
nearly dies in front of her eyes.
some heavy stuff, and you’d think that it’s got no place in a story with its
(plot-relevant!) take on the Over 9000 meme.
But somehow, it works. Why?
Because it was a part of the plan. Because the show is a comedy, but it
knows how to weave in elements of drama and genuine emotion. Because it understands that you can’t have
highs without lows, and vice versa. Why BG gets it and countless other video
games, movies, and more don’t is truly a greater mystery than the exact nature
of the Nazca Lines.
Now, am I saying that BG’s swerves into Drama Lane work every
time? No, of course not. At times the show delivers its more emotional
moments with the force of a bulldozer with jet thrusters; subtlety is not its
forte, so be prepared for more than a few tears if you give it a go. Those swerves can be more than a little
jarring at times, without question, and it’s important to remember that when
all’s said and done, the road leads to a message about friendship, kindness and
the like -- probably a turnoff for more than a few people. But for what it’s worth, in general the
show’s got some good flow. Its elements
come together well, managing to both be about something (however simple and
well-worn) and be funny visually, audibly, and thoughtfully. All told, it’s a good show. No masterpiece, but hey, I’d watch it again.
That all said, I wouldn’t be talking about this series -- long
since passed, with no word of a second season yet -- if I didn’t think there
was something important to say, let alone give it a place in the illustrious
Let’s Discuss archives. But there
is. As ill-advised as it might be for me
to discuss the place and nature of female characters in fiction (again), I
think that BG might be on to
something. Admittedly that might just be
because we’re all starved for the increasingly-mythical “strong female
character” to the point where we’ll take what we can get, but I’m convinced
that BG deserves to be a part of the
discussion, simply because it does something we can all appreciate.
Believe it or not, I
think we need more Ichikos in the world of fiction.
The show’s leading lady
has as many layers as she does colors (barring her unfortunately-hued gray hair
-- a sting Yu Narukami knows all too well).
I’m actually having a hard time figuring out where to begin…so I suppose
I’ll start with the core thread and work my way outward. Put in the simplest terms, Ichiko is allowed to do things. That doesn’t sound too impressive at first,
but hear me out on this. No matter what
Ichiko does, she’s doing it with plenty of energy, expressiveness, and
bunker-busting levels of force. That
emotional range is important to her character, and our entertainment, because
never know what
kind of face she’ll
end up making
next. Her jumps in character rarely,
if ever, feel forced or awkward; rather, it just shows that she’s taken on a
life of her own, and is free to act as natural -- and hammy -- as she sees
fit. She’s allowed to be happy, sad,
afraid, angry, confused, freaked out, cocky, love-struck, and yes, bitchy.
More importantly, she’s
allowed to have a distinct role and an impact on the plot. You’d think that’d be easy for her as the
main character, but given that Beyond:
Two Souls showed the world just how badly
things could turn out…well, I’d say there are still lessons that need to be
learned. Thankfully, Ichiko provides;
she has a character arc that shows her the error of her ways and sets her up to
become a more well-adjusted person, AND that there are more important things in
the world than having good fortune. Even
so, she doesn’t lose that characteristic confidence and hard edge.
Heh heh heh. Poop.
She gains character
without losing it, allowing her to pursue new avenues in life as well as new
comedic opportunities. This a character
who’ll suplex a god to save her butler in one episode, laugh at a poor
classmate in another, struggle with her blooming feelings for him later on, con
a karate girl, manipulate a karate girl with the promise of girly clothes and
hunky boys, then fight said karate girl’s oppressive father on her behalf, and
ultimately open her heart to befriend her later on, with tears streaming down
her face.
Ichiko has agency. She’s allowed to do what she wants, for good
or for ill, because it’s her story.
She’s allowed to be rough, and get roughed up. She’s allowed to show weakness, but her
strength can still rub off on others.
She may end up waltzing toward love, but that isn’t automatically a bad
thing -- just a natural process, and one that’s A) in line with her character,
and B) doesn’t define her
character. Ichiko at the start is
different from Ichiko at the end, but whether or not her trials are laden with
slapstick it’s easy to feel something for her in a way that’s intended. The default response is to laugh at/with her,
but I think she can still offer up some surprises. Like so:
While writing and
executing a character (regardless of gender) is never exactly a cakewalk,
Ichiko and BG make that shit look
easy. It is absolutely absurd that in spite of the delusions of grandeur and
millions of dollars thrown at a project, so many people can get it so wrong so
easily. This really is the anti-2Souls, wherein this show doesn’t need a
blank-slate-at-best “heroine” -- and there aren’t quotation marks big enough
for that one -- that needs to be brutalized for some blunt force trauma
“character development” or to justify acting like some revelation in
Actually, the same could
be said about Tomb Raider 2013 to
some extent, in that the line between conflict and torture porn gets shattered
the moment you have a character impaled if you survive a QTE, and GORED THROUGH
THE HEAD if you don’t live through
another. And let us not speak of the
ever-creatively named Kat of DmC, who
I’m pretty sure was only there just in case someone needed some squirrel
happy-juice in a can.
It’s probably a little
unfair to take shots at video games because those operate under different rules
vis a vis production (thought that’s never stopped BioShock, Mass Effect, the Tales
games, several Atlus games, and many more from getting it right). Instead, I want to try taking a look at
things in the lens of anime and manga -- a way to keep the scales even. See, not too long ago a certain magical fangirl brought
up Naruto in a recent comment, and
brought up a legitimate point: no matter where you look, whether it’s anime,
video games, or otherwise, female characters are always getting the short end
of the stick. That’s exactly right. And despite its cranium-crunching popularity,
I’d like to think that everyone with even a vague knowledge of Naruto knows that it’s got some serious,
glaring, unavoidable flaws.
Yep. We’re gonna have to go there.
If nothing else, Naruto has its share of female
characters; thanks to the show’s motif, the three-man teams tend to have to
guys and one girl. The problem is giving
those girls something to do, or even a presence -- and it’s that little
stumbling block that almost makes me wish there weren’t any girls at all. Sakura has it bad; I can remember a time when the story was setting her up to be
the team’s brain as well as its heart -- maybe not the most physically skilled,
but with more than enough mental prowess, knowledge of tools and traps, and
illusionary ninja magic to compensate.
Likewise, I can remember a time where Sakura had her back against the
ropes, but rose up to either push back an enemy offense, or prove herself and
her mettle in a way her buddies Naruto and Sasuke couldn’t. I
thought she’d turn out to be a solid character -- completing the trio set up in
the mythos time and time and time again.
It didn’t even come
close to panning out.
It’s almost as if the
story gave up on her before the halfway point.
I’d like to think it has something to do with the scale and spectacle of
the series going way the hell off the rails; what was once a show about ninja
tricks and strategy over brute force (seriously, I don’t think there’s a better
moment in the entire story than Naruto’s shuriken trick against Zabuza) has now
become a show where brute force, massive screw-you energy attacks, and
heretofore-unexplained special abilities rule the day. I know the series was originally
supposed to be about wizards, but given that Naruto can apparently do
Spirit Bombs now, I’d say the story’s gone a little off the deep end. Because when I think "stealth and subterfuge", the first thing that comes to mind is a nuclear blast.
So in that regard,
Sakura is useless, and she became useless almost as soon as Naruto and Sauske
almost simultaneously found their signature techniques. I’ve heard that she’s supposed to represent
“human weakness” in the grand scheme of things, but that just sounds like creator
Masashi Kishimoto just wanted to retroactively cover his ass. Or was the assumption that people would like seeing one of the core three
characters turn into a weepy hanger-on to a pair of hunky boys, one of whom
hasn’t even registered her presence since the start of the series? Or was the idea that in order to make the
other characters look good, someone had to look bad? Even when Shippuden
started and it finally looked like Sakura was back on track, she ended up
slotting right back into the same position -- only WORSE, because despite
training and harnessing super-strength, she was convinced she couldn’t do
anything and had to step aside.
Sweetheart, if you wanted to stop Sasuke, you just had to break his arms
and/or legs.
But even if Sakura was
set up to be the fall girl -- even if that was okay, and not at all sketchy or
outright dumb -- then what’s the excuse with everyone else? The most Hinata’s ever done -- that I know of
-- is love Naruto and almost die. The Naruto games pretty much had to make up
moves for Ino, because there was nothing to base them off of besides “she works
at a flower shop”. By the end of this
sentence, I’ll have done more with Tenten than a decade of canon. The only ones that aren’t fall guys or plot
devices -- that I know of -- are Temari and Tsunade. Two characters out of what has to be a cast
at least four dozen strong is not a good percentage. Then again, I’m convinced that Naruto would be at least eight times
better if it was about Shikamaru and his team, so I’m probably not the most
neutral on the subject.
Still, I don’t think
I’m too far off-base here. I know I’m
not the only one who thinks of Sakura as a problem character, and I suspect I’m
not the only one who’s wagged his finger at the treatment (or lack thereof) of
the Naruto ladies in the canon. It’s true that they’re there, and that’s
something to be thankful for, but they’re only there to act as support in the
worst possible way -- to hold up the boys’ wrestling ring that’s built atop
their backs. So when all’s said and
done, I would probably not go to Naruto if you’re looking for a fair
representation of female characters.
But that just makes BG all the more airtight -- and all the
more baffling.
The show has no right
to work as well as it does. I’m glad it
does, of course, but the fact that it’s so well-executed where others have
failed defies belief. This is a show
where its lead character straddles the fine line between bitchiness and
outright villainy, cares about things like looking good and taking note of the
occasional hunky boy, and as the icing on the cake -- clearly proof that she’s a worthless and hate-worthy character --
she’s improbably buxom and either points it out, or the show points it out for
her. Nothing about this show should come
together, especially in light of modern sensibilities and the continuing quest
for a “strong female character”.
So try-hard…
But it does work. And you know why? It’s because this show’s got balls.
Much like its leading
lady, BG is unapologetic from start
to finish. It’s direct, has a plan in
mind, and strides forward with conviction.
It’s effectively kicking doors down and shouting at the top of its
lungs, and woe to anyone that tries to get in its way. It’s not trying to be a revelation. It’s not trying to be the savior of female
characters, and falling flat on its face for trying. Nor is it so haphazard that it’s content with
leaving its girls as mere placeholders while the real action happens a thousand
miles away. It keeps things
simple. Keeps them natural. It has its toolbox, and it makes use of all
its tools as needed. All according to
the plan. And when all’s said and done,
the plan works without a hitch.
There is one last thing
I want to note about the series, though.
It’s true that Ichiko makes a strong case for herself and her show at
large, but here’s something that’ll really blow your mind: she’s not the only good female character. She’s the workhorse, no question, but part of
the entertainment factor comes from seeing her clash with the equally-absurd
Momiji, pitting the ultimate good luck against the ultimate misfortune. Karate girl Ranmaru is equal parts masculine
and feminine, striking a solid balance between the two while exaggerating both
to a fever pitch. Hell, you could make a
pretty good argument for some of the side characters, brief as their
appearances may be. So basically, this
seemingly-stupid anime has -- as far as I’m concerned -- beaten out plenty of
challengers just by way of being willing to have fun.
And at the end of the
day, isn’t that something we all want from our stores?
So, nearly four
thousand words later, what’s the bottom line?
For all its trappings of stupidity and goofiness, Binbougami Ga! -- like any good comedy -- is smart enough to make
everything come together for a cohesive and plenty-entertaining product. Merely the fact that it exists is a stroke of
good fortune -- for viewers and creators alike.
And there you have
it. I’m satisfied, and I hope you’ll
give at least the first episode a look if you haven’t already. I certainly think it’s worth it. Granted, I’m sure it’s not the only anime out
there that’s got something to say about female characters. I’m sure there’s a big name out there that’s
worth an even closer look into its
Come on! More despair?
This soon? Already?!