I don’t want to write
this post anymore. I don’t.
I don’t like this
movie. And the more I think about it,
the lower my opinion of it goes. I have
to wonder what the mindset behind its masterminds entailed -- you know, what
they were saying to each other in roundtable discussions or pitch meetings, or
whatever. I don’t have a problem with
them saying things like “Let’s make a new Superman movie”; in fact, I would
love to see a new movie, one that earns and
deserves universal praise. But the
more they add to that statement, the more problems start to pop up.
“Let’s make a new
Superman movie,” they might say. And
then someone will pipe in and go, “Let’s make it a reboot.” Okay, that
I can deal with, because as much of a stigma that word has, sometimes it’s
necessary and even beneficial. But it
just gets worse from there. “Let’s make
it a reboot for the modern generation.”
And “Let’s make it a reboot for the modern generation, because the old
Superman movies just wouldn’t cut it in today’s world.” And “Let’s make a darker, more realistic
reboot for the modern generation, because the old Superman just won’t cut it
for today’s world and audiences.” It’s
one hell of a slippery slope.
That’s not exactly a
fair, one-to-one representation of what goes on in the minds of executives and
creative-types, I know. But I hope
you’ll forgive my cynicism when Man of
Steel, at its basest, is exactly what I described…and comes out of the gate
with one leg in a bear trap and the other on fire. All they had to do was make a movie with good
characters, good action, and a good story.
That’s all they had to do. But
they didn’t. And that really puts me in
a bad mood.
And my mood’s about to
get a whole lot worse.
WARNING: More spoilers, I guess. But whatever.
I’m gonna go to bed for a few thousand hours to sleep off this
headache. You guys probably should,
too…whether you’ve seen the movie or not.
If you had told me a
couple of years ago that I would like an Iron Man movie more than a Superman movie, I would have laughed at
you. If you had told me I would like a Batman movie more than a Superman movie,
I might have slapped you. As I said, I don’t know anything about Superman -- but that doesn’t stop me from liking the
character. I like the concepts. I like his persona. I like what he stands for. Is he “boring”? In the eyes of many, yes, and I can
understand why; I don’t necessarily agree, but I understand it. Is he hard to write? No doubt; granted I’ve never tried, but just
thinking about the circumstances makes me realize that there are a lot of
challenges that someone would have to overcome.
Superman is a difficult
character to get down in any medium (video games especially). It’s hard, but it’s not impossible. It has been done before. The nature of the character has been
preserved in many places in many circumstances; I know about Superman from the
cartoons, and because of it I KNOW what it means to write Superman, and BE
Superman. Injustice: Gods Among Us gives us a better understanding of the
character times two: in one universe
we’ve got the good Superman who’s exactly what you’d expect of the big blue Boy
Scout and more; in the other, you’ve got a Superman who, while playing the role
of the villain, still has more than enough of that heroic spark, has
circumstances that let you understand his fall from grace, and offers some
genuinely shocking (but impressive) moments when he’s pushed past his
And now look at Man of Steel. The number one complaint I’ve seen from
reviews all across the board is that going dark and gritty doesn’t work for Superman. It doesn’t. Know why?
Because that’s not how you do Superman.
Superman has, in more ways than one, across as many avenues as there are
stars in the sky, infiltrated the public consciousness. Even if they don’t know what in the world an
Infinite Crisis is supposed to be, there’s an inherent ideal to this character
that has to be honored. Even if there’s
a creative vision, if you’re working with an established, decades-old property,
you have to be very, very careful.
They weren’t careful
4) Superman is a non-entity in his own movie.
I think the word of the
day here is “glimmers.” Yes,
glimmers. That’ll do.
I’m not so biased as to
declare that Man of Steel gets
everything wrong. It doesn’t. It gets a
lot of things wrong, sure, but not everything. I mentioned the flying scene in the last
post, and I stand by that; it’s the one scene that gives us something special,
some glimpse into what it means to be Superman (and by extension, make a
Superman movie). It’s the scene that got
me the most hyped and the most excited, more so than any of the fights at the
tail end of the movie. And frankly, if
we had more of those scenes -- of flying, and the triumph therein -- I
guarantee you I would have had a better opinion of the movie. And so would plenty of others.
Part of the problem
here is that they stick too closely to a fundamental rule without deviating
from it. “The past is what makes us who
we are”; we’ve all heard that, or a variation of it, in our lives at one
point. And it’s a fair rule. But in the context of a movie, or any work of
fiction, there are problems. Events that
happen in the story’s present will almost always have a stronger effect than
events in the past. This is part of what
helped The Avengers, arguably; all of
the events you needed to know about these characters were A) in their movies of
origin, so we could hit the ground running (and even then there was only so
much that needed learning), and B) in the context of the movie’s chief events,
developing them immediately in the face of newfound threats, challenges, and
especially interactions with one another.
Man of Steel heavily employs flashbacks. Heavily.
It’s to the point of excess, which is a problem in itself…but on top of
that, they tend to come right out of nowhere (prompted by Supes noticing
something that reminds him of a past-tense vignette, a la Lost Odyssey). They’re
flow-breaking, for one thing, and worse yet none of them proceed in a logical
order. It’s something that could have
worked, maybe, but a logical progression of events in this case would have
worked a LOT better; if Supes’ character development -- and how he became the
man he is today -- is supposed to be linked from one event to the next, why
play Hungry Hungry Hippos with those scenes?
Why take them out of order? What
was so wrong with showing us Supes’ past in one go, instead of breaking up the
pieces and scattering them throughout the movie?
And the pieces
themselves have…issues. One of the most
notable examples is when a young Clark first activates his X-ray vision and
super-hearing on accident; understandably, he freaks out and runs away. He locks himself in a broom closet at school,
and when the teacher tries to open the door he scorches her hand by
laser-eyeing the doorknob. (Still
waiting for an explanation on how that works.)
Eventually, adoptive mom Martha Kent makes it onto the scene, ready to
consul the young Clark. As you’d expect,
she asks him what’s wrong. Clark’s
response? “The world’s too big,” or
something to that effect.
Uh, what?
That doesn’t really
seem like the kind of dialogue a ten-year-old would use, especially not in that
situation. I know they were trying to
set up certain themes, but given that it’ll be a good twenty years before the
very concept of Superman pops up, it seems like some pretty misfit
dialogue. Doubly so when, again, you
consider the situation. Wouldn’t it be a
lot more appropriate for a ten-year-old boy to shout out “Mommy, I can see
through people”? Even if he got calm
enough to remember that he had to keep his powers a secret, why is it so
necessary to say that specific line,
if not to hammer in the themes of the movie and Clark’s internal struggle?
There’s a severe lack
of subtlety throughout the movie, not just in that scene. And I think I know why. See, I’ve been thinking about the movie for a
while, and I have a certain theory in mind: if you were to get a hold of the
script and count the number of lines each character had, I would wager that
Clark/Supes would have the least of the main characters by a pretty wide
margin. I know that sounds like a
game-breaker (and in many ways it is), but there are ways around it. If Supes’ lines managed to be powerful and
meaningful, they could compensate for the lacking number. More to the point, Supes is a man of action;
so, if he manages to leave an impression with nonverbal communication (body
language, facial expressions, etc.), or impresses us with some action unique to
his abilities (the flying scene), we’ll be better off.
Unfortunately, that’s
not the case. What does Superman do in
this movie besides have his big punch-up with Zod and pals? Well, he has a big punch-up with the World Engine
(which I swear is too similar to the “Up yours!” scene from Independence Day to be
coincidental). But what I needed to see
more of -- and others, in kind -- is charisma. Heroes will always do the right thing in the
end, but how they do it, why they do it, and their mindset before/while doing
it is vital. It’s what separates
Superman from Batman, and Batman from Spider-Man, and Spider-Man from Iron
Man. And it’s an element that, once
again, is missing here.
Superman is just too
dour to be the hero we all envision.
Sure, he’ll save people with feats of superhuman ability, but he and the
movie are so morose about it you’d think that he regrets saving them. There’s no charm, no energy; if the intent
was to make Supes as dull as the naysayers claim, they succeeded. The level of differentiation between “what is
my purpose in life” Clark and “what am I supposed to do with this power”
Superman is negligible at best. Without
that spark of a character, Superman’s arc and
his role in the movie feels token; it feels as if he’s going through the
motions, and not much else. If someone
asked you to chart out Supes’ character development, you could maybe do it, but not without some major
difficulty, I’d bet. Or without making
it a mostly straight line.
To be fair, there are
moments that give Superman a bit of color -- two that I remember well, at
least. The first is when he’s in the
army’s custody, handcuffed and being watched by a bunch of untrusting
officials. Supes knows that it’s about
to hit the fan, though, and as such he snaps the cuffs effortlessly and engages
in casual conversation. The second is
near the very, very end of the movie, where he smashes a drone and confronts
some more army dudes -- but rather than rage at them or tell him not to observe
them, he just explains calmly that they’ll never find him, he’s on their side,
and “he was raised in Kansas; he can’t get any more American than that.”
I heartily disagree, but I appreciate the sentiment.
Why there wasn’t more
of that in the movie is one of life’s greatest mysteries. Now, in the defense of the movie it’s very
possible that there’s more stuff like that in there, and I’ve just forgotten
about/overlooked it. (It has been a
week, and I’ve only seen -- and will see -- the movie once.) But here’s the thing: if the movie wanted to
satisfy me on that level, I shouldn’t have to struggle to remember more. Superman should be exploding off the screen
and rewarding audiences intellectually, emotionally, and viscerally. If he’s not -- if the best impression we have
of him is that he’s a lonely, tortured soul -- then something has gone wrong.
And I think I know how
they went wrong.
5) Jonathan Kent and the Galactic Tornado.
I know what you’re
thinking. “Voltech, I can buy you
claiming that Superman is marginalized in his own movie,” you say, stroking
your chin in the hopes of nurturing the seeds of a soon-to-be beard. “But if that’s what you believe, then the
question remains: who is the star of the movie, then?”
And to that I say…there
isn’t one star. There are three. This isn’t a movie about The Last Son of
Krypton. This is a movie about The Last
Short-Sighted Scientist Dad of Krypton That Stumbles into Godhood, The Last
General of Krypton Who is Now Destined to be Associated with a Four-Word Meme, and The
Last Adoptive Dad of Earth Who Sacrifices Himself in the Dumbest Way
The script calls them
Jor-El, Zod, and Jonathan Kent, but I like my names more.
I don’t have as much of
a problem with Zod as the others; since he’s the villain, it’s only natural
that Zod gets his share of the spotlight (and he is the best character in the
whole thing, if you ask me). The problems
arise thanks to the well-intentioned, but ultimately harmful efforts of Supes’
two dads -- and the writers at large, by extension. It’s thanks to these two characters -- and
Martha Kent, to a lesser extent -- that the Man of Steel ends up getting hamstrung. Ignoring the fact that they have a bad habit
of speaking in platitudes and pontification (seriously, I got flashbacks to Cloud Atlas -- and that’s not a good
place for a superhero movie to go), they tend to give Supes volumes of “golden
nuggets of truth” in the hopes of molding him into the man they envision.
Here’s the problem I
have with that approach…and it’s one independent of their habit of pounding in
their teachings and the movie’s ideas with all the subtlety of a
skyscraper-sized jackhammer. All too
often it feels like Superman isn’t the one coming to his decisions and making
his choices; it feels like he’s just doing it because his dads tell him what to
do. If Superman had decided to follow
through on Jor-El’s plan to revive Krypton, then that means that all the
problems that I “outlined” last time would have come to pass. And the fact that he barely offers any
resistance to the idea, or asks his biological father any important questions,
means that at the moment Supes is little more than a sycophant, even though he
has every right to ask questions. It
certainly doesn’t help that The Holographic Ghost of Jor-El of Christmas Past
from the Future probably talks more with Lois Lane than he does with his son.
But as bad as Jor-El
may be, Jonathan Kent has it worse. At
least with Jor-El, you can maybe see
that the writers tried to show him in a negative light. But Jonathan is pretty much supposed to be
the perfect guy -- someone who knows exactly what to do and when to do it, and
ends up being more saintly as a result.
He’s the one dishing out truth-bombs to Clark, he’s the one telling him
about the facts of life -- and his alien life, to the best of his ability --
and he’s the one giving him advice that, in hindsight, is only there to make
Clark more likely to angst about how to use his powers. It bloats the movie and distorts the
character, offering dreariness to a story that should have very little of it,
if any…and certainly not as aggressively as in this movie.
With that in mind,
there’s one scene in particular that really gets to me. At one point in the movie, Supes and Lois
meet before Jonathan’s grave. “Oh,
okay,” I thought to myself. “So Jonathan
died of natural causes, but his teachings live on. I can buy that.” And I did…and then the movie leapt into a
flashback where teenage Clark starts chewing out his father because of [INSERT
But before they can reconcile…boom!
Tornado out of nowhere!
Clark and a bunch of
Smallville townsfolk are in the path of an incoming tornado, and if they don’t
do something soon, they’re all toast.
Well, technically they’re toast anyway, since being anywhere near a
tornado -- regardless of whether or not you touch the infamous funnel -- is
pretty lethal. And they’re toast since
they decide to hide under an overpass, which a three-second Google search
will tell you is not a good idea. And they’ll be toast anyway since the tornado
is coming at them regardless, meaning that unless they move -- which they’ve
stopped doing at the moment to gawk at the destructive power of nature -- that
thing is going to fling cars right into somebody’s face. Cyclos would be amused.
But of course, it gets
dumber. Jonathan has Clark scramble and
hide with the rest of the Smallville townsfolk on the road, while the main man
springs into action. “Action” in this
case being -- wait for it -- saving a dog that was trapped in a car. He succeeds, of course, but not without great
harm to himself. The tornado comes right
at him, and he doesn’t have time to escape. Clark decides to spring into action
instead and save his dad, but before he can move, Jonathan holds up a hand and
tells him to hold his position. And as a
result, the Kent patriarch disappears within the tornado, never to be seen
Yes, you read that
right. The tornado rushes right over
him. He doesn’t even move, or show signs
of being affected by the thing. He just
stands there waving, and sacrifices himself because…because…why, exactly?
I’m sorry, but it’s the
stupidest scene I’ve watched in a while.
(And think
about what
I’ve seen
recently; yeah, that’s saying something.)
It completely falls apart on a logical level, and not just because of
the whole tornado science bit; why Jonathan would let himself die to save a dog
instead of getting help from Superson is a mystery for the ages -- especially
when his “heroic act” means making a widow out of his wife. I know they were trying to go for symbolic
and thematic importance, but it’s just all wrong; if the idea was that Clark
wasn’t ready to be a hero yet, wouldn’t saving people from a tornado (his father
most of all) be the chance he needs to prove himself?
Why are we acting like
Jonathan did a noble thing? Why are we
supposed to believe that he imparted some valuable lesson on us all? Is it because he got spirited away by a tornado? If so, why?
And why would Clark just stand there and let it happen? Why didn’t Jonathan let Clark save the dog
and any other stragglers while Jonathan took care of the hard part and made
sure the townsfolk were okay, something that someone as inexperienced as Clark
wouldn’t have been able to handle -- and with a tornado on the move and throwing debris and cars left and right,
wouldn’t that just mean Clark would use his powers in front of people
anyway? How is that different from him
shoving that bus out of a lake when he was a kid -- or busting up that harasser’s junk years down the road? Why?
Jonathan Kent isn’t
allowed to be anything more than a morality dispenser to Clark in this
movie. The same goes for Jor-El. That’s two father figures in one go, and two
father figures who take huge amounts of focus away from Superman…you know, the
title character. I can buy them being
influences on Clark, but they just take it way too far. They’re the stars of the show on accident,
imparting wisdom while stripping their boy of free will; they’re turning him into
a character without letting him be one himself.
When those characters are hardly characters in their own right,
then the character ends up becoming even
emptier. No amount of science-defying
tornadoes is going to change that.
But as bad as those two
might be, there’s still…
7) Go home, Lois. Just go home.
I think that there’s a
certain irony to the presence -- if not the mere existence -- of Lois
Lane. It’s something that’s clearly (and
horrifically) evident in Man of Steel;
in her early scenes, Lois is quick to make herself out as a tough-as-nails,
no-nonsense lady. It’s done with some
particularly cringe-worthy dialogue -- Lois mentioning dicks so casually in a
conversation gave me PTSD flashbacks to DmC
-- but in all fairness, she’s proactive as she tries to figure out who Clark
really is and how to get her message
out to the masses. The irony comes in
when you realize that all that tough talk doesn’t account for much when she’s
inevitably pitted against superhumans and global disasters. That’s doubly the case when Lois has to go
from an unintentional rival to Supes to snogging partner within a two-hour time
frame. (Or however much time passes in
this movie; chalk that up as another flaw in the movie, given that even the
human characters have a knack for teleporting here and there without much
It’s inevitable for
Lois to end up out of her element, considering that the same thing has happened
in…um…you know…everything else. But for a movie of an expected caliber, with
an expected pedigree, you have to admit that keeping Lois’ role so consistent
with what you might see in the forties doesn’t do anyone any favors --
especially since they completely altered Superman for their purposes. Granted you expect Lois to be saved by, say,
a raging Kryptonian robot, but that’s all right; at that point in the story,
she’s still necessary to the plot and to the characters. But the longer the movie goes, the more and
more you start to realize that Lois doesn’t have any reason to be near the
action. At all.
She’s pretty much only
there to fall out of stuff so Supes can catch her. There are at least two instances of this,
with one of them being a complete slap in the face of reality; the good guys
make a black hole to stop Zod’s machine, and while lots of machinery and debris
start flying upward toward the hole, Lois
falls down regardless. I guess she’s
got the density of a large moon. Also, I
guess we’re just supposed to ignore the fact that plenty of other people died
in the same instance, and Superman had to ignore untold dozens of others dying
in the same moment to save one person instead of many. But I guess getting a kiss made all the
rampant death and destruction worthwhile.
It’d help if Lois
actually did anything important, but she doesn’t. She bumbles her way into finding out Clark’s
secret (boy, does that take me back to the days of Smallville), and shortly after that -- i.e. the minimal character
development that results, if one can even call it that -- her role in the plot
is effectively over. But the movie would
have you believe she’s useful, merely by way of putting her in more
scenes. Zod demands that Lois gets
brought aboard the ship alongside Supes when he surrenders himself,
because…reasons. So you’d expect Lois to
be a key player in helping Supes escape the ship, whose Kryptonian-suited air
leaves him crippled. But in reality, she
does very little. All she does is plug
in the Codex key dealie-bopper to upload Jor-El, and he immediately does all
the work for her; the hologram removes all the guesswork from saving Supes, and
she’s little more than a fleshbag following his orders. Superman ends up saving himself, and Lois
runs to an escape pod so she can -- according to Jor-El -- give him instruction
on how to save the world. Riveting. Also, I love how Zod gave a pitiful human a
gas mask so she could breathe, but not his fellow Kryptonian. And I love how he doesn’t even do anything
with her besides have a thug tug her by the arm.
That’s bad enough, but
it gets worse (as it so often does). The
movie doesn’t just pretend that Lois is useful, but practically starts forcing
her down the audience’s throat. Jor-El’s
plan involves turning the ship Clark came in into a makeshift bomb, and
dropping it on the baddies’ mean beam machine.
Ignoring the fact that they shouldn’t be able to get anywhere near it in
the plane they use -- if not because of the gravity distortions, then because
of the tentacles that nearly tore Supes in two and/or the defensive array of
Zod’s ships -- Lois is there, on board the aircraft, because…because…I have no
I really have no clue
why she’s there on a dangerous military operation, because she’s a civilian and
a reporter and a troublemaker and I don’t think she’s even wearing armor. What does she do on the plane? Uh…she pushes in the Codex key dealie-bopper,
but it doesn’t even go in all the way and some scientist has to do it AS
EPICALLY AS POSSIBLE (which means not really).
So basically, Lois’ job could have been done by a monkey, and even then
she fails to do so. Why didn’t she tell
anyone about how to work the machine before they took off on a mission that not
only threatened their lives, but had the world at stake? Oh, I know why. So she can fall out of the plane and resist
spaghettification by the black hole, because Clark swoops in and saves
her. And so she can kiss Clark once her
feet are back on the ground.
You see this? You see this, people? This is exactly why I didn’t want to do this
post. I knew this would happen, but I
just had to go on anyway and open my big stupid head. I should have just left it alone, but now
that I’ve cracked it open, I’ve realized something.
I don’t just dislike
the movie. I don’t just think of it as a
disappointment. I hate this movie.
And you know what? It takes some real effort (or lack thereof)
to get me to hate something. Do you know
how badly you have to screw up to
make me hate something? Do you? Here’s a fun fact: it’s not all that hard to
impress me. Just put up some good effort,
watch your step, and make good use of your time. That’s it.
That’s all I really need.
Mistakes are forgivable, and missteps can be ignored if there’s
something interesting to latch onto. You
don’t have to make a masterpiece. Just
make a good story.
This is not a good
All right, we’ve got a
few points left. Bear with me here; it’s
going to come to an end in the next post.
Promise. Till next time, then. Maybe you should consider heading to IHOP or
Sears in the meantime.
…Boy, I sure miss Smallville. At least they had Stride gum.