8:14 A.M.
Costs Accrued: $148.54
Trixie followed JP
along the sidewalk as Sondheim Middle School came into view. Maybe it was just that she hadn’t been to a
middle school since her own tween years, or maybe the sounds of laughing kids
coming to greeter, but something about the building just felt small and
quaint. The main building stretched from
one end of the block to another, like a massive hot dog made out of brown
bricks, and sprinkled with polished windows.
As the pair trotted near the chain-link fence, she spotted the usual
niceties -- the asphalt track, the grassy field, and no shortage of portables
in the distance. Even though they
approached from the building’s backside, the flagpole at the front of the
school stood high enough to peek past the roof -- and with it, the American and
school flags flapping in tandem.
“So we’re clear on your
schedule, then?” JP asked, hands in his pockets as he strode in the lead. “Just follow my lead for the first bit. Then when I give you the signal, you head
back to my house and help my dad with his work.
Once lunchtime rolls around, you head back here; I’ll be waiting
at…” He pointed behind one of the
portables, the one closest to the parking lot.
“That spot. Meet me back there, and play along with me. Got all that, Tex?” He cocked his head back at her, refusing to
give her the blessing of his full attention.
“Or do you need me to write it
all down?”
“JP, why’re ya so crazy
about gettin’ yer hands on a lotta money?”
So I can rule the
world, of course.” Without missing a
step, he pulled out his calculator and notepad.
8:16 A.M.
Costs Accrued: $180.43
“If there’s one thing
that ticks me off, it’s stupid questions,” JP explained, sliding his gear back
into his pocket.
“Now just how is that a
stupid que…?” Trixie shook her
head. “Look, can ya just tell me what’s
goin’ on in that head o’ yours? I
mean…” She scratched at her temple. “It ain’t like yer a bad kid or anythin’, so
I figure that…ya know, maybe I could get to know ya better.”
“Heh. Typical girl -- always getting sentimental.”
Short, cheap, bratty, and
sexist…this kid’s a real winner, Trixie thought with a grimace.
“Fine. I guess I’ll indulge you,” JP said with a
sigh and a shrug. “We don’t live in a
world where superheroes fly through the sky, or sword masters roam the
countryside. People are weak. Normal.
What sets us apart is how much we desire things -- and in order to have
those desires fulfilled, we need something very important. You know what that is?”
“Good answer. Money is power; the ones that gather up the
most of it are the ones that rule. They
can boss others around whenever and however they want. Or maybe they’ll use it for a good
cause. Or maybe they’ll just keep it to
themselves, and live like a king with all their wants and needs taken care
of.” He snickered a bit. “Or maybe they’ll give it to charity…like
“And what’re ya gonna
do if ya get yer hands on some cash?”
“Well, nothing too
heartless -- I have my standards, you know.”
He waved a hand through the air.
“As long as I can get whatever I want, you won’t see me cracking down on
others anytime soon.”
“Huh. Guess ya got it all planned out, pal.”
“What did you
expect? I may be young, but I’ve had my
eyes on the prize since the day I was born.”
“Yeah, but…are ya sure
that’s what ya really want?”
Suddenly, JP came to a
halt, and turned toward Trixie at last. To
his surprise, Trixie had stopped as well; she stared back at him with a cool
yet focused gaze. “Look,” she began. “I know money’s important, and ya can’t do
much without it these days, but ya don’t hafta treat it like the be-all and
end-all. It’d be way too easy for a kid
like you to get all swept up in nickels and dimes, and lose track of all the
good stuff in life. Lotsa fun
adventures, friendship, even love.”
JP stared at her. “Love?
You’re starting to sound like Lloyd.”
“Maybe, but he’s got a
good point. I mean, come on. Ya thought about romancin’ some girl at one
point or another, haven’t ya? Sure,
money can help ya win one over, but it’s no good if all ya care about is
money. Know what I mean?”
“Love…” JP
muttered. “Heh. As if that matters to a kid like me.”
“I guess yer a little
too young for that kinda thing right now.”
Trixie shrugged. “Look. Ya just gotta be careful -- ya hear all the
time how money changes people, and I’d sure hate to see that happen to a kid
who’s barely made his way in the world.
I mean…” She scratched behind her
ear. “Yer a smart kid. Smarter than me when I was yer age. So I figure that ya got a real shot at doin’
somethin’ real big in this world. But ya
don’t exactly need money to pull it off.”
“Then what do I need?”
“Just one thing. You.”
At the sound of that,
JP actually reddened a bit, and his gaze started shifting around the
street. He bore his teeth in a reflexive
scowl, but couldn’t find it in him to aim that scowl at Trixie. “Pfft.
Don’t think for a second that just because you say something nice means
that you’re off the hook with your payment.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Right. Glad we’ve got that straight. But still…”
He ran the toe of his shoe against the sidewalk. “Th-thanks.”
Trixie smiled at
him. “Anytime, pal.”
JP couldn’t bring
himself to look back at her smile -- so instead he just started fumbling with
his calculator. “So let's hear it. I want the truth."
JP stuffed his hands
into his pockets and leaned forward.
“You’re not seriously trying to play dumb, are you? Come on -- I want to know just who exactly
you are, and what you’re planning on doing here in Porbeagle.”
“Oh, right. I, uh…well…I came here ‘cause I hear there’s
treasure to be found. I was hopin’ I
could get my hands on it and bring it back home.” She shrugged.
“And that’s about all there is to it.”
“You sure about that?” JP held out a hand. “Sure, it’s nice to know that’s what you’re
here for -- but there are still way
too many unknowns about you. For
starters, why do you want this treasure in the first place? How did you hear about it? And most of all, who are you?”
Trixie looked to the
field. “I came here lookin’ for that
treasure so I could get away from my family,” she answered, albeit with a
tensed visage.
“Well, I can sympathize
with you on that point,” JP said with a quick shrug. “Go on.”
“Ever hear of a place
called Rockwood? It’s a little place,
kinda nestled away in the woods and all that down south. It ain’t much in the way o’ glitz and glam,
but we got a tight little community all set up.
We’re like family. Know what I
JP thought about
mentioning his earnest desire to have the South separated from the rest of the
country, but decided to hold off for later.
So he just gave her a short nod.
“Well…actually, even
though the whole town’s like a family, there’s one group that’s different from
all the rest.” She lowered her head,
unable to hold in a weighty sigh. “My family. My mom and dad, and brothers and sisters, and
aunts and uncles and cousins…the works.
They pretty much run the whole town -- mess with them, and yer on the
choppin’ block. Sure doesn’t help that
they’re the richest folks in town, or that they got all the folk on their
payroll. And even if they don’t, they
got enough support from their goons to strong-arm anybody that steps outta
JP cocked his head. “So
your family’s using their wealth and influence to control the town -- and by
the sound of things, you’re out to put a stop to it,” he reasoned. “If you can find this treasure, you can use
it to shift the balance of power in Rockwood…or, you could hire your own
supporters and become a force just as terrible as your kin.” He shrugged, and stared nonchalantly into the
distance. “Or you could just take the
treasure and run -- use it as a platform for financial independence.”
“I guess that’s about
it, yeah. I mean…you know, I was gonna
find the treasure first, and then figure out what to do from there.”
“And the surfboard?”
“That was a part of
it. I always wanted to be a surfer --
and I figured I’d need some kinda cover if I was gonna go around town diggin’
here and there. So I said, why not? And then once I found the treasure, I could
go to all the best spots. Meet the
greats, soak up some sun…maybe become a real legend. And I’d get my start here.”
“Except Porbeagle’s not
the best place for surfing. Maybe you
could pull it off if you were daring enough, but all told it’s not the best
place you could go.” He shook his head;
Trixie could feel JP grow almost radioactive with disdain. “You tried to blend in, but only stuck out
more. Not the brightest of moves, Tex.”
“Yeah, I know that now.”
“But why would you
think that in the first place? How do
you go from being a southern belle to a treasure-hunting wannabe surfer?”
“Well…” Trixie scratched at her temple. “D’ya trust me?”
“I tolerate you. But go on.”
“I mean it, pal. This ain’t gonna work if ya don’t give me a
little credit.”
JP folded his arms and
cut his eyes away from her. “Well, since
you were kind enough to tell me your life story, I guess you’re not all bad.”
“…Look, I know this is
gonna sound crazy, but…there was a guy who told me about the treasure, and
Porbeagle, and even said I should go as a surfer. But he was…well…uh…he had on this mask, so I
didn’t get a real good look at his face.”
“What’s so special
about that?” JP asked, now tapping a finger against his arm. “It’s unusual, but nothing too out of the
ordinary. If he’s dealing with some kind
of southern mafia family, then he’d want to keep his identity hidden.”
But Trixie shook her
head. “That’s not the weird part about
it. The thing is…he was flyin’.”
At the sound of that,
JP unfolded his arms -- and for the first time, had a look of surprise
befitting his age. “You’re serious?”
“Yeah. But if ya can believe it, that ain’t the
weird part. Even though I couldn’t see
his face, I got a good look at the rest of him.
I saw his chest, and…and…” She
held her hands about a foot apart from each other. “He had this huge knife stuck in his chest --
smack-dab in the heart.”
“What? But that means --!”
“Yeah, I know. That guy was already dead.”
8:20 A.M.
Time Until JP’s Kidnapping: 1 Hour 48 Minutes