(Cross-Up is on hiatus, but not really, sort of! In the meantime, please enjoy this high-quality filler!)
You know, I have a
sneaking suspicion that it was (the great) Jim Sterling’s review of Final Fantasy XIII that led me to
discover Destructoid one fateful day. In
a universe where eights, nines, and the occasional perfect score orbited the
game like Saturn’s rings, that
one glorious 4.0 shone brighter than the sun, and to this day stands as
proof -- a totem of fans’ and gamers’ outrage, and in more than a few cases
outright disappointment. That game has
come and gone, and for those who felt wronged -- myself included, obviously --
there have been plenty of titles that have helped heal the wound…and then the
wound got torn wide open with a rusty shovel by Final Fantasy XIII-2. And
the mere existence of Lightning Returns is
enough to turn my body into a living, blood-spewing gash. But with that game looming large on the
horizon and Square-Enix
in dire straits -- and news of Lightning
getting a bunny suit, because of course she gets a bunny suit -- I think
it’s time for me to make an assertion I’ve had in mind for a while.
That famous review
started with this line: “If you're a hardcore Final Fantasy XIII fan,
prone to emotional outbursts and so defensive of Square Enix's latest effort that
you'll get upset by harsh criticism, then you're advised to not read this
review.” The same applies here...to some
extent, at least, considering that this isn’t a review. In fact, you can almost consider this a
One thing that (the
great) Jim Sterling has asserted a few times in the past -- like right
here -- is that Lightning has no personality. That’s a point I can’t quite bring myself to
agree with. I understand what he’s
getting at, yes, and it’s a valid interpretation, sure…but I have a different
one in mind. I’ve made it no secret that
I consider Lightning to be the worst character I’ve ever encountered in anything, but even with my bias I say
Lightning DOES have a personality. It’s
just that it’s so terrible, it pins her
as the villain of her games.
Spoilers for FFXIII and XIII-2 incoming. You’d best bail now if you want to see the
games fresh. Also? You probably shouldn’t take this thing too
seriously…unless you like it, of course.
I’m a firm believer in
the idea that a strong cast is one of, if not THE most important part of a
story, video game or not. I’ve even said
that if the main character of a story is bad, the story is bad. No exceptions. That’s part of the reason why I disliked DmC as much as I did -- because even at
the endgame, I felt like Dante was still a huffy, short-sighted tough guy…maybe
less so than at the start of his game, but the circumstances of the ending only
highlighted how out of his element he was for everything to come.
Meanwhile, Metal Gear Rising gave me a Raiden I
wasn’t expecting to like, but ended up gleefully following on his road to
revengeance, getting new insights and new depth from a grown man wearing metal
bikini bottoms. It’s almost sad that the
game that should have been smart ended up stupid, while the game that could
have been stupid ended up smart. In my
humble opinion, of course. ;)
In any case, what’s
important to note is that a main character defines a story. With his/her actions, ideas, and development,
the story at large takes shape around them.
How do they interact with others? How do they change the world around them? How do they solidify and spread their
ideals? All questions that a good story
should have answered -- with overwhelming evidence -- by the endgame. Even if vanilla XIII put on airs of an ensemble cast where no one character was
more important than the other, it seems obvious to me that Lightning always was
and always will be the star of this subseries…which, you know, has been
retroactively called “The Lightning Saga”.
That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean that in order for
the games to even approach being good -- which in this case I’ll call
“universally enjoyed”, a task that isn’t as impossible as it sounds given other
games elsewhere -- Lightning has to make a strong argument for herself, for her
world, and her saga.
She doesn’t.
…In my humble opinion,
of course. J
In a nutshell, vanilla XIII’s story pins Lightning and company
as fugitives on the run. After a riot to
save her little sister Serah goes awry, Lightning and the party are branded as
l’Cie -- slaves of the gods -- by fal’Cie -- the biomechanical might-as-well-be
gods in question -- to do their bidding, and are given the magical power to do
so. But since being a l’Cie in their
canon is a big no-no, the military hunts them from one corner of their cushy
paradise Cocoon to the next.
The gang ends up
discovering the true nature of their mission and the machinations of the
fal’Cie (to bring Cocoon hurtling to the ground, killing everyone in it), so
they decide to take a stand. So they
march on to the capital, they fight some, stuff…happens, and the day is saved.
Lightning gets reunited with her sister, and all is well. At least until XIII-2, but we’ll get to that.
If you ask me, one of
the notable facets (and greatest vices) of Lightning’s character is her
relationship with power. Think about it
-- her backstory paints her as a highly-trained,
highly-skilled soldier who specializes in and is rewarded -- mentally and
emotionally as well as organizationally -- for murder. Prior to the start of the game, she’s given
more than enough reason to see the world in black and white. She’s a soldier, so she fights criminals and monsters. And she’s pretty good at it. That’s it.
That’s not only her mindset, but the very concept her life and
livelihood are based on.
The idea is supposed to
be that Pulse -- the world outside Cocoon’s borders -- is full of schemers and
malcontents looking to disturb the peace, so if they were to launch an
invasion, Lightning would have every right to crush them under holy
orders. (It certainly helps that there’s
been propaganda against Pulse for who knows how long, brainwashing the
populace.) Lightning herself admits in
one cutscene that “she didn’t want to think” and one of her battle quotes is
“target’s a target”. All she needs is an
enemy, the black to her white, and she’ll strike them down. No questions asked.
Now here’s a question
that I have to ask -- not just Square-Enix, but to anyone who has a commanding
understanding of the canon. What is the
difference between Lightning with l’Cie powers and Lightning without l’Cie
powers? The implication is supposed to
be that a l’Cie is several times more powerful than the average human, and not
just because he/she can use magic (especially since the soldiers you fight use
magic anyway via portable containers and grenades). But at the start of the game, Lightning is
capable of moving at near-superhuman speed, shooting a machine gun one-handed
with pinpoint accuracy whether she’s upside-down or not, and drop-kicking
grunts across a train car.
That all happens in the
opening cutscene; when she’s out of the
opening cutscene, the first thing she does is take on a laser-blasting mech
with a sword and back flips. It’s
arguable that being a l’Cie is supposed to remove the limiters on a person’s
body, letting their potential climb to infinity -- even though there’s not much
reason for a fal’Cie to let its gofer gain enough power to destroy it in an act
of rebellion -- but that just highlights the problem. In a cutscene a little later, Lightning
slides around a soldier and hits him with a Tekken-style
combo before he can even hit the ground.
Where do you go from there? Well,
you could give her an Eidolon, but what good would that do? Give her free reign to stomp down on a race
track she didn’t even need to visit and murder everyone that looks at her
…Oh. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Like any RPG, the
gameplay makes a character’s growth a key part of the experience (you can’t
clear the adventure without getting that sweet, sweet EXP). The problem is that story-wise, there’s
nothing to make that growth -- that need for growth -- ring true for
Lightning. She’s already right where she
needs to be but gets stronger regardless, and doesn’t face the struggles needed
to understand the purpose of that power.
She doesn’t get the
challenge she needs to spark her character development; there’s no rival
character that serves her a barrel’s worth of humble pie, and while there is a
dedicated antagonist, he doesn’t show up for what has to be nearly two dozen
hours. (The whole game is reluctant to
give its cast dedicated antagonists or rivals; there was setup to give Sazh one
in Jihl, but she got axed without fanfare because reasons.) The external force pushing Lightning to
change and evolve is a tangential one, not a perceivable one; there needed to
be a face and a name to push her farther -- and push her down -- but even with
the villain’s reveal it doesn’t amount to nearly as much as it could have. Because of it, Lightning’s development is
stunted…in my humble opinion, of course. ♥
That all said, it’s not
necessarily a game-breaker to lack those elements. It just means that the other elements have to
work that much harder -- the internal struggles and realizations that Lightning
comes to could compensate several times over. Or should I say, they could have compensated, but didn’t. Lightning’s black-white vision remains
ironclad throughout the game, with the key change being who she considers in
the white and who she considers in the black.
Her rigid definitions
put every character that doesn’t agree with her in the black, no matter how
good their intentions are (Snow), how justified they are (the soldiers), or
even how inconsequential they are to Lightning’s ultimate goal (every other
party member prior to roughly the start of the game’s second half). She has no attachment to anyone in the black
-- i.e. her party, with the debatable exception of Hope -- until the plot
arbitrarily decides to make her attached to the others even though she spent
huge swaths of time separated from them, ensuring that her black-white worldview
remains unchallenged and sacred. In
fact, one of Lightning’s key character-development scenes was triggered by Hope
on accident, in a scene that completely defies my faith in humanity to this
I could point out the
problems with that one cutscene and everything leading up to it for a solid
hour, but I haven’t even gotten to XIII-2
yet, so let’s move on. To make a
long, dumb story short, prior to that cutscene Lightning is 100% okay with
killing off everyone in Cocoon -- or if not the people, then the government who
in turn maintain the peace and safety of the people -- as per the fal’Cie’s
wishes; humanity has been moved into the black thanks to one simple order. She argues that her hopes and dreams have
been stolen away from her, but what those entail is never established in the
game proper, even in the flashbacks.
Does she want to become
the greatest soldier ever? Does she want
to retire to the countryside? Does she
want to take up pottery, the noblest of all pursuits? There’s no telling, so all that’s left is
conjecture. So, based on her status in
the military and what we know of her goals story-wise, the only things we can
be sure of are A) she wants to survive, B) she wants to crush her enemies --
those in the black -- and C) she wants Serah by her side. And it’s that last point that pushes
Lightning even further into the role of the villain.
With the exception of a
superior officer who shows up in one, maybe two cutscenes, the only person we
can fully ascertain to be in the white -- besides Lightning herself -- is her
younger sister Serah. Fair enough. But again, what’s established about Lightning
in the game doesn’t paint her as a stable or even intelligent character, much
less a nurturing older sister. This is a
character that thinks she needs to “forget her past” because reasons, takes on
a name that she thinks symbolizes pure destruction (even though lightning -- or
electricity, if you prefer -- is kind of important), and complains about Snow
just as much as the fourteen-year-old chained to her leg. I know people give Snow a lot of flak, and
he’s not exactly peachy-keen either, but at least he had some semblance of a
goal in mind from the get-go. At least
he worked toward it in his own, stupid way.
At least he didn’t win several Darwin Awards at once with this cutscene…in
my humble opinion, of course. ♪
It would be easy -- too
easy -- to call Lightning bland and leave it at that. Viable, but easy. Cut just a little bit deeper and you find
further layers to this character. Her
behavior and reasoning don’t seem that much more evolved than a sixth-grader;
she’s petulant, thoughtless, selfish, and outright eager to ram her gunblade
down the throat of decency or common sense.
Serah had no reason to lie to Lightning -- and likely couldn’t,
considering the nature of the l’Cie brand -- and yet the pink-haired powerhouse
decides it’s a good idea to outright reject Serah in her time of need
because…say it with me now…reasons. So you could probably add “dumb” to the list
of character traits, or even “brutish” when you remember that the answer to
most of her problems is to aggressively attack anyone or anything that
disagrees with her.
But I’d like to take it
a step further. Lightning’s black and
white world is one of concepts. Of
absolute ideas. If this character does
this, then they’re in the black and must be rejected -- or if not that, then
destroyed. If this character does that,
then they’re in the white and must be protected (alongside Lightning) and their
whims attended to. Lightning reasons
that the fal’Cie made her a l’Cie to bring about the destruction of Cocoon, and
because of those holy orders from a higher power she has every reason to move
what should be a reluctant partner at
best into something to be revered and protected.
For the longest time,
that divinity is something she doesn’t bother to question until it’s time to
flip-flop and play hero, as one would expect from a Final Fantasy lead. Compare
that to Serah; she has a more mundane presence and a more mundane understanding
of life -- one that might as well be alien to her older sister. As long as Serah performs actions that please
Lightning, she’ll remain in her white.
But if she dissents -- if she, for example, decides to marry Snow --
then Lightning will go out of her way to reject her, even if it means leaping
over every logical barrier to do so.
She’s now in the black. And part
of me wonders if the only reason Lightning didn’t attack her was because of the
plot…and the whole sisterhood thing, but mostly the plot.
Thankfully Lightning
realizes the error of her ways -- even though that conflict shouldn’t have been there in the first place -- but
the damage has been done. If not for
that act, it’s very possible that the plot of vanilla XIII as we know it wouldn’t have happened. The fal’Cie could have roped in some new
candidates for the plan, yes (although that’s not quite as likely, given that
it’d mean another half-dozen band of idiots would have to get in close contact
with a biomechanical god), but the main cast would have been dropped.
Serah is the instigator
of Lightning’s venture and Snow’s venture, and the other characters have their
lives impacted by her presence to a lesser extent. But by and large, what’s happened is mostly
Lightning’s fault because she provoked Serah to run in the first place. Her act of rejection pushed Serah, the one
person she’s supposed to protect, in harm’s way. And given how she acts about her throughout
almost the entirety of the game after that, I wonder if she’s even all that
hung up about it.
Serah gets turned into
a crystal statue and appears primarily in flashbacks to flesh her out. It’s suggested that by becoming a crystal,
she’s effectively become immortal -- and given a fate worse than death,
arguably -- but I have a hunch that this is exactly the way Lightning wants
it. Think about it. Serah can no longer talk, which means she can
no longer talk back. She can’t progress any further in her life,
and remains stuck in stasis precisely as Lightning remembers her -- a perfect
embodiment of beauty, innocence, and purity.
She has ceased being
human, and has become a concept. She is
at once the ultimate embodiment of Lightning’s white, and a release from it;
with no one to protect but her own life and self-interests, Lightning is free to
cut loose and destroy to her heart’s content.
She’s free to fight and to destroy, cutting down anything and anyone
that doesn’t agree with her. Lightning
is the world’s only source of white -- and everything else is jet black.
You could make the
argument that “she gets better” over the course of the game because of the JRPG
trappings. Given her archetype and the
structure of the plot, you could say that A) Lightning’s heart grows three sizes
and she realizes how crazy she’s been, B) there’s a bigger enemy and
catastrophe that need to be stopped, and C) she has the power to find new
dreams if she fights on and believes in miracles. But for me, none of those ring true. I don’t think Lightning has a single
meaningful moment with any NPCs besides Hope’s dad (if that), meaning that if
she was supposed to realize and stand up for humanity’s potential, she has no
basis for it besides hearsay.
Setting aside the fact
that she was willing to spark a catastrophe in the game’s earlier hours, the
antagonist that ultimately appears is as stock a villain as they come, negating
the impact and merit of both the characters and the story. And even in the later goings of the game,
Lightning at best comes off as someone begrudgingly tolerating the characters
and events around her…between bad one-liners, of course. I would sooner expect to hear Vanille or Snow
(or Kamina) talking about fighting to make the impossible possible, making her
mentions of anything besides the mission at hand jarring. On the other hand, reminders of Gurren Lagann are always appreciable.
Now let’s get serious
for a moment. Really serious. There’s something that’s been on my mind for
a while when it comes to XIII’s story,
but it revolves around a tricky subject matter.
I’m going to try and be delicate here, but it’s not something I or
likely anyone can talk about comfortably.
So fair warning to those of you reading on. If you’re the type who gets easily bothered
by this sort of thing, you might want to consider leaving now. Go listen to…I don’t know, The Lion King soundtrack or something. All right?
All right.
Personally, I think
suicide is a concept that XIII needed
to tackle. Sazh actually does look like
he’s going to go through with it at one point, but the scene’s impact is
immediately diffused by the fact that he just got his Eidolon and there are
still several dozen hours left in the game by that point (and the notion that “shooting
himself in the head” is apparently a bloodless affair). If the game actually had bothered to bring up
the concept seriously -- which it could have, considering how seriously it
takes itself -- it would have turned the histrionics into something
meaningful. Something weighty.
I’ve said it before,
and I’ll say it again: the l’Cie/fal’Cie system is completely bogus. The masters give their gofers tasks that
could very well be impossible to have done, accomplishing nothing. Meanwhile,
the gofers either complete their mission and turn into crystal sculptures, or
fail their mission and turn into shambling rock-zombies. There’s no incentive for them to clear the
mission if both roads lead to death…so why even bother? If neither option leads to a happy ending,
then why not take a third and final option?
The system seems to
have a mechanism like that built into it.
It’s explained that the Eidolons are the judges of their summoner’s
will; if/when they face their darkest hour, an Eidolon will appear to fight
them. If the gofer beats them, the
beast’s power becomes theirs. If the
gofer loses, they’re dead. So when Sazh
thinks he’s lost his son, he’s lost all hope -- that is, until his Eidolon
shows up and he shoots it into submission.
Each Eidolon fight is
supposed to signal a key point in each character’s arc, but I’m hard-pressed to
understand the reason why some of the beasts descend when they do, let alone
their impact. Snow’s just appears when
he’s tired and surrounded by grunts, and I sincerely doubt he even understood
what the fight was supposed to mean at the time (and I doubt the player did,
either). There are ways to make a heavy
topic like suicide or other internal conflicts into physical threats -- Persona 4 was built on them -- but for a
game like XIII, they needed to make
the discussion overt. They needed to better establish the weight of life.
As fugitives tasked
with destroying what amounts to the majority of the world with (at first) no
hope of escaping their fate, the issue could have been a real proving ground
for each character. If faced with the
choice of completing a mission at the cost of your life and the lives of
millions of others, or the choice of purposely failing a mission to live out
your life as a horrible monster, OR the choice of dying with what remains of
your dignity and all of your sanity,
what would you choose? Is the greater
good worth more than your life, especially if your life is forfeit anyway? Is the greater good worth more than your
life, especially if your sole chance at salvation -- taking the fight to your
master’s doorstep -- doesn’t even have a one percent chance of coming to
pass? Do you have the resolve to take
your own life?
Those are heavy
questions -- VERY heavy questions, with even heavier consequences. But thinking back, I don’t feel as if XIII handled them very well, if at
all. It just feels as if the cast jumped
from aimless survival to blind optimism.
They figured everything would be all right if they just kept
fighting. It worked out in the end, but
only because of the JRPG trappings. Only
because “defying fate” and “overcoming the gods” are just things you do in a
video game. And the characters follow
the “rules” just as closely as the player.
By design, there’s no room for dissent.
No room for exploration.
But what does all of
this have to do with Lightning? Am I
saying that she should have considered suicide just to make the story good?
No, obviously not. It just feels
like something that could have contributed to her arc. Sazh brought up the topic, and for the most
part he was the only character of the core six to genuinely act on it; the
other characters went through bouts of confusion and worrying (or angst, if you
prefer), but Sazh was the only one who even entertained the thought of taking
action, not just trot about the subject while it sat miles away.
It showed a level of
desperation that the game hadn’t really established, even if it was just a
meaningless gesture in the end. Sazh had
likely been thinking long and hard about what he was going to do, and prior to
his Eidolon fight actually spells out his plan to Vanille. For him to dash those plans means that he
weighed the options and considered what would happen if he continued on his
forced quest, and decided he only had one option left. Maybe that’s why so many people think Sazh is
the best character to come out of this Saga -- because he’s the closest thing
to being a genuine human.
You would expect, then,
that of the six cast members, three of them would be the passionate, idealistic
sort. The other three would be the
rational, contemplative sort. Snow and
Vanille are easy enough to peg, as are Sazh and Fang…for the most part. Hope probably belongs to the former camp,
which for the sake of balance would put Lightning on the cool-heads’ team. But I have a hard time buying it, and the
fact that suicide is made a non-issue for her only highlights both her
weaknesses as a character and (paradoxically) her strengths as a villain.
To me, Lightning comes
off as a character that puts on airs of calmness and rationality, but I’d like
to think that there’s more than enough evidence -- here, and in the games to
come -- that she’s not quite the voice of reason she pretends to be. It’s true that the will to live is an
important part of human nature, and it’s a thought current in every third
story, video game or otherwise, ever released.
But I get the sense that Lightning’s will to live is just a concept to
her -- a right that she holds dear, merely because it exists and she recognizes
it. I have sincere doubts that Lightning
understands what life means, much
less respects it. Unless the game was
being extremely subtle (which I doubt, for obvious reasons), her Eidolon fight
is more about learning to accept help from others and stop being so cold, not
forcing her to face true despair. Other
Eidolon fights are similarly…confused,
but considering the sore lack of notable moments in her character arc, I think
Lightning gets hit hardest.
I don’t feel as if
Lightning has struggled any more than the other cast members -- certainly not
on a personal level. She may admit
throughout the game that she doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do, but that
doesn’t stop her from footnoting each cutscene with either a fight against the
next enemy or a trek to the next random destination. She has no aim, but she has no reason to
stop. No reason to consider the weight
of life -- hers, her comrades’, or the people she shares a world with. She has power, so why would she ever think
she has a chance of failure? Of
dying? Of not getting her way? As long as she keeps swinging that sword of
hers, she’ll live on. She can keep
ensuring that she has exactly the
life she wants. Breaking everything, breaking
I will be fair,
though. The concept of suicide DOES
eventually get brought up again in XIII-2. It’s just that it’s such a broken application
that it very nearly comes off as an insult.
Then again, I feel that way about the entire game. But I’ll get to that.
The takeaway from all
this is that the so-called Lightning Saga got off on the wrong foot. Setting aside the fact that making a saga probably wasn’t the intention at
the game’s reveal all those years ago,
attempts to paint Lightning as the saga’s hero come off as hollow and
insincere -- and flat-out wrong. I could
accept her being the main character of these games, sure, but the hero? No.
Squeenix is asking too much of its audience. The evidence it gives far outweighs the JRPG
conventions, and just goes to highlight one of two things: either how little
they understood the character and her game(s), or how much they wanted to bend
everything to suit her. Neither option
makes for a very good product; vanilla XIII
comes off as confused, contradictory, and…well, kind of crappy. In my humble opinion, of course. ∑
But as bad as I
consider XIII to be, XIII-2 is worse. Phenomenally worse. And just as the Lightning Saga dips into the
darkness, so too does its leading lady.
And I’ll gladly explain what I mean…next time. I get the feeling that I’ve typed enough, so
I’ll go ahead and give my fingers -- and your eyes -- a rest.
See you guys soon. Because we’ve still got a ways to go.
(And that's it for Part 1. Check back next Friday for more.)