June 19, 2012

This looks disappointing.

Coming soon to a blog near you...maybe.  If you believe in miracles, perhaps.


  1. I would lower your expectations. Significantly. Unless of course you enjoy semi-delirious rants you won't believe are made WITHOUT the use of drugs.

    In which case...thanks for visiting my blog. You're gonna love it here.

  2. Nothing too special. Just me showcasing some concepts that I've been mulling over -- things that might help me get my own ideas down while (maybe) inspiring others.

    That's about it, really. Hence, the "lower your expectations" bit. And now that you know the secret...we must kung-fu fight to the death!

    Oh wait, I'm wearing my good pants. Never mind.

  3. Oh, I thought it was leading to a new segment you were going to do or something like.

  4. Oh, I thought it was leading to a new segment you were going to do or something like that. Over my head this went.

  5. It's sort of a new segment; it'll be a multi-post project that, once completed, will have a dedicated section on the site (you may have noticed the ???? tab I added). It's still a ways away from completion, but I think I've made enough progress to start dropping hints/info about it.
