You know what I realized? I never really explained why all my FF13-2 posts were titled “Good Morning,
There’s a cutscene early on in the game where
leading lady -- sure, let’s call her that -- Serah strikes out on her adventure
in earnest. But before she can get too
far, she meets up with one of her friends and offers her greeting. Or rather, the player does; it’s one of the
instances where you can choose from a handful of dialogue options. One of them, as you can guess, is “Good
morning, kupo!” And the NPC says it
right back. It makes (just barely
enough) sense contextually, because Serah’s weapon is actually a Mog that ends
pretty much every sentence with kupo.
And yes, it’s precisely as grating as you’d expect.
For one reason or another, I can’t help but think
of “Good morning, kupo” as a tribute to “Good morning, Crono” from Chrono Trigger. And really, isn’t that just dandy? It’s perfect for a game about time
travel! It makes for a multi-layered
thematic implementation for a blog post title!
It’s a grim reminder of a line that lets a company half-built on
nostalgia substitute effort and quality with pandering references that provoke
shallow, guttural reactions from audiences hungry for new experiences instead
of reminders of games long since bested!
Don’t worry, though. That’s not as big of a problem with Type-0. But it does have a major one.
Part 1: Days of Old
(Or: Screams
Internally: The Game)
So they brought back the fal’Cie system from FF13.
I can’t escape it.
None of us can. They just won’t
let it go. And, okay, I knew that going
into Type-0. I read about it beforehand, so I had time to
brace myself. And even if I didn’t, you
cannot even start a new file without the Fabula Nova Crystallis logo fading in. Remember, this game started out as part of a
packaged deal -- a trio of games that, unlike FFs before it, would share core concepts, ideas, and lore. But the assumption was that the lore they
built would actually be good. And be
explained. And matter in the main story. And make sense.
I’ll be frank.
Like I said, I knew going in that the fal’Cie and the l’Cie were
back. But even though I knew, when the
line that confirmed their presence finally appeared in the story proper, I
cringed. I cringed so hard, I actually
hurt the right side of my face. Thankfully
it hasn’t happened since, but not for lack of trying. I’m not far enough in the game to say
anything substantial, but as far as I can tell, the fal’Cie system isn’t just a
one-off thing. It’s a plot point. There are characters called out as l’Cie. The l’Cie emblem has shown up several times
already. People have spouted off about
their Focus. And all I can do is sit
there and pray it all pans out in the end.
So. I can’t
believe I’m doing this, but…let’s go over the fal’Cie system one more time.
Here’s how it works. In FF13,
there are these biomechanical beings called fal’Cie. These robo-gods handle the creation of
resources and relief for the people of Cocoon (space colony, more or less) and
Pulse (Earf); the tradeoff is that these gods can forcibly turn a person into
their personal gofer. That’s a l’Cie -- and
while they gain access to magic, they’re forced to do the bidding of the
fal’Cie via a magical order called a Focus.
If they complete the Focus, they gain eternal life as an immobile
crystal. If they fail the Focus (or
outright refuse to do it), then after enough time they turn into a zombie rock
I’m making it sound a lot more interesting than it
is. Setting aside the fact that there’s
no benefit for a l’Cie either way, it’s still an incredibly asinine system for
any number of reasons. Take your pick
from A) the “Focus” is just a hazy image, meaning that the l’Cie technically
has only the vaguest idea of what to do, B) the fal’Cie are effectively gods
and should be able to handle their own damn business, or if you’re feeling
saucy, C) this system only exists to create contrived drama and extend the plot
ten times further than it needs to go.
I’d list all my other complaints, but I’ve done that elsewhere and I
don’t want to relive bad memories.
I’ll be fair, though. Type-0’s
l’Cie and fal’Cie work differently from before. Whereas the l’Cie of 13 are lucky to throw around different-colored fireballs, 0’s l’Cie are treated like immortal
WMDs. Additionally, there’s an
implication that the fal’Cie in 0 are
crystals -- or offshoots of the world’s/different countries’ main crystals --
that enlist would-be soldiers to protect them.
That’s my theory, at least, and while I could be wrong -- and nasty
stuff could happen in the plot between now and the endgame -- it’s…well, I
don’t want to say good just yet, but
at least it’s better. Plus the main
characters -- the playable cadets of Class Zero featured so prominently in the
past -- aren’t the l’Cie this time
around, so there’s no constant whining on that front.
I’m still not convinced that the dumbass system
won’t ruin everything. See, Class Zero
is special compared to others because in the game’s opening mission, they’re
shown to be able to use magic when other soldiers have effectively been
Silenced. The in-game explanation so far
is that they’re of a different breed -- effectively super-soldiers bred or
trained by a woman they obediently call “Mother” -- but if the system now works
like the system back then, it’s not too much of a stretch to guess that Class
Zero is a bunch of low-level or man-made l’Cie.
That, of course, would imply that they’ve all got a Focus -- which
brings me to my next point.
We don’t need any magic systems.
I know that 0
came out for the PSP back in 2011 (Japan-only), so it’s not as if the devs
could backpedal with 13 having long
since been on store shelves. They had a
commitment to the Fabula Nova Crystallis, shortsighted as it might have
been…though apparently one of the main guys working on the game had
to be reminded that 0 was a part of it. Draw
from that what you will.
The point I’m trying to make is this: why did we
even need this linked universe? Even if 13’s execution was flawless, why bind
yourself to such rigid demands? And
since we know that 13 is NOT FLAWLESS
AT ALL -- which the devs must have inferred from its stalled, troubled
development -- then why create these rules for a game that doesn’t really need
it? Sure, keep the magic and the
crystals and the chocobos and all of that, but you don’t have to over-explain
every detail. If you want a guy who’s a
living WMD, fine. You can have
that. Just show us that he’s the baddest
mofo around -- like he’s got tons of talent, or experience, or he trained
himself to the peak of perfection.
That’s it. There’s no reason to
crowbar in elements that clash with either a creative vision or the needs of
the story.
But I guess that’s just the type of game 0 is.
Because they brought back Mog.
Fuck. Everything.
I mean…all right.
13-2 came out in Japan in
2011. Same as 0 -- although apparently, 0 actually
predates 13-2 by a couple of
months. Again, it’s not as if they could
backpedal, and the reactions of some fans (be they in the east or west) don’t
equal the reaction of every fan. But
even if that’s true, come on. This is a game that starts with a war-torn
city under siege, and mostly on fire.
You play as a squadron of super-soldiers forced to come to terms with
death. So, devs, you’re telling me that
you’re perfectly all right with giving the task of monitoring and maintaining
-- if not outright teaching -- these cadets…to a Moogle?
I don’t understand. Even if they’re boxed in by the limits of
canon, they’re still free to tell the best story possible -- something worthy
of the increasingly-dirty Final Fantasy name. Sure, there are conventions in the franchise
that can (and will) reoccur, but the expectation is that it’ll make sense. Phoenix Downs? Okay.
Magic? No problem. Moogles?
I can deal. Moogles in a seat of
power over the only hope a country on the ropes has of reclaiming stolen
lands? That’s where I draw the line.
So here’s the question I have now: is Final Fantasy stale?
Okay, that’s pretty obvious by now. But it’s worth noting that I came into this
series way late; my first experience with it was FF7, and that was years after its initial release. I haven’t touched a single game prior to that
beyond getting glimpses of the past in Dissidia. I couldn’t bring myself to play 12 for more than a few hours. I’m trying to pretend that The Lightning Saga
doesn’t count. Shit, I’ve played more
games in the Tales series than
In that sense, everything this franchise has to
offer should feel relatively new to me.
Each game is a chance to start fresh with new characters, new worlds,
and new ideas; that’s part of the fun of diving into each new installment,
issues of quality aside. But this time
around? I’ll admit that 0 is the bloodiest game in the franchise
to date -- and trust me, I’ll come back to that another day -- but even then, I
have a big issue.
How is it that this game just came out, but it
feels like I already played it?
Your enemy this time around is -- drumroll please
-- an “evil” empire. You’re part of a
bigger organization, taking orders without complaint from Class Zero’s “mother”
and other officials -- which makes me suspect that the “twist” is going to be
that they’re actually bad guys too, because anyone with even a modicum of
authority in fiction has a 50/50 chance of being a traitor, a villain, a
shitlord, or all three. And there’s a
war going on, which isn’t so bad in its own right, but so far I haven’t found a
reason to really care about what’s going on -- so that makes it really similar
to plenty of other stuff.
And these characters haven’t exactly leapt off the
page, either. It’s a consequence of the
way the game works, but you have to try to
get their characterization. I know, I
know, it’s the start of the game, and there are some good moments already, but
cripes. Nothing would make me happier
than being able to hang out with local mech-puncher Eight, but I can’t do that,
and I can’t see just what kind of person he is unless I stumble ass-backwards
into it. And you have fourteen characters -- not just within
the first hour, but over the course of a game to develop. Thus far, I’ve barely gotten any of that
development. I’ve just seen a bunch of
archetypes and attributes. The best way
to differentiate these people is by their hairstyles.
And you know what that means, right? Yep -- we’re being forced to see these people
as stereotypical FF (or just anime) characters
instead of fleshed-out heroes. That might
be the biggest sin the franchise could commit, especially at this stage.
Hell, 0
gets hit even harder, because it’s more than happy to give us hairstyles we’ve
already seen in other FF games. Just look at Cater…and look at Shelke.
Trey looks like Snow, who in turn looks like Ace.
Seven is almost literally a palette-swapped
Eight looks like the guy from 14's original cover.
Nine is, according to the Best Friends Zaibatsu, “older
And even if Class Zero members don’t necessarily
have hairstyles that line up with previous characters, there’s still the threat
of them having broad-strokes anime archetypes.
The Zaibatsu called out Queen as “unfeeling” within seconds of her appearance onscreen; very little in the game has
proven otherwise. Cinque takes the ditzy
trait up a few dozen notches, to the point where I’m concerned she has no idea
where she is at any given moment…plus they gave her Yuna’s run from 10-2.
You know. The dopey one. I am EXTREMELY concerned about Rem, because minute
one of her introduction has her stumbling from some sort of sickness, and
combined with her general personality suggests that she’s the game’s waifish
heroine. I’d say more about Machina, but
that would imply that there’s something to say.
I just don’t get it. I mean, yes, the core of the game is from
2011. That’s inescapable; in a lot of
ways, the HD release was outdated the moment it got announced. But even if that’s the case, why do I get the
feeling that a lot of these conventions would be out of date in 2011?
I know that there’s time for these characters and this world to develop
-- to pull me in and never let go -- but first impressions are important, damn
it. Give me ironclad proof that things
have changed. Show me that the franchise
is moving forward in more than just its number of games.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Of course things have changed, Voltech! Haven’t you heard? Haven’t you seen the game’s intro? This is the darkest, bloodiest Final Fantasy yet! That’s all the proof you need!” And to that I say: No it fucking isn’t.
I absolutely cannot do anything else in terms of
discussing this game before I address 0’s
beginning. Because you know
what? I actually wouldn’t mind a
genuinely-darker FF installment. Granted I wouldn’t mind a lighter FF installment as a means to bat
away the angsty/emo stigma with a sufficiently-large stick, but a game that can
say, do, or be something meaningful is plenty appreciable. And I’m hoping with all my heart that 0 delivers.
Here’s the thing, though. There are two major issues that, if left
untended to, could completely RUIN the game.
The first and most obvious is one I’ve talked about before: the darkness
and grittiness has to matter in a well-made, contextual manner. It’s not enough to have violence and blood
and then scream “THERE, IT’S BETTER NOW!”
There has to be more to it. It’s
too early to cast judgments on that front, but the game’s long since run into
the second issue -- and if it keeps it up, it may break 0 beyond repair. Do you know
what it is? I’ve already alluded to it
several times in this post, but I’ll say it directly.
This game has a problem with a consistent tone.
I’ll cut this post short for now and get to it
next time, because I have no clue how many words I’ll have to spend on
that. In the meantime, though, I’ll say
this: if it sounds like I hate this game, then I don’t mean to. I’m trying to stay as neutral as I can and
make final judgments later, but for now I don’t have any problems admitting
that I actually enjoy it. I’m having
fun. I’m intrigued. I want to see more. It’s passed a preliminary test that a lot of
modern games have long since failed.
Take that as you will.
I think my issues and mixed feelings with the game
come from a simple source: even if the game is good, I can’t help but think to
myself that it could have been better. That’s true of virtually every game, but
here? I’m left wanting. I can see the holes in the quilt, and I can
imagine all these different ways to fix it.
So while it’s an obvious sign of frustration, it’s also a sign of
quality; the fact that I want more
from the game -- if not expect it -- means that it’s done enough to get me
engaged and thinking critically. Chalk
that up as a win.
So I guess I’ll see you guys next time. But one more thing: why is this little
miniseries subtitled “Kill ‘Em All, Kupo!”?
Well, take your pick.
A) To highlight the tonal dissonance
B) Because it’s the first thing that popped into
my head
C) As an excuse to reference the Anarchy Reigns soundtrack
It’s pretty good.