Beat 79: An Origin Story? Nah,
Lloyd rubbed his
hair. “Er, my apologies, ma’am, but I
think I’m missing something here. You
made it sound as if you were responsible for Miss O’Leary’s problems. And as her mother, surely that isn’t the case.”
But Jane gave him a
brisk nod, staring ahead as Deirdre started to drag the soap out of her
mouth. “I’m afraid that’s exactly the case, Lloyd. If it wasn’t for me, maybe you’d be having an
easier time here -- and maybe my daughter and I would be better off.” She lowered her gaze. “I guess I botched this whole motherhood
business somewhere along the line. I had
a hunch that I’d done something wrong, but seeing something like this before my eyes…it’s the kind of
thing that’ll make you regret ever deciding to ride up to Make-Out Ridge after
the big dance.”
“I think this
conversation is in danger of being derailed, ma’am.” Lloyd looked up at the ring above Jane’s head
-- still shining, but with each passing second its innards emptied further. “We’d best cooperate more efficiently. I doubt I’ll be able to do anything without
“You’ve got that wrong,
Lloyd.” Jane shook her head, but smiled
regardless. “I’ll be sure to support you
however I can. But the one who’s going
to win this thing -- the one who’s going to save my daughter -- is you.”
A bar of soap large
enough to kill a man slammed into Lloyd’s head, and bolwed him over. He tried to right himself, but somehow lost
the drive to do so as he stared at the desktop -- or more precisely, the
bunny-eared beauty that squatted atop it.
“You’re not about to
save anyone, you little brat,” Deirdre sneered.
“You’re only here, alive, because you’re going to be my pet from now
on. I’m not about to let you ruin a good
thing.” Her head jerked its way toward
Jane. “And you. Who the hell do you think you are, trying to
butt in on MY territory? The boy is
mine. The girl is mine. And I don’t need anyone trying to change that
-- especially not you!”
Jane just laughed and
shrugged. “Bold words coming from an
imaginary friend. How does the old
saying go? Sticks and stones may break
my bones, but words will never hurt me -- so what chance does someone that
barely even exists have against me?” She
helped Lloyd to his feet and set him back in the director’s chair, patting him
down while flashing him a cheery smile.
And all the while, she ignored Deirdre -- the seething, growling,
trembling conjurer barely a half-foot away.
“By the by, I would
stop pushing Lloyd around if I were you.
And while we’re at it, how about you give the two of us some personal
space? I don’t like it when people
besides my husband breathe on me.”
Deirdre snorted. “And what are you going to do about it,
huh? If it’s a fight you want, I’d be
happy to gi-”
Jane turned toward
Deirdre. “Back. Off.
Lloyd couldn’t even
blink before Deirdre darted to the center of the room. “Pfft.
It’s not like I wanted to be that close to you anyway,” she said, arms
crossed and gaze averted…and body trembling, he quickly noted.
“There we go,” said
Jane as she clapped her hands together.
“Now. Where were we?”
Lloyd just kept staring
ahead. “Is this…the power of
“Sure is. Now Lloyd, let’s hurry up and get this done. Time is running out -- and I’ve got a lot to
say. So let’s not waste any more time,
all right?”
“O-of course. Speak freely; I’ll welcome whatever testimony
you can offer.”
Jane nodded, and took a
deep breath. “I guess it started back
when Sheila was in first grade -- when we moved here to Porbeagle. This was my hometown, but after high school I
ended up leaving and heading off on my own…and when a twist of fate brought me
back, I had a daughter and a husband with me.”
“A Porbeagle native,
then,” said Lloyd. “I’d assume the town
was elated to have you back.”
“The town was, sure,
but Sheila wasn’t. She had to start over
from square one, trying to make new friends and settle into her new home. It didn’t exactly work out for her. She was a nice girl, but shy, too. The definition of a wallflower. So it wasn’t long before she ended up all
alone -- and worse yet, had pretty much stopped trying to make friends.”
“You can’t tell me you
were expecting otherwise,” said Deirdre.
“Who said you could
speak? Am I gonna have to put you in
time out?”
“Hold on, ma’am,” said
Lloyd as he held up a hand. “She may be
a bit of a troublemaker, but I think you should allow her to speak freely. There may be something she says that I can
use later on.”
“You think so?”
“That’s typically how
these things tend to go.”
Jane shrugged. “If you say so. But back to my story. Like I said, Sheila didn’t have any friends
at school, and as time passed things looked like they’d only get harder for
her. So I tried cheering her up -- and
before long, I ended up becoming her best, and only friend. I know you saw us fighting a lot, but believe
it or not the two of us used to get along just fine. We were practically inseparable. Like sisters.”
Lloyd nodded and
stroked his chin. She remembers the fight from before?
That’s strange…I would have figured that anyone besides me in the
audition room would treat me as if we’d first met. But do things work differently when I have
another “judge” beside me? His brow
twitched. That may be a thread worth pursuing when this is over. But for now, I feel as if the details given
here are vital -- more so than the madam could ever suspect.
“Then one day -- an
April fool’s day -- I decided to play a trick on her. I took a jar of mayonnaise and dumped it into
a bowl, and pretended to eat it like ice cream.
When Sheila came wandering around the corner, she wanted to eat some
too, and I told her to dive in. If you
had seen the look on her face when…”
Jane stifled her laugh, and cleared her throat. “All I did was pull a prank, but I think I
ended up hurting her a lot more than I ever intended.”
“You were her only
friend. And you betrayed her trust.”
“Plus she never ate
mayonnaise again. And she used to love
it.” Jane shook her head. “She didn’t want anything to do with me
anymore. Her father, sure. But me?
Nothing. And he could only do so
much for her, bless his cholesterol-clogged heart; he did his best, but in the
end I knew Sheila needed someone for her.
If not her mother, then a real friend.
Someone on her level, and her terms.
So one night I asked her if she’d ever thought of making up an imaginary
“And that worked out
perfectly, as you can see,” said Deirdre.
“Obviously, I never got
to see her imaginary friend in person -- but I could still get a taste of the
effect. For one thing, Sheila didn’t
make any more friends…but the way she acted, she didn’t really need them. For another, she actually managed to prank me
back; she filled my milkshake with pickle juice and mustard.” Her face soured. “And that was just ONE of the pranks she
pulled…that week.”
So it was thanks to her untouchable ally that Miss O’Leary gained her
mischievous streak, Lloyd thought. Simple enough to follow…but I wonder about
certain aspects. Was it the friend alone
that taught her how to play tricks? Some
outside influence? Or merely hidden
talents, awakened once she gave her thoughts form?
I was under the impression that these two beauties are one and the
same. But could it be that I
misjudged? Were they really born from
the same source and circumstances? He
eyed the ring above Jane’s head -- well over half-empty. That’s
a mystery I’ll have to figure out on my own, it seems.
“Aren’t you forgetting
something?” Deirdre asked. She shot a
thumb at herself. “You’re forgetting the
most important part of the story: the day when Sheila realized I was the only
one that mattered -- not you. Not
her. Me.”
“And when was that?”
Jane asked, gripping her crossed arms.
But Deirdre merely
laughed and shrugged. “Oh, this is
rich. You’re her mother, and you don’t
even know? I guess you failed her in
more ways than one. Couldn’t help her
find any friends…couldn’t help her when she started growing up and out…couldn’t
help her believe she was anything more than a waste of space…it’s no wonder
things got so bad between the two of you.
Maybe it’d be for the best if you just up and killed each other.”
“That’s insane.”
“Is it? Well.
Maybe it is a little extreme
-- but think about it. Is the only way
the two of you can communicate these days through violence and
destruction? Is there really nothing
else you can offer your daughter besides a home to hide away in?” Deirdre’s eyes shifted toward Lloyd. “How sad is it that you have to rely on a
mere boy well beyond the family tree to get anything done? Maybe you’re the one who really needs an
imaginary friend -- because clearly, having a real daughter isn’t cutting it for you.”
Jane lowered her
eyes. “Maybe you’re right.”
Lloyd glanced at the
green ring -- and had to force himself to hold in a scream. The light dumped out at double, if not triple
the normal speed; what remained in the ring alternated between soothing green
and searing red, with the interval between each change growing shorter and
shorter. “Madam O’Leary! Your ring is --”
Deirdre chuckled. “Oh ho…looks like I just hit the spot. Just as I thought -- even mothers have their
weak points. So why don’t you just go on
home and start working on dinner? Once I
have my way here, Sheila’s going to want a big, hearty meal. One that’ll fill the both of us up, nice and
Lloyd leapt out of the
chair and held out his hands. “A-are you
all right, ma’am? Can you still fight
it? There’s still --”
But Jane shook her head
and laughed bitterly, and pushed Lloyd back into his chair. “She’s right.
I guess mothers do have their weak points. I just can’t believe I let her hit mine so
easily.” She clapped a hand across her
face. “Guess I’ve got my own issues that
need sorting out…”
Jane peeked at Lloyd
from between a few fingers. “Listen
carefully, Lloyd. You may not know the
full story, but you don’t need it.
You’ve got just enough information to pull through here -- and you’re
just crazy enough to make all the right connections. So I trust my daughter to you. Do the one thing that you can do…the one
thing I could never hope to do.”
“Didn’t I tell
you? Call me Jane, sweetheart. Hearing ‘ma’am’ over and over makes me feel
old.” She turned her back on Lloyd and
started off. “Heh. I was hoping I’d be able to make a cool exit,
but I guess that’s just the kind of thing you see in movies. Hard to do that sort of thing on a whim.”
“If you’re going to go,
then go,” said Deirdre. She could see
the ring just as plainly as Lloyd -- and hardly a hundredth of its light
But Jane ignored her,
and looked over her shoulder to Lloyd. “Don’t forget the most important piece,
Lloyd,” she said with a smile. “Remember
the fairies. Remember the --”
And in a flush of
light, Jane vanished. The green quill
lost its luster, turning just a few shades above gray.
“Well, that was easy,”
said Deirdre. She thrust her hands atop
her hips. “Now then. Where were we? Oh, right.
I think I was just getting
ready to blow your mind. Blow your mind,
make you my slave, take control, it’s all one and the same at this point. Though there is one difference between them:
I get to do one of those first. And
Lloyd didn’t say a
word. He just kept staring at the spot
where Jane vanished.
“Not even going to try
and resist? Well, I guess that makes
things easier on me.” Deidre floated
slowly toward Lloyd. “Now that mommy
dearest is gone, there’s no one left to protect you. And you know what that means, right? I’m on top once again -- so unless you’ve got
a real power besides trying to talk me to death, you’re all out of options.”
Lloyd just kept staring
at that spot. Staring. Staring.
Staring. Staring…and then,
“Actually, now that you
mention it, I do have one ace up my sleeve.”
“Lying isn’t a good
habit to have, sweet cheeks.”
“I’m well aware -- and
that’s exactly why I never lie.” Lloyd
turned toward her at last. “I’ve got all
I need, Miss O’Leary. And because of
that -- because of your mother’s earnest efforts -- I can do what I set out to
He thrust a finger
forward. “Now I can see your heart.”