You know what always
confused me? Sonic fan art.
No, I’m not talking
about THAT kind of Sonic fan art. I mean
the original character stuff -- the stuff that has all these multi-colored
hedgehogs looking mean and tough and powerful, preferably in a stance that’s a
dead ringer for a Super Saiyan. I never
understood the mentality behind that.
Sure, in the games Sonic and Shadow and even Silver got to go all gold
and glowy, but we’re talking about a series built around characters that roll
along the ground and ram their bodies into enemies. Just think about Sonic Adventure 2; Sonic and Shadow both go gold, but apparently
their best attack strategy for defeating the ultimate life-form fused with a
colony hurtling toward Earth is to ram their faces into the pulsing boils all
over its body.
Imagine my surprise
when I see Sonic ’06 -- via the Game
Grumps -- and lest my eyes deceived me, Shadow threw around energy blasts,
furiously flailed in midair attacked foes with precise yet powerful
punches and kicks, and activated his Kaioken.
Now, granted, Shadow’s ridiculously-expanded repertoire would have more
impact if most of his opponents could absorb more than one hit, or if the black
hedgehog actually HAD to fight every enemy every time instead of just running
past them at subsonic speed, but I guess it’s not much to ponder too
deeply. Shadow’s tough now! He’s cool!
He’s powerful! He’s the ultimate
life-form, and the best way to get that point across is with completely
extraneous gameplay mechanics!
Reminds me of a certain
other game. Though the name escapes me
at the moment…I think it starts with Final
or something. Well, whatever. Let’s move on.
So let’s tackle this
next section with a different context -- a little something I like to call “The
Chosen One Problem.”
Part 3: Lightning, Serah, and Noel
(Or: Keep Holding Out,
Bonnie Tyler)
Not too long ago, there was an article on Cracked (written by The Great Net Lord Daniel O’Brien) about
the kinds of movies Hollywood doesn’t make anymore. It’s not an especially long article, but it
has so many important ideas and observations that you really owe it to yourself
to give it a look. If you don’t feel
like reading any more than one of my monster posts, then I’ll just go ahead and
cut out a few snippets of it for you that are relevant to the matter at hand:
“The Everyman Action Hero is dead. He was killed and replaced by Jason
Bourne, and I don't know if we'll ever get him back. Audiences, apparently, no
longer want to watch a good, average cop who happens to be caught in the wrong
place at the wrong time; they want to see impossibly
tough/smart/resourceful/cool supercops.”
“Just look at the movies that have been coming out. The whole Harry
Potter franchise is based around Harry
being the special chosen one. The biggest films of the year have been superhero
movies. Skyfall featured maybe our
Jason Bourniest Bond ever. The Hunger Games is about another "chosen one," a girl who happens to be the
greatest archer alive and supernaturally great at surviving. Django
Unchained's Django was immediately the
fastest gun in the West. And so on and so on.”
He’s exactly right, of
course. But one thing that’s worth
noting is that in some cases, the so-called “chosen one” is less than
ideal. I’ve explained this to my brother
several times, but in the context of his titular series, Harry Potter is kind
of a crappy wizard. He does all right
for someone barely-entrenched in the magical world, but in terms of raw skill
or intelligence or ability he’s sorely lacking (to the point where it seems
like Hermione would make a better chosen one).
It certainly doesn’t help that in pretty much every book but one, maybe two, he had to get bailed out by
some random magical assist. True, you
could argue that he had other skills that made him up to the task, and that his
lack of magical ability was kind of the point of the story -- as a sort of foil
to Voldemort -- or that his ability to love was his strongest weapon, but let’s
be real here: in a world bursting with magic from every orifice, wouldn’t you
expect our hero and savior to be a little more…what’s the word I’m looking
for? Oh, yeah -- useful?
That’s “The Chosen One
Problem”, a series of questions that have to be answered (or at least
addressed) in order to satisfy the audience.
The biggest question, and the nexus of all the other questions, is a
simple one: why this guy? Why should the fate of the world, or the universe,
or time itself be entrusted to this one person?
What can he or she do that no one else can? Could the task be accomplished by anyone
else? Questions like those (and more)
are things that need to be considered over the course of a story, from inception
to the typing of the final word.
It’s not a problem that
needs a spreadsheet to sort out; it can be handled pretty simply if one
wants. Take DmC for example; I know I gave it a lot of trouble recently, but it
solves The Chosen One Problem fairly quickly and painlessly. Dante and Vergil are the only two nephilim
kicking around at the moment, and certainly the only ones hanging around the
city who are in any position to stop the demon king Mundus. They’ve got the power of angels and demons
inside them, with regenerative powers, durability, and a near-instant mastery
of any weapon they can get their hands on.
The human race is (presumably) so brainwashed that the thought of even
questioning Mundus is a foreign one, so if Dante and Vergil lose, it’s all
over. So they get a pass in that regard;
it’s just a shame that the rest of their story has more holes in it than Myrtle
Of course, you can look
at The Chosen One Problem in plenty of other ways -- I know, because I’ve
dabbled a bit in my own writing adventures.
There’s a guy who’s a member of a secret society of magic users --
keepers of the peace and defenders of humanity from ghosts and demons and such
that roam the world in secret -- and according to them, this guy is going to be
the key in defeating the greatest threat the world’s ever known. The problem is that this guy is a brash,
loudmouthed, and kind of dim fourteen-year-old who, unlike his clansmen, can’t
use magic and can barely sense disturbances in the world unless they jump out
at him. His “saving graces” are that
he’s pretty much a walking tank with loads of energy, and can summon a giant
flaming sword at will…albeit after muttering a long chant, because he sucks at
using magic. Simply put, he’s all about
brute force -- and even then his brute force is suspect, because it’s explained
that his sword is the magical equivalent of a blown-up balloon. Between his personality, character design,
and weapon of choice, you can think of him as a pastiche of a generic
anime/JRPG hero.
In spite of his
aptitude at sucking, he thinks that he’s a hot shot -- at least at the start of
the story -- because his status as the chosen one makes him different and
special. But of course, all of this is a
façade; he’s putting up an act, because his status as a (terrible) chosen one
has led to brutal training, rigid dogma, contempt and isolation, and worse…and
it’s created a vicious cycle where he acts tough to shield himself and keep up
his persona of wrongly-proposed perfection.
His story arc is all about coming to terms with his weakness and
fragility, finding a new source of pride and
his own definition of strength. More
than that, though, it’s about him blazing his own path, and becoming something
more than what his title demands. And all
this is helped by the fact that he’s not
the main character; in fact, there’s no guarantee he’ll even make it to (or
through) his fight with the big baddie. Maybe
“destiny” is a bit more malleable than one would think…
So yeah, there are
plenty of ways to handle The Chosen One Problem. But whether you give a justification or
explore the circumstances surrounding the title, there’s one thing a creator
should always keep in mind: the end goal isn’t just to tick a few boxes or
prove that you’ve thought things through.
The end goal is -- just like with every other element of a story -- to
satisfy the audience. The key word, as
always, is “adroitly”; whatever you decide to do, you have to do it well. Engage with an audience, and an audience will
engage with you.
With that in mind,
let’s think about this Problem using Final
Fantasy 13-2 as a framework, and keep discussing the characters from there. We’ll go ahead and start with the obvious one:
Why Lightning?
If you don’t know who
Lightning is and/or haven’t played through FF13
or 13-2 (in which case I envy
you), here’s a quick rundown on Squeenix’s new golden girl. Lightning is a soldier, a member of the
special unit known as the Guardian Corps dead-set on protecting the people of
Cocoon from whatever nasties come strutting through. However, her life gets flip-turned upside
down when Serah gets branded as a l’Cie and sent en route to exile; Lightning
drops everything to try and save her, but not only fails to do so, but ends up
branded as a l’Cie herself (along with four others, who’ll inevitably become
her party members).
While being a l’Cie
essentially makes the characters the gofers of the gods, the tradeoff is that
now they have access to magical powers and eventually beasts to summon at
will…although how having magic makes Lightning any different from the soldier
at the start of the game is a mystery, given that she could already leap dozens
of feet and slash apart war mechs. In any case, she’s sent on her way, gaining
strength and travelling the world -- all a ploy of the main villain, prompting
the team to try and sever the ties that bind them to their fates and head off
on their own. But after fifty hours’ worth
of leveling up, the gang manages to beat the baddie, and two of them sacrifice
themselves to save Cocoon from crashing into the lower world and killing
That’s right around the
time win FF13-2’s shenanigans
start. Rather than giving Lightning and
the other survivors the happy ending they’re after, in this new and altered
timeline (or something) Lightning gets pulled away from the rest of the group
and transported to Valhalla, presumably by the barely-mentioned goddess
Etro. There, she’s imbued with powers
far beyond the mortal ken, and tasked with doing…something. She’s a bodyguard, or a warrior goddess, or
something like that. I don’t know, I
haven’t finished the game yet (and thanks to “The Subplot”, I don’t know if I
ever will. But I’ll get to that).
While there’s not
exactly a “great destiny” calling Lightning to the battlefield, she is in many
respects a Chosen One. So the question
here remains: why Lightning? Why would Etro
summon Lightning, and only Lightning
to this empty world to fight a seemingly-endless (and arguably pointless)
war? Why not any of the other
characters, like Snow or Sazh? Is it
because she’s a soldier? So what? Sazh is a pilot with skills as a marksman,
and Snow can punch out tortoises the size of concert halls. And the whole matter of “experience” is
negated when all six party members are not only swinging around supreme
magicks, but were all chosen by other, lesser gods (and bear in mind that two
of the six party members are pretty much children). It’s not a matter of pulling characters away
from their loved ones, because Etro -- or whoever’s behind all this -- yanked
Lightning away from Serah for one reason or another.
Furthermore, if there
are gods that can -- according to comments I’ve picked up here and there --
make it so that the heroes succeed, or otherwise pull reality’s strings as
needed, what’s the point of having a “champion” like Lightning? Why not just snap your fingers and whisk the
bad men away? What lessons does
Lightning need to learn besides “Golly! I
guess it’s okay to trust other people after all!” and “Gee whiz, maybe I should
think about others besides myself and occasionally help my sister! Tee hee!”
Given that, why would you entrust someone who had to learn that lesson
so late in her life with godlike power?
Furthermore, why would you entrust that power to someone who barely
managed to save her sister, much less the entire world without divine
intervention? Why would you steal away
her freedom to choose her path in life after she just earned her right to live by her own strength and volition?
The key takeaway from
all this is simple: there’s no reason why Lightning had to become the goddess’
stooge. None. It comes out of nowhere, makes no sense in
the context of vanilla 13 -- itself a
story with confusing and contradictory context -- reveals the fact that the
developers were caught with their pants down, and ultimately comes off as silly
pandering. But the worst effect of making
Lightning “The Chosen One” without any solid reasoning or context (besides further demolishing Squeenix’s
credibility) is the fact that it demolishes her character. Somehow, they managed to take an
already-sorry character and make her even worse.
Like I said, Lightning
is a soldier. A fighter, but an average
person all the same, fairly distant from the church. She’s aware of all that stuff regarding l’Cie
and fal’Cie, but then again, so is everybody; it’s just a fact of life in the
world of FF13. So given all that, does THIS sound like the
dialogue of a common soldier?
“That time was lost. Yet time continued onwards. Divine Etro.Go
peacefully to your rest. I will stand guard over your legacy. This endless
realm is awash with sadness. Life and death lose all meaning under the rolling
waves of chaos Valhalla. The currents of time do not touch its shores. In this
world of lost moments, I begin my life anew.”
“Each reunion is a twist of the knife. The joy is ephemeral; it leaves
fear in its wake. A fear that all too soon the time will come when you must bid
farewell again. Yet you cannot help but long for the next encounter. Humanity's
great frailty...We prefer past happiness to future uncertainty.”
“When reaching for the future, we sometimes fall into the past. As we
gaze upon events that cannot be changed, our hearts grow bitter with regret. My
dear Serah. How will you choose to deal with that pain?”
Okay, I know Lightning
didn’t have the most memorable voice or character -- mostly because I can’t be
arsed to remember anything about her beside stoicism or generic rage -- but I’m
pretty sure she never said anything that sounds like it belongs in Paradise Lost as rewritten by
idiots. In the grand scheme of things,
what is the point of this overwrought narration -- and I stress narration,
because all this is done via voice-overs by Lightning? The “leading lady” is a technical
non-presence throughout the game, so…what, is it just a way to remind us that
Lightning is the only character in this game and in this trilogy worth caring
about? Isn’t that remarkably unfair to
Serah and the original five party embers?
Furthermore, what is the purpose of pulling Lightning into this
pointless war if, ultimately, she’s just stalling for time for Serah to show
up? Why would Etro pull Lightning there
when Serah is the one that’s really necessary?
Wouldn’t it make more sense for 13-2
to have Lightning trying to save her sister (again) if she’s supposed to be
Squeenix’s guardian angel?
This is getting
depressing. Let’s talk about a different
Why Noel?
If ever there was a
character that had to justify his existence, it would have to be Noel. This is a sequel that’s based on a game with
an established ensemble cast (though a third of that cast bit it). And honestly?
I don’t think I’m all that opposed to the idea of a smaller cast. 13’s
problem was that it had six characters to develop, and buckled under the
pressure; a daring duo could add focus and remove the chaff. The thing its sequel needed was a sense of
dynamism -- something to latch onto and intrigue. Something new, something exciting, something
Oh wait, never
mind. He’s pretty much just enacting a
(dumber) rehash of Kingdom Hearts.
Stop me if you’ve heard
this one before. A brown-haired,
blue-eyed youth embarks on a journey well beyond the bounds of his world,
travelling across space and time to help his young lady friend strapped to a
grim fate, while simultaneously crossing paths with and clashing against their
mutual friend, an older, more handsome, more powerful swordsman who willingly
dips into the power of darkness for his own ends -- ends which may be more
noble than they appear by virtue of his struggle to save the lady friend by any
means necessary, no matter how much he has to get his hands dirty.
…Suddenly, I’m VERY
fearful about Kingdom Hearts 3.
Okay, so how’s Noel as
a character? Well…he’s not terrible,
that’s for sure. He’s very, very safe --
he’s just the type of character you’d expect out of Squeenix. He’s a good guy at heart, but a little
socially awkward (in the sense that he’ll gladly start trouble when there
doesn’t need to be any). He’s got a dark
and troubled past, he’s brave, he’s supportive of the lead female, he’s a
little dim -- at least when you think about the story on anything more than a
superficial level -- and he’s improbably adept at defying the laws of physics,
just like any post-Advent Children character. Though to his credit, he seems to be more
perceptive than, say, Tidus or Snow; much like the player, he knows that when
Serah says “nothing’s wrong” after she has some kind of vision, she’s clearly
lying. Incidentally, Noel has the same
issue crop up with reversed roles later on, and the fact that he’s keeping
secrets becomes increasingly obvious…and a little grating, but it’s not a
If there’s one thing I
have to call Noel out for (besides the idea that keeping plot-relevant secrets
to himself is a good idea), it’s his interactions with Serah. It’s not uncommon to see him yank her around
by the arm or the shoulder at certain points, and, well, it just seems like
unnecessary roughness. Though there is
one exception to that, but I’ll talk about it in a second. In any case, it feels like Noel is a
character created with good intentions and minimizes the garbage of the
previous game, but he’s still kind of undeveloped. It feels like too much of his dialogue is
spent trying to encourage Serah, or spent going on and on about time travel, or
how this world works and what they need to do next. Noel isn’t really allowed to be Noel; he’s
not allowed to ascend above his archetype, and comes off as merely inoffensive
as a result. He’s not awful, but I
expect more from Final Fantasy 13: The
Apology Edition. I expected a little
bit more ambition -- but alas, it looks like more work went into designing his
freaky antler sword thing.
All right, so what’s
Noel’s story? Well, he’s from seven
hundred years in the future, and is apparently one of, if not the last human on
the planet. His world is a desolate wasteland,
devoid of life -- and those humans that manage to eke out an existence are
lucky to make it to age fifty. (So
basically, just like every other Final
Fantasy game.) However, Etro
apparently heard Noel’s prayers and dragged him through time, allowing him to
meet Lightning and look for Serah on her -- and the goddess’ -- behalf. So the question here is why Noel? Why was this guy
chosen by the goddess? (Also, where did his antler sword come from? How did he get the resources to make it in
his dystopian future, and why would he make something so impractical? Why is it that Noel’s from a horrible,
dust-laden future, but he’s both well-coiffed and immaculately dressed? Why is his language no different from someone
centuries in the past? Why is his magic
no different if he’s had seven hundred years’ worth of time for the magical
arts to develop?)
But that’s enough
questioning -- the bigger question is, how does he handle The Chosen One
Problem? On one hand, it seems a bit
more justified than you’d expect. Noel
has a connection to two of the game’s main characters, the villainous Caius and
the waifish Yeul; it’s likely that that could give the good guys a much-needed
advantage. He has some skills, and while
it’s highly arguable that his offense could be carried out by any other
character in the series, he DOES have knowledge of events to come by virtue of
Cocoon’s and Pulse’s future being Noel’s history. On the other hand, if Etro can pull Noel from
the future to Valhalla, why can’t she pull Serah from the present to Valhalla,
especially if that’s the one person that’s
supposedly so vital to the safety and preservation of time and space? And why just summon one guy? Why not an army? Why not hundreds of people from before
humanity died out in droves? Why not
Noel and Caius, rendering the latter’s ability to wreak havoc on his own terms
impossible? Why not Noel and Yeul,
sparing the latter of the fate that drives Caius to go AWOL in the first
You know what? Maybe the problem here isn’t Lightning or
Noel (not as much, at least). Maybe the
one who’s really at fault isn’t the chosen one, but the one who’s doing the choosing. If Etro is this all-powerful, all-seeing
goddess, why does she make such boneheaded decisions? Why does she insist on these
incredibly-circuitous paths in the name of saving the world? Besides the obvious answers, like “because
there would be no game” or “because Squeenix”?
Whatever. Let’s move on.
Why Serah?
I’ve already pondered
many times (many, many, many times) why this game revolves around Serah…well,
when it’s not revolving around Lightning, at least. She was barely a character in the original
game. She was a frail, inexperienced
young lady better suited to be protected and cradled by protectors like
Lightning and Snow. Her early moments at
the start of 13-2 still make me wince
and cringe. I’ve said it before, and
I’ll say it again: I cannot even begin to understand why Squeenix would switch
from a tough action heroine to her significantly less-confident, less-capable
little sister. Of course, those were all
things I thought prior to release, and prior to actually being able to play
through the game at my leisure. If the
game was as long as I anticipated, I would be able to watch out -- and even
chart -- the transformation of Serah from fledgling heroine to a fighter worthy
of being one of the chosen ones.
You know, sometimes
it’s hard to be an optimist.
I’m wholly convinced
that the presence of Lightning not only ruins Serah in the context of the game,
but in the context of her life. Let’s
ignore the fact that she’s constantly and consistently stopping the game to give
us voice-overs that sound like love letters to Lightning, and the fact that a
good half of her dialogue is devoted to Lightning even if the topic at hand was
only tangentially related to her. If the
backstory of this game is to be believed, Serah was so distressed over the
disappearance of Lightning that Snow ends up leaving to try and find her. You know, Snow. Serah’s fiancé. The guy who spent the entire game pining
after her, and refused to leave her side even though she was frozen in
crystal. Apparently, Serah was so
depressed and dysfunctional that Snow decides to go and search for her, just to
make her happy. And he never comes back
-- or at least, he never comes home.
Am I the only one who
thinks that’s kind of messed up? Sure,
Serah is right to believe that Lightning is still alive, and this only goes to
show that Snow is completely irresponsible and kind of a dick for abandoning
his fiancé, especially in her time of need.
But come the hell on; three years pass from Lightning’s disappearance
(the end of vanilla 13) to the meteorite
falling in New Bodhum (the start of 13-2);
are you telling me that in the three years since, Serah has been completely
unable to get over her loss? I’m not
saying that she’s not allowed to miss her sister, but this behavior sounds
vaguely self-destructive -- she always talks about her sister, she calls out
for her sister when she’s in trouble, she writes these letters to her sister in
her head, and she even has dreams about her sister. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Serah
wanted to -- nope, nope, nope, that’s Rule 34 territory. We’re not going there anytime soon. (Besides, that territory has been canonically
What’s important to
note is that Serah is never allowed to be Serah in her own right. She has the same problem as Noel, in that
she’s incredibly safe (as the standard gentle but uncertain female in JRPGs)
and that she isn’t doing as much development as she is marveling at the sights
and sounds. But there’s a key moment
later in the game -- in the dreaded “The Subplot” -- that shows off just what
I’m talking about. After beating a tough
boss (or at least tough to Serah and Noel; I pretty much vaporized it without
effort), the two characters get a moment to catch their breath before moving to
the next area. During their break, Noel
comments that, since Serah was the one who managed the final blow, she’s
starting to remind him of her sister.
Ignoring the fact that Noel knew Lightning for all of ten minutes, the
damage has been done with a few simple words.
Apparently, the most Serah can aspire towards isn’t to become a noble
warrior in her own right; she’s only allowed to be as good as her sister. Serah is stuck in the shadow of a character
who is herself a shadow; Serah’s little more than an umbra, in spite of being
THE main character. And that, my
friends, is just one of many reasons why FF13-2
is a failure on every level.
So with that in mind,
why is Serah one of the chosen ones?
Presumably, because she’s some manner of “seeress” -- something not
unlike Yeul, in the sense that she remembers how the timeline should actually
be, but unique in the sense that she can control monsters for some reason. Fair enough…except in that context, Serah’s
triumphantly inferior to Yeul because she barely knows how to control her
powers. And there’s the fact that
Lightning can command monsters -- Eidolons, no less -- with a wave of her
hand. And even if she knows how the
timeline should be, she doesn’t have the knowledge of future-history that Noel does
-- and she’s still significantly less skilled and powerful than Lightning,
Noel, and especially Caius.
Sooooooooooooo, from the standpoint of someone who’s put in some twenty
hours with the game, Serah’s job is done better by every member of the cast.