I saw The Hunger Games with my brother
yesterday. It’s funny; you don’t know
how close we were to seeing 21 Jump
Street. He woke up early asking me
if I wanted to see the latter, but I brought up that -- from my perspective --
we’d decided to watch the former instead.
“Given the choice, I think I’d rather see The Hunger Games,” I said yesterday morning. And so it was written.
I broke my rule of not
seeing movies based on books; I’d heard of the story before, but I’d never gotten
around to reading it. I HAVE, however,
read the purportedly-similar Battle
Royale (and after seeing THG’s
movie, I can see a lot of similarities).
Regardless, I was willing to give THG
a try. An 85% on Rotten Tomatoes; high
marks from a few sites and word of mouth; the fact that I perceived everyone
was seeing it -- a good movie, not one of Michael Bay’s onscreen travesties --
meant that to avoid it was akin to skipping out on a masterpiece. Like refusing to observe the Mona Lisa in
exchange for staring at some half-cooked lasagna.
Besides, I have a
certain…experience with movies. See, I
once went about four years without going to a theater to see a movie. There was good stuff on, I’d wager, but I
just never got around to it. It’s a
trait I’ve inherited from my mom, I think; my head snaps toward her whenever
(if-ever) she says she’s going to the cinema with her pals. The point being that, while I’m reluctant to
go to movies sometimes -- I have a habit of getting antsy and restless in the
middle of them -- it’s pretty often where I’ll say “Eh, all right, I guess I’ll go…” and then when I walk out
of the theater I’ll say “Wow, that greatly exceeded my expectations!” Such was the case with Super 8, V for Vendetta, and Kick-Ass. So I went in to see THG in good faith. I needed
to see what other purveyors of stories were doing and thinking. I needed to see if I could intuit and dissect
a tale, regardless of medium. I needed a
reason to type out, oh, some 3500 words and post them onto the internet for
some piddling sense of self-satisfaction.
And now I do. The
Hunger Games is…not as good as I thought it would be.
Now don’t get me
wrong. It’s not a bad movie; if asked to
give my recommendation, I would. You
should go see it. You’ll probably like
it. If your expectations are high, they’ll
probably be met. I just want to say that
my expectations weren’t. Maybe I’ve just gotten more critical of
things, or maybe I was just looking for a reason to dump all over this movie
(look how important I am, I don’t like what everyone else likes!). But there were issues that I just can’t
overlook -- just as there are issues that I actually approve of. So here’s how I’m going to do it: I’m going
to put together a list. It’s not an
organized list at all; just thoughts that pop up as I’m writing. Some are things I like, others are things I
dislike. So with that said, let’s get to
it, yeah?
I’m about to spoil this whole damn movie, so if you don’t want to know
what happens, you should leave now.
Maybe read about four dudes that go to hell?
The one thing that consistently irritated me
about the movie? The shaky-cam. By the lost eye of Odin, the shaky-cam. It’s like…you know how some people complain
about shaky-cam in other movies, and how it’s pretty obnoxious? You know how sometimes people will parody
shaky-cam by having the cameraman in their spoof move the camera around like it’s
in a dryer? That’s what this movie was
like at times -- consistently. It’s a
means to obscure the violence and create an effect, I know, but…cripes, this
has to be the first movie that gave me a headache from the visuals alone. (Other movies have given me headaches based
on the stupidity of their plots…but more on that another time.)
Oh my stars the president has some ASTONISHING
facial hair. And he’s not the only one;
did you see that guy during the tribute-styling sequence with the curly
I like how everybody of wealth -- i.e. not in
the districts -- looks like an unholy cross between a clown, Lady Gaga and some
cotton candy. It’s a nice,
straightforward juxtaposition; simple but effective. Perhaps this is indeed the dark future that
awaits us? Who knows what fashion will
be like a hundred, or even a dozen years from now?
One of the issues I took with the movie was
actually a lot earlier than I would have expected. When Katniss volunteers to be a tribute in
place of her little sister, it’s stated that it was the first time anyone’s
ever volunteered to be a tribute. I call bullshit. You’re telling me that in the history of the
games -- seventy-four of them -- that there’s never been a single
volunteer? There’s never been an older
sibling, 12-18, who’s offered to go in the place of a younger sibling? Especially since they’re in the same holding
area and know immediately when they’re selected? Katniss is the only one, ever, to make the
sacrifice? No. No.
It’s not only the suggestion that Katniss is the
only volunteer that bugs me, but the implications therein. Katniss volunteered to save her sister. Fine. I
get that. But what if someone else got
picked? Would she have taken her
place? Would she have sacrificed herself
for a stranger? If she had, that would’ve
meant a lot more to me than just taking one for her sister. Just think about that scene from Captain America: The First Avenger where
a wimpy Steve Rogers throws his body over a grenade he thought was active, as a
means to protect not only the other recruits that he didn’t know, but also
ridiculed him. While I accept that Katniss doesn’t have to reach such lofty
heights, can we at least not pretend that there’s anything legendary about her
Am I the only one that thought Peeta was doing
some fourth-wall engagement early in the movie?
Katniss is our heroine, so it’s likely that one way or another she’ll
win the game; Peeta on the other hand is…not the hero. He doesn’t stand nearly as much of a chance,
and he knows it; he knows that Katniss does because she’s a hunter by nature
and is very tough -- tougher than him.
How can he top that? Answer: he
can’t. It’s interesting, to say the
A part of me wishes that the game actually took
place in that futuristic city (or at least a subsection) instead of a forest. But then again, maybe that’s just the urban
fantasy fan in me spilling over.
Drunken swagger by Woody Harrellson? I approve.
You know, I actually like how there’s sort of a “motley
crew” thing going on with the District 12 group. Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, Cinna (sinner?),
and Effie have this strange but intriguing relationship as they’re preparing
for the Hunger Games. Especially
Haymitch; those scenes where he’s watching and moving about during the games in
silence are a nice contrast to the cynical nihilism he’d expressed earlier.
I also like how the districts are split up
according to (as I understand it) the job/resource they work. Twelve is the coal district, and I think there
was some mention of one of the other districts being a power plant area; makes
me wish I’d read the book.
Cinna certainly was an unsung hero throughout
the movie. If it wasn’t for his pyrotechnic
costumes, would Katniss have gotten the attention and publicity she
needed? Think carefully; was it Katniss
alone who wowed the crowd during the parade, or was it the spectacle of seeing
a girl on fire? Was it her words during
her talk show appearance, or was it her flaming dress? True, she managed to make her mark later on,
but I feel as if Cinna was a little…well, under-appreciated.
And on that note, when Katniss had to prove
herself to the sponsors in that test, couldn’t’ she have just shot an arrow at
them in the first place rather than waste time shooting at targets? If the goal’s to make an impression quickly,
why faff about with cardboard cutouts?
Contributing to the meta-level “Peeta’s not the
main character” ploy, Cinna doesn’t give him a suit that bursts into
flames. Why? Wasn’t he “the boy on fire”? I guess the plan was to have Peeta win
acclaim on his merits alone, but…if that’s the case, why give Katniss a flaming
dress? Shouldn’t she have been able to
do the same? Was it a subtle, satirical suggestion that women are judged based on looks alone? I guess there’s some defensible
reason behind it, but it feels like there’s room for...let's call it disapproval.
So Katniss’ first response to Peeta’s
proclamation of love is to press a forearm to his neck in the middle of a
hallway? Huh. Well, I guess that’s a better alternative
than just talking things out in a rational manner.
Which begs the question: why aren’t Katniss and
Peeta forming an alliance from the get-go?
Not with other districts, obviously, but with each other? Peeta’s already accepted that he’s probably
not going to make it out, and Katniss has to make it out alive and see her
sister again. While they’ll eventually
have to do the deed later, they’ll at least have a better chance if they stick
together -- and we can at least assume they can trust each other, as Katniss is
a generally good person and Peeta’s in love with her. If they don’t partner up, they’d be more
likely to bite it -- well, barring their status as main characters.
I can’t believe I made it this far in without
making comparisons to Battle Royale,
but I guess that stops here. See, in BR the contestants -- 42 teens, compared
to THG’s 24 -- were selected all from
one class and dropped on an island. Each
one, rather than being forced to find weapons, are given a pack with things
like food and water and a random weapon.
Some people get good items, like a baseball bat or body armor or a
helmet or a machine gun, while others get dud items like a boomerang or a
plastic fork. It forced an element of
adaption upon the contestants; even if you had a great weapon, you could still
get killed, and that weapon could be used by your murderer. In THG,
Katniss makes a bow fairly quickly, and trades up to a metal one
eventually. What would she have done if
she didn’t have access to a bow? She’s a
great shot no question, and it’s cool to see things played up to her strengths
-- a weapon of choice, if you will -- but acquiring enemy weapons was an
integral part of the strategy in BR
that I missed here. Well, it’s not to
the movie’s detriment; there’s more of an emphasis on surviving the elements,
and adapting to whatever the guys controlling the area subject you to. That I like.
But on that note…
Am I the only one who kept thinking “Hadouken! Hadouken!
Shakunetsu!” whenever the guys at mission control shot fireballs at
Katniss? I am? Oh. Well,
never mind then.
I hope the movie didn’t entertain the thought
that Peeta actually allied with the other tributes to survive. If it wasn’t, I’ve no objections. If it did…come on, seriously?
“Crap, Katniss is in a tree, and she keeps
dodging our arrow shots! Let’s wait her
out, she has to come down eventually! Or…we
could just wait for her to go to sleep and THEN shoot her. Oh, what’s that admitted love interest of
Katniss? Yeah, waiting her out is a
better idea.”
Where did that hornet’s nest come from? Did the administrators summon it for use by
Katniss? If not, then couldn’t the
tribute alliance have used it just as easily as her?
Rue is…problematic, in my eyes. We know Katniss (and to a lesser extent,
Peeta) is the main character, so everyone else is screwed. It’s obvious, given the nature of the game;
in order to make the other tributes meaningful, we need more evidential material,
something to latch onto and time to develop a relationship. The movie -- again, in my opinion -- didn’t
offer that. I’d wager there’s more in
the book, but from what I saw there’s no reason to remember Rue than a symbolic
stand-in for Katniss’ little sister. She
helps Katniss. Then she patches her up
after Katniss’ tracker-hacker venom trip.
Then they talk for a while. Then
they split up (no no no no NO, why would you do that that’s never a good idea),
Rue’s caught in a trap, Katniss saves her, but Rue takes a hit, gives her some
parting words and dies. Katniss cries,
gives a proper burial, and moves on. The
relationship and the opportunities therein are over before it even starts. And speaking of relationships…
Katniss and Peeta. Remember when the movie started, and Katniss
wanted nothing to do with Peeta? Remember
how she slammed him in the hall by the neck?
Remember the scenes where Katniss is in the rain looking at Peeta as he
throws her some food? How did we go from
that to Katniss going in for a kiss on a rock-ridden Peeta, or breaking down in
tears when she thinks something bad’s happened to Peeta? Was it necessary to get some romance in
there? Also, I like how (what I assume
is) her first kiss gets broadcast all over the world, including to her pal
Gale. Whoops!
One of the things that stuck out in THG is how the tributes are dolled up
and paraded in fancy suits -- even going through extensive beautification early
on -- so they can look pretty for audiences in spite of knowing how dirty they’d
get in the actual contest. I took note,
because I expected Katniss to be utterly filthy by game’s end. Imagine my surprise when, once she reunites
with Peeta, he’s utterly filthy and she -- barring a light mist of sweat -- is
mostly clean. Bear in mind that this is
a girl who outran a burning forest. And
no, Rue cleaning her up doesn’t count; think of all the stuff she had to do
afterward. Practicing what you preach,
eh movie?
I didn’t learn this until later, but apparently
the book version of THG is told
through Katniss’ perspective -- which would explain a lot about the movie’s
choices and developments. Now for
another BR comparison: while there
was a main character, you got to experience the thoughts, backstories, and
actions of the other students and the alliances formed/choices made
therein. While there were some cannon
fodder students, at least it created the illusion that the other characters
mattered and had a palpable effect on the story. In this movie -- which in spite of my
complaints I still recommend -- I don’t get the same sense. Everyone besides Katniss and Peeta is cannon
fodder. Which leads me to…
One of BR’s
greatest strengths was that it had a definite, fearsome protagonist. Yes, you could argue that it’s the government
and not the children that are the real villains, but on the ground level of the
competitions, there has to be a more definite force. BR
has it in spades with Kazuo Kiriyama, a whirling engine of death and source of
dread throughout the story. Smart,
ruthless, and incapable of empathy, he has the highest body count amongst any
other character. He asserts the fact
that there is no hope (and that if you break down and decide to kill someone,
you’re the next to die -- an interesting thematic device). He is, without question, a threat. THG
has…Cato, I think is his name? And what
does he do in the end, cry upon realizing what a messed-up kid he’s been bred
to be? That’s our final enemy? Not to mention by that point it was two
determined contestants running at full tilt against one. He’s not a threat; I didn’t believe it for a
second the moment the game started. In BR Kazuo makes his mark by killing the
toughest, smartest students that cross him (including another high-kill count
character); you know that he’s going to lose in the end, but he’ll give the
heroes a run for their money. That
immediate antagonistic element is something that I missed here in the
movie. I assume that the book did a
better job of establishing that, but for what it’s worth the movie paled in
comparison. An unfair judgment? You be the judge.
In spite of my complaints, I still want to
assert that THG did one thing better
than BR: the world-building. Maybe it’s just a consequence of being a
movie with visuals to go by, but THG
has a more thorough focus on what’s going on outside, while BR focuses on what’s going on inside. It’s to neither story’s detriment, of course,
but I still feel like -- if you asked me to describe their worlds on the spot
-- I have a better memory of THG’s world. Maybe I’m just getting old and forgetful, but
I guess there’s more of an impact and more threads to follow.
The District 11 riot…is that the first time
something like that has happened, too? I
don’t think the movie made it all that clear (unless I missed a line) but I
sure hope it isn’t. I’d sure hate to
think that the only impetus the district needed to rebel was the kindness from
a single white girl…
“May the odds be ever in your favor” is gonna
become a meme, isn’t it?
For talk of the movie’s incredibly long
run-time, I hardly noticed. I got a
little antsy as usual, but I barely noticed the time pass. And I suppose that has to count for
something; it had its faults, but it kept me engaged for the most part from
start to finish.
My biggest question at movie’s end is one that
Katniss and Peeta ask: what happens now?
“We try to forget” is Peeta’s answer, but we all know that’s not
happening. It’s sequel time!
I take issue with stories that act in defiance
of logic and pander to certain tropes just because they exist and that’s what
people expect. At times, THG breached my logical barriers and set
me off. At other times, I was more than
willing to enjoy the ride. And by other
times, I mean pretty frequently. No
story -- video game, novel, movie, show, what have you -- is perfect, as you
dedicated moviegoers are no doubt aware.
It’s the ability of a story to succeed in spite of its flaws, however
large or small, numerous or few, that makes it a marvelous tale. So as I said, I don’t HATE the movie as I do,
say, the Percy Jackson movie. Do I love THG?
No. Do I respect it? Yes.
Would I see it again? Maybe if it
came on TV. Would I enjoy it even
more? Doubtful, since I’d probably be on
the lookout for more inconsistencies.
For what it’s worth, it’s still a good movie. Not ZOMGamazing, but still very competent.
That said, if (when) they make the movie
sequels, I don’t think I’ll go see them -- or at the very least, won’t be in a
rush to see them like I was with this movie.
HOWEVER, I’m more than willing to give the books a chance. It’s the original, and doubtless superior
medium, giving details and insights that the writer had to convey but the movie
couldn’t. So I may end up breaking
another one of my rules and buy the book solely because of the movie. And in that regard…well played, Hollywood.
Seriously, the president’s hair is
ASTONISHING. A ‘stache, a beard, mutton
chops…it’s the total package!