So I’m starting to get the distinct feeling that
technology hates me. Like, all of it.
More pressingly?
I think the past month has served as an important signal. It’s been on the back of my mind since the
start of 2017, but April and this early section of May has basically clinched
it: I seriously need to start thinking about getting a new computer. I thought I could tough it out until the end
of the year, but the difficulties I’ve faced -- where even Microsoft Word has
seen issues and errors -- leads me to believe that the sooner I bite the
bullet, the better off I’ll be.
I mean, what’s the average lifespan of computer
hardware? About five years? I’d imagine that’s the case; my old laptop
started seeing dips in performance and huge spikes in heat once it hit the
five-year mark. I’ve switched to my
brother’s old PC and have been using it for years now, but now it’s at the
five-year mark, too. Believe me, I’ve
noticed. So I guess I need to start
thinking about when I’m going to start the replacement process -- and more
importantly, what I’m going to replace it with.
(Not sure if I’ll go for something entirely new, or if I can/should go
for straight upgrades of what I already have.)
Then there’s the matter of making sure my files end up getting properly
copied, stored, and ready for transfer.
Luckily I keep everything in relatively obvious locations, but the
problem is that the folders containing them are…well, let’s say they’re “weighty”
and leave it at that.
I guess this is something that’ll help me out in
the long run, though. I’d imagine that
even a basic upgrade to a more recent machine will give me a computer that’s
better at running modern games; given that I’m capped at 30fps and sub-optimal
visuals whenever I play Overwatch, I’d
say any upgrade is a good upgrade.
(Though to be fair, I’d be all right with 30fps as long as I could avoid
this weird glitch where everybody on the map stays invisible for all but the
last minute of a match.) If and when I
upgrade, I can start putting work into stuff that I haven’t been. There are some PC games I need to tackle, but
they don’t run as smoothly as they could.
Likewise, there are programs I need to work with, but I’m worried that
my creative vision -- such as it is -- will make me create stuff that’s too
stressful on my machine. So we’ll see
what happens on that front.
In the meantime, though? Don’t worry.
I’ve got another post lined up and ready to go on Monday. Nothing’s set in stone yet, but I’m pretty
confident I’ll be able to get something up on Thursday as well. It’s almost guaranteed that some upcoming
posts will feature Persona 5 in some
capacity, largely because I’ve been playing the hell out of it. With that said, I reserve the right to make
slightly shorter posts so that I can get back to novel stuff; with any luck, I
can wrap that up within the next month or two…or at least clear the first draft
and start whittling it down into something good. Similarly, I reserve the right to make filler
posts like this in the event that I face a complete disaster. I’m panicking over the possibility that I
could sit down to write one day, only to have my machine give me nothing but
the blue screen of death. That’d
probably explain why I’m furiously trying to copy and save as much as I can
elsewhere…and scrambling to find storage devices big enough to hold them all,
for that matter. (Don’t worry, I found
So yeah, I guess that’s where I am. If you don’t hear from me on this blog for
whatever reason, then you’d be safe in assuming that it’s a technical
difficulty and/or me being too pissed off to do anything substantial about it
for the day or night. I hope it doesn’t
come to that, but…yeah, these things happen.
I hope my luck is good enough to avoid the worst case scenario, but I’m
taking steps to dance around them as the days go by.
That’s about all I’ve got for this housekeeping
post. Till next time, then, take
care. And look forward to more stuff
from me in the future. Eventually. Like something on this. Eventually.