Well, I had another post planned for today, but…you
know what? Change of plans. I’ve had novels on the brain recently, and my
MO for posting stuff here is that I go with whatever has the biggest mindshare
at the moment. So let’s talk
novels. Specifically, my novel. That’s what you guys want to read, right?
*crickets chirping*
Would it ease the sting if I also talked about
video games?
*crickets chirping*
Let’s just get through this. And also, let’s pretend I’m not just writing
this because of technical difficulties that chose to kick me in the teeth at
the worst possible moments. Because if we can, then that’d be swell.
This should come as no surprise to anyone who’s
read this blog for more than a picosecond, but it’s pretty much my dream -- if
not my mission in life -- to become a writer.
I guess I already am, technically, but I’ve thrown out the phrase
“writing hero” all too many times before.
And yeah, that’s what I aspire towards.
Pushing a novel into the world like a crusty pirate forced to walk the
plank would be an honor, and certainly a privilege. Have I got what it takes to fulfill my
dreams? In terms of sheer effort,
willpower, and endurance…probably.
It takes more than effort, though. This is where I’d say “it takes talent, too”,
but in a world where a moldy, quasi-sentient orange can ascend to the highest
seat of governmental power despite being unable to string together a coherent
paragraph, I’m not so sure anymore.
Maybe it’s all about luck? Connections? Good marketing? I mean, there are a ton of games out there
that have succeeded based on the strength of their brand or advertising. We’ll see if they stand the test of time,
though -- but given that AAA games have a habit of withering on the vine after
that initial marketing blitz (and even during it), I have my doubts that
they’re all setting the world on
fire. One of these years, Ubisoft is
going to make an IP that justifies sequels based on the merit of the original
game, not just because it sold really well via pre-release hype-mongering.
So I’m two full paragraphs in, and what have I
accomplished? Dumping on game companies,
dumping on the government…I’m off to a rollicking good start.
In any case, novels. I’ve said as much before, but I’ve got a fair
number of them on tap. Because I’m me,
though, it wasn’t enough to write one manuscript; I had to go way over the limit and turn one novel
into seven. Back then, I couldn’t load
the full file without making Microsoft Word crash. So slicing it up seemed like the natural
course of action, and there were some surprisingly natural stopping points at
each section of the story. So I finished
it up, with all of the revising and editing my brain and body would allow. “All right!
Time to get published!” I thought.
couldn’t get anyone to bite. Sure, I
sent out the emails, samples, and query letters needed, but no one seemed
interested in the story. To be more
precise, no one seemed interested in the first
part of the story -- and if that first part couldn’t garner interest, the
other six were worthless. So yeah, that
was a great way to spend off-and-on years of my life: writing five hundred
thousand words, only to have the door slammed in my face at 300 miles per
hour. Incidentally, my nose is now a
fine powder that I keep in my top drawer for good luck.
Well, possibly.
Who can be sure?
So the original version of the story got
trashed. Figuratively speaking; I still
have digital copies of all my stuff, and I’m pretty sure an even rougher
version of those copies exists somewhere online. Either way, I started over. I kept the same basic plot, of course, but
revamped pretty much every single element possible. Updated characters, updated setting, updated
enemies, updated themes; it all made for a denser story, made possible because
I expanded upon stuff that got glossed over in the original version. The end result? I’ve got another half a million words in
manuscripts locked and loaded. I’ve had
them for a while. And a while back, I
went “All right! Time to get published!”
More rejections came in, assuming that I didn’t receive silence in their stead. Fortunately, I did make progress in a
surprising way: I know that the general premise of the story is one that people
are interested in, and I know that I can make a query letter that can
potentially sell to agents and/or publishing houses. Theoretically, it’s just a matter of finding
someone who’s A) interested enough to give my stuff a look, or B) so entranced
by the concept or my offering that they can’t turn away. Theoretically, if I just put in the work,
then I’ll find someone out there who’ll welcome me into the writing world --
the proverbial winner’s circle.
So naturally I decided to do the smart thing and
trash my story.
Nah, just kidding.
I don’t have it in me to trash the story again. Part of the reason is that said story (in its
entirety) has been a part of me for
more years than you could ever guess, and I don’t want to get rid of something
that might as well carry a decent-sized chunk of my soul. I’ll edit it, sure. But not erase it. And that’s because of the other reason: some
of the stuff in it is legitimately good.
Or at least, I think it’s good.
And think about what that means, coming from me. Yeah, it’s the height of hubris to say
something you made is good, but remember: I’m the guy who’s constantly
downplayed his talents and questioned his general status as a human being. What does it say when I declare something I
created is finally, finally passable?
I hope that people get to read the chapters I
wrote someday, because I can think of several standouts -- i.e. things that I
personally enjoy reading even when taken out of context. But in order to do that, I need to get Story
#1 out the door first. And from what I
can gather, Story #1 needs to be a standout.
Maybe not something that has to make people stand up and cheer, but at
the very least something that can stand alone in case the whole “multi-novel
series” thing doesn’t work out. We ARE
talking about a business after all, not just an artistic dumping ground. I wouldn’t blame anyone for wanting to avoid
pulling the trigger and putting a bullet through their wallets.
Was Story #1 strong enough to stand on its own merits? Originally, I thought that the answer was
yes. But the fact that I’m sitting here
writing this post instead of moving on to the droves of other stories I’ve got planned has to stand for
something. What it tells me,
overwhelmingly, is that I couldn’t just resubmit and resubmit and resubmit, and
fail and fail and fail. Would I have
found a willing audience eventually?
Sure. But what was it that Vaas
alluded to once upon a time? The
definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a
different result. (A lesson promptly and
thoroughly ignored by Ubisoft, by way of Assassin’s
So I thought, and I thought, and I thought. What was I missing? What could I do? Could I re-re-re-re-re-re-revise the first
entry to make it more of a standalone story?
Could I enhance it to the point where no one would be able to
resist? Sure. I probably could. But I didn’t want to; it would’ve just been
me banging my head against the wall until I succeeded, and I wasn’t too keen on
having a skull indistinguishable from a jar of strawberry jam. Still, that was one key option: soldier on
with Story #1 -- the first of six -- and hope for the best. The other option? Put everything
on the shelf and start an entirely new, one-shot tale. And to be clear, I almost did. But I took a third option, because I realized
something important.
The story started and finished within six
entries. The problem -- and the solution
I have now -- is that it needed to be seven.
Originally, the story started on a rainy Saturday
afternoon in mid-October. It would have
followed the main character on his quest to uncover the mysteries and maladies
plaguing his home, New Line City (AKA the “city of broken dreams”). And likewise, that quest would involve him
having a close encounter with a dimension-hopping serial killer -- which in
turn would spark a pursuit and catalyst
for a much direr quest. That’s all still
in place. It’s not changing.
But with this new beginning, I’m going forward by
going backward. The clock’s been dialed
back; now it’s the day before -- not even a full 24 hours -- and our hero’s
journey starts with him doing extensive research on the killer. Unfortunately, he ends up getting the
attention of the wrong crowd -- troublemakers who see the killer as a sort of
idol. It’s not long before things go
belly-up, with deaths before the first chapter’s end and, more pressingly, the
complete cessation of time’s flow. Those
who want to make their ZA WARUDO jokes of choice, feel free to do so now.
In the interest of time (ha), I’ll go ahead and
spare you a full rundown of what happens.
I can say, however, that this is pretty much going to be the new Story
#1, and the lead-in to whatever else will hopefully follow. It’s presented some interesting challenges,
though; I have to keep the new themes consistent with the old ones, justify
plot elements for both the old and new, and more. Critically, I have to make the characters
here have an arc without having them
develop too far, or else it’ll dampen their growth throughout the other six
installments. I’m managing, though. The stuff that happens in this new part is a
departure that puts the main characters through the proverbial wringer. It’ll change them, but in a way that sets
them up for future development.
Obviously, I still have a ways to go. From what I can gather, I need a bare minimum
of 80,000 words in order to launch anything (and that’s what I was shooting for
at first). If I remember right, the file
I have now is sitting at about 78,000 words.
Not bad, considering that I started in January -- on the 17th,
specifically. (Thanks, right-click
Properties!) How big will the final file
be, though? Hard to say, especially
since it’s guaranteed that I’ll be paring stuff down. For now, Mission 1 is to write down
everything I can, and cut later as needed.
I don’t foresee this one project turning into another 500K monster, but
I’d wager that -- before editing -- it’ll be 110K.
I could be wrong, though. I’m probably wrong. I hope I’m wrong, because the less I have to
edit, the more justification I’ll have for getting back to NieR: Automata. It’ll be a
reward. Preferably not of the eternal
It really is something, though. I thought I had the story locked, loaded, and
ready to fire a little over six months ago.
If you had talked to me back then, the idea of doing a story before the
story -- a quasi-prequel of sorts -- would have led to me slapping you in the
face. But here I am, starting fresh
without really starting fresh. Well, if this thing takes off then the other
six stories are going to need some cataclysmic
edits (one character was introduced way earlier, and there’ll be a lot that
needs explaining vis a vis the inaction of certain parties), but it’s not an
impossible situation. If anything, it’s
a beneficial one.
The world of fiction is no stranger to
prequels. Anyone who’s kept a pulse on
Hollywood trends over the past few years is all too wary of that unpleasant truth,
though to be fair it’s not limited to the big screen. Curiously, Tales of Berseria decided that, instead of continuing with the
groundwork laid by its predecessor Tales
of Zestiria, it would jump back by several centuries and essentially show
“how we got here”. The devs didn’t have
to -- and maybe they shouldn’t have, given that Zestiria has a contested reputation -- but as far as I’m concerned,
it ended up being a great move. Berseria
managed to stand on its own merits and retroactively enhance Zestiria, while being advanced in
turn. An intimate understanding of
groundwork and previous efforts allowed the team to make something far stronger
than anyone would expect.
It’s basically cheating, yeah, but whatever. They’ll gladly cheat to win -- and I guess
I’m doing the same.
I don’t want to just sit in my room and tick away
at my keyboard forever. I want to get my
stories out there. I want to have my
effort be rewarded. I want to validate
my dreams, my faith, and my very existence.
I want to win. And sure, maybe I could’ve won if I just kept
pushing those original seven stories.
Maybe I could’ve won if I just kept pushing those revamped six. But in case it wasn’t obvious, I’m the sort
of guy who, instead of exerting a minimal amount of effort to quickly solve an
arisen problem, will exert an insane amount
of effort to hopefully solve an
arisen problem. I’d sooner climb a
mountain than go around it. So on one hand,
it’s more than a little frustrating to know that I’m technically back at square
one, by way of me going from having a manuscript ready to -- if I were to start
sending out emails -- going “okay, I don’t have any proof yet, but this story’s
super awesome and you should give me
fame, money, and blueberry muffins for it”.
But whatever.
If I have to struggle, then I’ll struggle. And presumably, once this is finished? Pushing it out there will be less of a struggle
than bumbling around with those other six stories and hoping for the best. It’ll have the feel of a one-shot, but the
door will absolutely be open for everything else I have ready. And beyond that? Every shut door and every failure makes me a
better writer -- makes me think about why I screwed up this time, and what I
can do to build upon it.
Staying set in my ways isn’t going to help me in
the long run, or the short run. I need an evolution, and going backward seems
like a surefire way to do it. There is
the phrase “kill your darlings” floating around in the writing world, after
all. So nothing is sacred. Anything can change. And with any luck? This one new story is going to be the
clincher -- the key to the future I’ve wanted since I was 11 years old.
So let’s see how far forward I can go.
Thanks for reading. And as a friendly reminder, fuck technical difficulties.