Actually, let me
rephrase that. I’ve been playing Final
Fantasy VII Remake, so much so that (I assume) the next time I sit down
with it, I’m going to clear the game. My
total play time is something around 41 hours so far, having put in some legwork
to wrap up as many sidequests as possible -- both for the sake of not missing
any extra/story content, and in the (likely) event that this is the first and
last time I’ll ever do a full run. I think
I’ve made enough of an effort and spent enough time with the remake to be
moderately credible when it comes to saying anything of substance about
it. I know the ins and outs. I know the score.
Given that -- and
given my reputation -- what do I think of FF7R? I think…that I’m not going to say a word
until I finish it.
That’s getting harder
and harder to do by the day. I have some
things to say about it. Until
then, though? There are other
miscellaneous thoughts I can go over.
Enjoy. (If you can.)
I didn’t want to
end up in this situation, but here I am anyway.
Here I am, making a confession: FF7R ended up being a lot more
important to me than I ever would have guessed.
Or preferred. This blog was 75% built
on me griping about Final Fantasy games, starting with the one title
that hurt me badly, FF13. Looking
back, I can’t believe how naïve I was to think that nothing would ever be as
bad. 13-2. Type-0.
FF15. And on a parallel
track, KHIII (itself opening the floodgates on some other trash-ready Kingdom
Hearts games). In my lightless and decrepit
eyes -- the left of which is provably worse thanks to a fateful dodgeball game
-- Squeenix hasn’t put out a good JRPG in their mainline franchises in a
I know what you’re
thinking (besides licking your lips and rubbing your hands in the hopes that I’ll
go sicko mode on FF7R and scream about how bad it is). “Voltech, brother, why must you wound
yourself so? Why open your heart if
nothing awaits but fresh gashes and spilled blood?” And yes, imaginary people I’m using to
justify my ramblings before they’re used as evidence in my insanity hearing: I
should have cut FF loose a long time ago. I already kind of did, after I dramatically
claimed at the
start of my FF15 posts that “this franchise is dead to me”. Why am I back?
Given the
circumstances, how could I not be back?
By no means is the
original FF7 my favorite game. It
doesn’t take up a huge space in my brain.
Even though I absolutely acknowledge the quality of it, and agree with
those that feel the same, it’s not as if it’s the be-all and end-all. But the game still occupies a special place
in my heart for one specific reason: if not for it -- and the one-two punch
provided by FF8 not long after -- then I might never have wanted to
become a writer. Basically, one
franchise, and one franchise I got to later than most, ended up altering the trajectory
of my entire life. Probably for ill
rather than good, but we’ll know for sure once my tombstone’s all propped up.
The heroes. The battles.
The spectacle. The world. The adventure. The energy.
The spirit of it all. Final
Fantasy opened my eyes to a realm of infinite possibilities, the magic that
a creator -- that a work of art -- can weave out of the ether. It was the shot of adrenaline that an
anxious, wound-up, introverted, and deeply-repressed elementary schooler
needed. If we’re being honest, we all
kind of need that. Fiction --
especially good fiction -- is the spark every last one of us needs to keep the
fires inside us burning bright.
So on one hand, I
personally need to see FF7R through to the end. Having recently replayed the original FF7 via
the Switch port (up to and including beating the
Emerald Weapon with 22 seconds on the clock), I know now without a doubt
that Baby Voltech wasn’t an idiot for placing his faith in a game featuring
roadrunners as big as SUVs. There’s a
reason why the original game is so highly valued and revered. The only question was whether or not Squeenix
could recapture the magic -- no, enhance the magic with all of the
advancements 20+ years of game development could allow. And, it was a chance at redemption. It still is.
The company’s
flagship franchise has been taking heat since…well, my instinct is to say July 2001, but
honestly, I think there have been detractors since well before that. Whatever point they/you say that FF started
going downhill, I think we can all agree that there has been a fall from
grace. The remake is a chance to undo
all of that. Prove the worth of the
franchise and the company behind it.
Make amends for past sins. Blaze
a trail toward the future. A lot was
riding on the game fans have begged for since the days of the
infamous tech demo. And again, it
still is.
My brain says one
thing, but my heart says another. And my
heart says “I want to be a part of that.”
I’ve been holding
onto this anger and resentment toward this franchise for eight years -- at a
bare minimum vis a vis blogging about it and thus having my hatred exaggerated
over time. That can’t be
healthy. I don’t know if I have it in me
to keep that grudge in my chest for another eight years. That’s why I have to open my heart once more,
even if it means getting hurt. FOMO
culture may be getting the best of me, sure, but this is a personal battle that
I can’t run away from. I need to see
what’s become of my old friend, and settle things once and for all. Has redemption been earned, or is it time for
the final rejection -- a mercy killing, and a callous abandonment of the
corpse? Is the franchise so dead that it’s
become undead, and the zombie that remains needs to be taken out?
I have some
thoughts on that matter. Regardless,
there’s one other function of this little excursion: this is the moment when I’ll
see how far I’ve come. Once upon a time,
FF7 was a teacher to me. Since
then, we’ve gone our separate ways, down paths with thousands of miles between
us. FF continues to rake in cash,
high(ish) sales figures, and popularity, but again and again I catch traces of
resentment and skepticism -- almost as if there are people who buy the games
out of obligation. And remember the
golden rule: companies don’t need you to enjoy their products. You just have to keep slapping down the
And then there’s me. Me, the guy who’s held onto his ambitions for
years on years on years. The guy who’s
so eager to become a storyteller that he practically rewrote the same story
over thrice, with over 1.3 million words in manuscripts to show for
it. The guy who, upon getting rejected
again and again for one story, wrote another one so he could juggle two
manuscripts at once -- and is one schedule-clear morning away from starting a
third. The guy who’s only gotten
published when he throws his insane mutterings online, only to find that those
that do partake (and don’t have their eyes wither and deflate in the face of my
torturous word counts) routinely adore his work. I’m basically the Duke of Obscurity…okay, fine,
Duchess of Obscurity…but I think I’ve put in just enough time over the
years to say I’m a good writer.
And now it’s time
to decide. Time to prove myself, more
than needing to prove (or disprove) FF still has a place in this
world. Can I find something good in this
remake? Can I figure out what makes it
tick? Can I grasp what works and what
doesn’t? Can I view the story
impartially, in spite of my biases and preferences? Can I walk away with new lessons from my
would-be arch nemesis, and become a stronger writer because of it? Can I face the embodiment of myself, past,
present, and future, and come out the other side with a heart that burns
brighter than ever before?
We’re about to find
See you soon.
Okay, I’ll say one
thing about FF7R: Barret is hot AF.