I know why you’re here. And I don’t blame you for it.
It’s Final
Fantasy. You can’t turn away from
it. I
can’t turn away from it. Anyone who’s
ever jumped on a Goomba can’t turn away for it.
The franchise keeps pulling in gamers across the board, whether they’re
diehard fans or furious detractors. And
with FF15 -- formerly Versus 13 -- being an upcoming title for
nearly a decade, all eyes are on Squeenix’s latest.
Not to generalize, but I’m guessing you’re here so
you can see me deliver some bad news. I
don’t blame anyone for it; The Lightning Saga practically ran the franchise’s
name into the ground, and it hasn’t exactly been soaring in the sky since…well,
maybe as early as FF8. Couple that with the slew of disappointments
in the eighth-gen console/AAA space recently, and any given gamer has the right
to suspect -- if not expect --
another debacle. This spiffy new demo is
going to be all the proof we need to skip the full game. At least, that’s the fear. People are just waiting for confirmation.
I know why you’re here. And guess what? I’m not here to tell you that the game -- Duscae or otherwise -- is terrible. So breathe a sigh of relief.
I’m here to give you some bad news.
Let me pare it down to the basics, just in case
you need a quick summary. Is the demo
good? Eh. Does it paint a pretty picture for the full
release? Not really. Did I have fun? I guess, but I couldn’t play it without
longing for more Type-0. Would I play it again? Noooooooooooooooo.
I have mixed feelings about Duscae. I don’t want to say
I hate it, because all things considered, I don’t. But even so, I can’t bring myself to say I
loved it, or even liked it. It’s just
kind of…there. It does its thing, and
that thing doesn’t make me want to choke on my rage, but I should be feeling
more at this point, right? And beyond
that, there’s the understood rule: the purpose of a demo is to hype a potential
player enough so that he or she will make the full purchase. Duscae didn’t
really do that for me. So based solely
on that, the demo’s kind of a failure -- to the point where I kind of wish they
didn’t even release one.
But before I explain why, I need you to do me a
favor. Watch this video.
So I have a question: does Squeenix think we’re
all idiot babies?
I ask this because as far as I know, the demo does
nothing to explain those advanced
options. I wouldn’t have even known they
were in the game if not for me scrolling through the comments on a Destructoid
post. Granted I can understand them not
laying everything out -- especially since they took the whole “FF13 is just a twenty-hour tutorial”
complaint, apparently the one thing
they gleaned from fans -- but there’s a difference between
confusing/overwhelming fans and showing off elements of the game that actually
help make it more interesting.
Squeenix has been weird since FF13. That game had the
training wheels on almost from start to finish, and its sequel practically
welded them to our faces. Then Lightning Returns makes the rounds, and
there are all these comments from reviews saying that the game is “challenging”
and it actually recommends playing on the easiest difficulty. And Type-0
defaults to/recommends the easy difficulty as well. Speaking specifically about the last
one? Type-0
isn’t exactly a tough game; I’ve only run into trouble from a golem that,
surprise, could one-shot me. In turn, I
beat a boss in seconds just by
spamming gunshots and abusing the critical hit system. I barely had to move or dodge.
Duscae isn’t
pushing me to my limits, either. Yes,
the Behemoth boss packed in can wreck your party, but it doesn’t feel
difficult; it’s just a really big monster with a wide attack range and high
damage. I don’t feel like I’m being
tasked with understanding the gameplay mechanics in order to survive. Same goes for the regular enemies -- which to
be fair is pretty much a given, but it doesn’t change the fact that as-is, 15 doesn’t feel all that exciting. It could be worse, I know; it doesn’t drop
down to Dragon Age: Inquisition levels
of tedium, but it’s still not optimal yet.
This is why I say that Squeenix should have
explained some of those advanced techniques in the tutorial -- because based
solely on the basic info and the barebones experience, there’s a reason I’d
rather play Type-0. You hold down Square to auto-attack, and at
this stage that’s more than enough to beat most enemies. Just like Dragon
Age, it’s a game that I suspect would feel a lot better if I had to press
more than one button on a regular basis.
And while you do have a special move mapped to Triangle, it’s still more
about those melee attacks. And they really don’t feel as punchy as they
Chalk this up to a set of intangibles, but Duscae just doesn’t click for me. Setting the nuances aside, basic melee
attacks feel really slow and abrupt, and -- dare I say it --
over-animated. To be fair, over-animated
melee attacks have been a problem for Squeenix since Kingdom Hearts 2, but that was pretty much a decade ago. We live in a world where Platinum Games
happened -- and while I don’t expect a game from a company dealing in RPGs to
meet that standard, Duscae doesn’t
have a satisfying feel.
The easiest way to explain it is to double-dip
into Type-0. Of the fourteen playable characters in that,
I really like Eight. Do you know
why? Because when you press Square with
him, he punches stuff. No flips. No spins.
No flourishes. He just does a
direct punch. He’ll do more if you keep
pressing Square, and he’ll keep punching (and add kicks) if you hold the button
down. That’s it. That’s good.
If I play well with the character, then I can attack at my leisure,
dodge at my leisure, and land critical hits at my leisure. A button press with Eight corresponds to a
punch with Eight.
But not every character in that game is like
him. The dagger-wielding Rem feels like
a nightmare; her basic attacks are a bunch of flip-de-loops and dashes -- with
lots of motion blur, because reasons -- that send her all around an enemy. I can barely even tell if she’s landing her
attacks, because it all blends into a bunch of nonsense. And that’s when I’m holding down the button;
if I’m mashing the button, my question would be “Where does one hit end and
another begin?” Or “What’s the timing?”
I guess it’s all a consequence of me playing so
many fighting games in the past few years.
I’m far from an expert, but any one of them feels so right.
Press fierce with Ryu and you get a heavy punch. Press slash with Ky and you get a sword
attack. One input corresponds to
(typically) one attack -- a simple, straightforward thing that does its job and
then ends so you can act/react from there, whether it’s to continue your
offense or back off and play defense.
It’s ridiculous to expect 15/Duscae to be like a fighting game, but the point is that there’s
an understood responsiveness in fighters that’s sorely needed in any given
Squeenix game that has even a modicum of action elements. And there isn’t. Noctis’ attacks aren’t as pointlessly-OTT as
some of the guys in Type-0, but
anyone who says that Duscae feels
sluggish or unengaging isn’t just talking out of their ass.
I had a conversation with my brother not too long
ago about Duscae, and he expressed
his concerns after his time with it. Once
I actually sat down with the demo, he explained his umbrage with the defensive
system. Basically, you have to hold down
L1 to manually enter a sort of defense mode; as long as you have enough MP,
you’ll automatically dodge anything that comes your way. If you dodge an attack with an Arkham series-style prompt, you’ll be
able to launch a counterattack. It’s
certainly a system, but it’s one that hasn’t won either of us over. His problem with it is that (at a glance) you
can’t dodge enemy attacks on reaction.
You have to predict them by
stopping your offense, going into defense mode, and letting the game dodge for
Of course, he didn’t know that there’s actually a
manual dodge, and I can’t blame him seeing as how the game doesn’t explain it in the tutorial. But before either of us knew, he asked me if
there was a chance that players would be able to dodge on command/cancel
attacks in the full release. I told him
no, probably not. There’s always the
chance that 15 will have an ability
that lets you do just that, but Duscae’s dodge
mechanic seems purposefully designed. It
wants you to not have the (obvious)
ability to dodge cancel, because it’s a way to make sure the player actually
pays attention in a fight -- to know there’s a time to push forward and a time
to back down.
It’s a sound theory. But in practice, it’s not really ideal.
The camera’s a real issue here, if not the cause
of all of Duscae’s problems. I won’t say that the enemies don’t have good
enough animations to read incoming attacks (though others might disagree), but
the problem is that I don’t get to see enough of their bodies to respond
accordingly. There are a bunch of woolly
mammoth enemies shuffling around the map that you can take down, but their size
and your positioning makes it hard to find their tells. Even if it didn’t, I don’t understand why the
game would make auto-dodging the overt system instead of manual dodging (or
better yet, a good dodge roll). I
seriously don’t want the game to take the wheel, and more importantly I don’t
want rigid divides between offense and defense.
On the other hand, that’s not exactly the easiest
fix. Swinging the game too far in a
different direction would turn it into Kingdom
Hearts, and that means the full release would preemptively steal KH3’s thunder. On top of that, I’m not opposed to a game
that balances action elements with strategy elements, so long as it does both
of those things competently. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I’m just barely
feeling the competency in Duscae;
it’s not tight enough to be an action game, and it’s not thoughtful enough to
be an RPG. I haven’t felt the need to
explore the systems and learn the nuances, because it’s almost as if the basics
are all I need.
But setting that aside, there’s the Warp Blade
mechanic. The gist of it is that by
tapping X, Noctis will throw a sword; wherever it lands, he’ll teleport
there. It sounds like a good idea, but
the demo doesn’t do it justice -- and comes within inches of crippling it. The camera (at default settings) isn’t nearly
cooperative enough to allow you fancy maneuvers on a dime, and since you can’t
really aim of your own volition, it adds a lot of guesswork into the mix.
The tutorial implies that you can use the Warp
Blade to seek higher ground and regain health/assess the situation, but it’s
practically a lie; you can only warp to specific high points that are marked
with targeting reticles, and even if you weren’t limited to that, you spend
practically the whole demo traversing flatlands. You can use it to zoom in on enemies and
start an offense, which is nice, but mostly it’s a tool to get closer to downed
allies. Or get close to rocks. Even when you do get to warp to high points,
you can’t do anything but hang there and regain health (in the demo, at
least). It’d be different if they gave
Noctis some magic or a gun, but as-is you’re a sitting duck.
My biggest complaint with the system by far is one that I lobbed at Infamous: Second Son once upon a time. In that game, the flow of the superhero
combat was constantly broken up by Delsin’s need to scurry away and hide/find a
power source so he could regenerate health.
In the demo, the flow gets broken up even more. You can get HP back by taking cover with L1,
which in theory should make for more
strategic combat; in practice, it
just means that you have to stop fighting to run away and hide like a coward
until your boo-boos go away.
And remember, doing so effectively means that you
have to rely on finicky teleporting -- and that’s not helped by the fact that,
again, most of the demo doesn’t have the terrain needed to take advantage of
that mechanic. At least not efficiently,
or regularly. So the impression I’m
getting is that the cover system would work a lot better if there were more
chest-high walls. Or, alternatively, if
it just turned into every other AAA game.
The impression I’m getting from Duscae is that FF15 and Squeenix really want
to be modern. But this game is old
enough to need carbon dating; in the time since its announcements, we’ve not
only had a slew of releases from Platinum Games, but also another Devil May Cry game, a Devil May Cry reboot, plenty of Tales games, a number of Shin Megami Tensei games, and entire trilogies completed and primed for new
installments. They’re all games that
have defined and redefined what it means to be modern, and right now it’s as if
15 is struggling to play catch-up --
which, as far as I know, is the exact same problem Duke Nukem Forever had.
There’s a cover system so you can regenerate your
health! Awesome…except that gluing your
avatar to cover has long since come under fire.
You get to travel through an open world!
Cool…except that a number of games this generation and prior to it have
exposed the failings of an open-world, shallowness and inherent pacing issues
chief among them. There are cinematic
events! Neat…which is new to Final Fantasy, sure, but we know by now
that it can be nothing but a bunch of smoke and mirrors that steals away
tension rather than adding it.
This is practically the first time the average
gamer has ever gotten their hands on the game.
So why does this demo already feel like I’ve already played it? Why does a game from 2011 once solely on a
now-defunct handheld system feel more impactful and more modern than a game
gussied up for an eighth-gen debut -- and still
doesn’t have a release date?
I’m not going to say that 15 is a bad game, but I am going to say that Duscae is a bad demo. It
doesn’t offer up (or even have, ostensibly) the tools it needs to impress on
any more than a basic level. It’s true
that a lot of features have been left out, but even so, the core of the game
doesn’t feel all that impressive. I’ve
only recently learned about certain mechanics in Bayonetta 2, but I don’t hate the game for it -- because its core
is satisfying enough to let me do without.
And if we must speak solely of demos?
Metal Gear Rising wasn’t even
remotely on my radar prior to release, but once I tried it out, it won me over
in a matter of minutes. That was before
I knew what would be in it -- or even most of the stuff in the demo.
I’ve heard that Duscae was rushed to get something out there, alongside the release
of Type-0 HD (thanks to Lewis Liddell
for the heads-up), and it shows. Between
the gutted features, non-indicative gameplay, and the general clumsiness --
let’s not even get into the framerate issues -- I don’t feel like I’ve gotten a
good picture of what 15 will be like. Frankly, I wish that they just put out a demo
way later, when they figured out what they needed to do…or, alternatively, not
put out a demo at all. We’ve been left
in the dark time and time again with this game.
I think we can go a little bit longer -- especially if this is what
they’re serving us.
With that all said, is there anything good about this demo?
Yeah, there is.
The idea of four guys on a road trip is a good
one, and the potential of it shines through on occasion. The party members talk to each other
semi-regularly, and while some are stiffer than others, it’s pretty obvious
that they’re guys that care about each other.
Of the four, I’d say Prompto is my favorite because he injects some
cheer into the equation (though I wouldn’t argue if others found him
annoying). Noctis, on the other hand, is
kind of a weak link; he’s not the angsty emo guy most would assume, but he
shows his character -- such as it is -- the least, and when he does it’s just
about going to sleep. Riveting. Also, his voice is distressingly deep and gravelly.
Whatever the case, the game takes a page from Xenoblade and adds in some team
synergy. Party members talk to each
other during a fight, and they’ll revive each other when they limp across the
field. Interestingly, they’ll show some
real concern for each other if an ally goes down, Prompto in particular. It helps sell the bond -- though the
occasional attack assist certainly helps, too.
A part of me is bracing for some more gibberish in the story, but if anything
can save it from being a total wash, it’s the strength of its cast.
I have a LOT of concerns about 15, and like I said, Duscae isn’t exactly the most flattering
glimpse. But it’s my assumption -- if
not my flat-out hope -- that the full game has already been updated, even
before the input from fans all around.
I’m betting that the gameplay has improved dramatically from this little
taste-test, so it’s only a matter of time before we see the fruit of their labors.
Still, I want to end by saying that it’s not just
the gameplay that’ll make or break 15. The franchise and the medium alike have had
problems with their narratives for years; FF
is just a testament to that after the tripe-filled Lightning Saga we’ve
left on the horizon. Each game in the
installment reinvents itself gameplay-wise, but at this stage we need more than
just a new way to slash some monsters.
We need good characters. A good
world. Good themes. A good story.
There’s no better way to show that the franchise has evolved -- that the
franchise has the right to exist
besides name recognition -- than to give us something worth remembering. 15 can
be the proof of that. It can show us
that every year of waiting in hushed tones and quickened heartbeats was worth
It can happen.
And I really, truly hope it does.
There. Now I can go back to Type-0. Some naughty mechs need to be punched.