Great. Here we go again.
“I want to start by
saying that a monkey riding a horse while dual-wielding machine guns has to be
the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
THAT SAID, I enjoyed this movie immensely.”
I think their takeaway
was that I didn’t use the term “dualies”, and thus didn’t know what it meant.
This movie has no right
to be as good as it is. I went in with
reservations, but set them aside based on good word and good faith. And while apes using guns and riding horses and
more is still nigh-impossible for me to take seriously (by which I mean
completely impossible), it’s more than possible for me to look past that. Why?
Because that’s not the focal point of the movie. Not in the slightest -- and the stuff that
goes on between all the monkey shines is what makes it irresponsibly
fantastic. It puts plenty of movies,
games, and stories in general to shame.
What do I mean? Well, I’ll explain it to you. Eventually.
To be honest, though,
I’m kind of dreading going through this again.
There’s an argument to be made (by me) that the reason there haven’t
been as many movie-based posts here on Cross-Up is because they pretty much
require me to distort my schedule to squeeze one in. So that nice little backlog of pre-written
posts I’ve got? The ones set to buy time
so I can work on -- and finish -- Dead on
Cripes. I hate my brain sometimes.
I guess you can look
forward to a post on Dawn of the Planet
of the Apes (man, that’s a clumsy-ass title) in the coming days, while it’s
still relevant. I don’t know how long
it’ll turn out in the end, but I’m hoping I can blast through it as fast as I
can to get back to the stuff that really matters to me; as I’ve said, novels
don’t write themselves. In the meantime,
though, I want to use the rest of this post to say a couple of things that have
been on my mind. So let’s do this
lickety-split, all right?
Don’t worry, there
won’t be any spoilers. I’ll probably
have to get into them next time (to what extent, I don’t know), but for now all
I’ll say is that it’s good and I liked it.
There. No spoilers. Except for this one.
Ha. Visual pun.
1) I don’t know about you, but I think the promos for this movie
were worthless. I thought the point of
those -- and trailers, by extension -- were to get the audience hyped and in
movie seats. But the sight of some ape
action didn’t do anything for me; again, everything
else did. I know that the promos and
such have to hook potential audience members, but Dawn is VERY HEAVILY skewed toward drama instead of action. I understand why they played out the way they
did, but it threatens to smack of a lack of confidence in the final
product. And beyond that, it doesn’t say
good things about audience expectations and assumptions about them when the
only way to appeal is with summer blockbuster action.
2) I’ll get into this later, but the reason why this movie works as
well as it does isn’t necessarily because of what it does (to an extent), but
what it doesn’t do -- to the point
where I’d say the movie could have charitably been called But They Didn’t. There could
have been so many shortcuts and shorthand to try and get their main idea across
-- or sped things up to get to the action audiences expect at this point -- but
these guys put in the work to say something more poignant than just squeezing
in “damn dirty apes”. To put it a
different way: you know how I’m always clamoring for a story that’s “dark done
right” in a cultural climate obsessed with making everything dark and gritty
and serious without understanding how or why those stories work in the first
place? Well, THIS is the
3) I’m debating whether or not to name this as “the best movie I’ve
seen this year” -- which is admittedly some slim pickings for one reason or
another -- or Captain America: The Winter
Soldier. It’s a legitimately
difficult struggle. Dawn is a movie that feeds your mind, but Cap is a movie that feeds your soul. There is overlap, obviously, but the two are
from different worlds, and the question therein is which one manages to be more
worthwhile. Does Cap lose out even though it’s supremely well-executed, simply
because it’s stuck -- or crippled -- by the framework of a superhero
movie? Does Dawn lose out because despite its overwhelming intelligence, it
can’t compare to the dizzying heights and “hell yeah” spirit of a straight action
I’m about ready to just
give both the crown -- even if it is the ultimate cop-out -- but we’ll just
have to see how it goes. After all,
there’s still at least one new warrior that has to enter the ring.
Great. Now I’m gonna have to do a post on that.
It’s times like this where I wish I had a clone.
Well, that’s about
where I stand. So I guess I’ll see you
guys soon. By then, hopefully there’ll
be a post or two on the movie that’ll give a solid rundown -- and by extension,
show what it takes to give a story some real juice.
So that’ll do it for
now. Check back soon. Because SOMEBODY in this movie gets to use a
rocket launcher. Who is it? Only one way to find out…you know, unless you
see the movie for yourself.
Doing that would be a pretty good idea.