May 2, 2019

Super Technical Difficulty Bros. Ultimate

So in my world, there’s no better reason to declare a state of emergency than having your PC suddenly and abruptly die on you.

Which to be fair, I only just learned about.  Talk about an unforgettable life experience.

I guess it was partly my own fault.  Or MOSTLY my fault.  I’ve mentioned this offhandedly before, but the PC I’d been using up until its death was a hand-me-down from my brother.  He’d used it for a couple of years but upgraded, and passed it on to me so I didn’t have to use a laptop about five seconds away from melting its way to the center of the earth.  Basically, the PC I was on was at or near the seven-year mark, with all of the problems that that implies.  Slow to start up, stumbling with multiple programs, struggled to play something as basic as Overwatch, and for months on end there had been visual glitches that would make King Crimson nod in bemusement.

The long and short of it is that my old computer’s dead, forcing me to run out immediately to get a new one.  I mean, I’d already sort of leaned toward that outing for at least a year, but put it off and put it off.  (Extensive car maintenance and the gash it carved into my wallet didn’t help, either.)  So I finally took the plunge and got myself a machine that’s not quite the embarrassment the old one was.

Now there’s good news and bad news.  Good news?  With this new PC, I’ll be able to operate more efficiently and expand my technological horizons -- namely, I can play games that would’ve previously made my entire room go up in flames.  And?  More 3D modeling with Blender, more 2D art (possibly with sprite work), and the ability to check my word processor’s thesaurus without risking a program crash.

Bad news?  Many of my old files are gone -- not the most critical ones, thankfully, but enough to make me wary.  I do have backups, luckily, though the process of uploading them is going to be an endeavor.  I suspect as much, because getting back all of my old programs was an endeavor, too -- partially because I had to get updated versions that have made some not-insignificant changes.  Guess that’ll teach me to get with the times, and not be the “time hobo” my brother claims I am.  Rightfully, of course.  

Essentially, I’m in an adjustment period, which means I’m probably not going to post anything for a while yet.  Partially because I need to get into the swing (including getting over muscle memory so I can use my new keyboard).  Partially because more bad weather’s on the way; it’s raining with lightning outside as I type this, so I’m in no mood to have a power outage wreck the machine I JUST bought.

So yeah.  Think I might just take a week off.  I’ll be back with more DMCV for next Thursday (ideally), and possibly something on Mortal Kombat 11 for the Monday after.  Depends on what kind of mood I’m in vis a vis that game.  I have mixed feelings, and it’s not helped by me getting way too into Smash Ultimate for my own good.

So that’s about where I stand.  See you on the 9th, take care, and beg for forgiveness from the deity of your choice if you play Pichu.

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