I was willing to give
it a pass and a polite dismissal based on its less-than-appealing E3 showing;
it didn’t look like anything special besides Call of Duty in the jungle with more knife action. But then again, almost everything this past
E3 looked like some variant/bastard child of CoD and Uncharted, so I
hope you’ll forgive me for being a little jaded. Still, the fact that my brother hyped up the
game to an insane degree -- i.e. saying “Far
Cry 3 is gonna be so awesome” in the same tone he’d used to describe Darksiders 2, Borderlands 2 and Resident
Evil 6 -- didn’t inspire much confidence.
Doubly so when he mentioned the co-op option; I started having PTSD
flashbacks to RE6 and its room full
of explosive Beyblades.
So Far Cry’s been out for a while now.
What do I think of it? Well, let's see if I can sum it up in three points. This should be a piece of cake.
1) Ignore
multiplayer. It completely misses the
point of the single-player game.
2) I like the campaign.
3) The campaign is
notably flawed from the outset.
This is a game that’s incredibly easy to nitpick and
chide. Incredibly easy. But you
know what? It’s not a deal-breaker. Well, not yet at least.

Now, I’ll admit that I
haven’t gotten very deep into the game (more on that in a minute), which is
exactly why this is a brief…well, brief-ish
post instead of a full-blown dissection.
But here’s the thing: it doesn’t even take an hour for the game to
hamstring its story, and by extension the entire product. Jason is in the expected fish-out-of-water
situation, a well-off yet insulated athlete who’s going to have his limits
tested by the island and its malcontents.
That’s fine. As such, I expected
-- and likely plenty of other gamers expected -- for him to survive on his own,
and find inner strength by virtue of his solitary struggles.
Imagine my surprise,
then, when he wakes up and finds himself completely taken care of by a handful
of villagers living a comfortable and stable life on the island with enough
fixings to live without too much complaint.
Imagine my further surprise
when Dennis, someone who’s likely been on the island for a lot longer, props up
Jason as some kind of supreme warrior -- and all of Dennis’ friends not only
believe the same thing instantly, but resign themselves to letting Jason do all
the nitty-gritty work across the island.
My immediate question
is this: why? Why is Dennis so eager to put all of his
faith in some guy who was likely near-death when they found him? Why does he consider Jason a survivor and a
warrior when the most he’s done (and the player has done by extension) is run
away -- and run away thanks to his far-more-competent older brother’s help and
key antagonist Vaas let him run just for kicks?
If Jason is a survivor by virtue of being able to run and whine, would
that make Grant some kind of demigod?
Furthermore, why even count on Jason in the first place if he’s just been introduced to the island? Why nominate him as the go-to-guy for
missions and the lynchpin of a rebellion against the pirates when he’s clearly
not as experienced as the rest of you villagers? Even if he has innate talent and instinct,
all it takes is one bullet or one botched mission to turn him into a pile of
soggy meat; if he dies (and he will die, because he’s being controlled by a person
with no omniscience and no way to predict when a pack of wild dogs will
attack), what happens next? You all
blush and tug on your collars, and wait for the next random white boy to fall
into your laps?
I guess what I’m
getting at here is that instead of Jason meeting an unflinching band of
supporters who pledge their loyalty to him, Jason should have met nobody.
I figured that the entire point of the game was being caught in this
nightmarish situation, forced to adapt and evolve if you hoped to save your
friends, protect yourself, and stab your way to a happy ending. Doesn’t it kind of tear a wind in the game’s
sails to have people infinitely more experienced and resource-laden than you
help you without question? Doesn’t it
feel like a bit of a betrayal to have Jason immediately
fall into this safety net after the opening sequence sets him up for the
roughest time of his life? Can you
imagine what Metal Gear Solid 3 would
be like if immediately after touching down in Russian territory he found a home
base completely stocked with cigarettes, porn mags, and improbably buxom life
coaches cheering him on?
It just feels like the
game is out to break its verisimilitude as quickly and as thoroughly as
possible. It’s the kind of thing that
leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth, and dramatically-lowered expectations
for the rest of the game. Now again, I
haven’t gotten far enough to pass any sort of damning judgment, so things could
get a lot better well before they take a turn for the worse. Of course, thanks to the E3 showing I’m
reminded of the fact that Jason apparently gets to have a virtually-nude native
put the lime in his coconuts. Why,
exactly? Who knows? Evidently the writers didn’t either…besides the
obvious reason.
With all that said,
though, I still like the game. I like it
a lot, actually. Without knowing the
figures and funds related to its development, it’s hard to say whether or not
it’s a (reviled) triple-A game…though the fact that Ubisoft was behind it
suggests that it is. But even if it is,
I’d contend it’s something triple-A games should aspire to do with their
resources. This game is better than RE6, better than Borderlands 2, better than Halo
4, better than Assassin’s Creed 3
-- hell, it’s probably one of the best triple-A games made this generation. And I can think of at least two reasons why.
The first one came as a
surprise to me -- maybe even as a delayed reaction. And it’s because of it that I have faith in
the story, and can even bring myself to forgive its missteps. I won’t spoil what happens (even though it’s
pretty early in the game), but Jason manages to meet up with someone important
to him after a rough mission. And you
know what he does? He’s supportive, he’s
reassuring, he’s uncertain of himself…but most of all, he actually starts
crying. It took my brain a few minutes
to process it, but when I left the area and started on my way I was like, “Holy
fucking shit, did Jason just show emotion?” Yes he did -- and in retrospect he’s been
doing it since the outset. While you don’t
get to see his face thanks to the first-person perspective, that didn’t stop me
from genuinely believing Jason was distraught and uncertain in his future; even
if there are a bunch of locals upholding him as the chosen one, he doesn’t
believe it for a second. He’s scared of
what’ll happen. Scared that he might not
make it out alive. Scared about his
friends’ safety. It’s simple, expected
stuff, but much-appreciated…which twists the knife when you realize just how many times this element has
been missing in games this generation. A
response to a situation besides angst, rage, sarcasm, or nothing? We’ve got ourselves
a qualifier for Game of the Year, people!
Honestly, though, I
wouldn’t mind seeing it on some GOTY lists -- and certainly wouldn’t mind if it
got top honors. It’s because of my
second reason, and likewise why I haven’t gotten that far in the story: the gameplay’s
pretty fantastic. It’s not revolutionary
by any means, but it’s more than a few steps above satisfactory. You have the opportunity to go at your own
pace, and handle situations according to your game plan. You want to run and gun your way to
victory? Have at it. But Far
Cry 3 offers (and in my opinion, recommends and rewards) the stealthy
approach. There are trees and brush
everywhere for you to use as you traverse wide-open areas -- perfect for
gaining a vantage point against pirates.
You can scan the area and mark targets with your camera, and then move
about stealthily to dispatch them. It
requires a level of planning and strategy -- and the occasional bit of
quick-thinking -- that’s more satisfying than the entirety of Halo 4’s campaign. Your gun is always an option, but in my
opinion you’re not experiencing the game to its fullest if you don’t lure an
enemy into attack range with a well-tossed rock, then swoop in for the kill as
he turns his back and starts trotting off.
But the combat alone
isn’t what makes the game fantastic. It’s
just this sense, this ability to say “KTHNX BAI” to the campaign and go
sauntering off on your own. Like Skyrim and Just Cause 2 before it, this game is -- as I explained to my
brother -- “the kind of game where you just kind of ignore the story and do
whatever.” Make no mistake, I am
compelled to keep playing the game and see what happens story-wise, but I’m
MORE compelled to just screw around on the island. There are herbs to gather! Hills and mountains to traverse! Caves to spelunk in! Animals to hunt and harvest! Animals to run away from! Animals to hope don’t spot you, even though
you hear some horrific noise and rustling bushes! Pirates to duck away from as they drive
across the roads! Lakes and oceans to
swim in, and pray that alligators and sharks don’t munch on you! Ziplines to zip down! Radio towers to climb and activate! Outposts to capture! Sunrises and sunsets to watch! Random skirmishes to aid in (or avoid)! Rocks and plateaus to try and scale, but you
can’t because there’s a slight slope to them so you end up sliding back down
each time you jump because screw physics!

Now, there is a very
real possibility that all this can go wrong.
I’m worried that the further in you get with the game, the less options
you’ll have (my brother’s playthrough saw stealth as a non-option as he ended
up burned, forced into buildings, or taking part in a highly-original turret
sequence). But for what it’s worth, I
like Far Cry 3. And I’m more inclined to play it again than
plenty of other games.
And that’ll just about
do it for now…so let’s do some more nitpicking!
--What is up with the
music in this game? All these
techno-beats are trying to create tension, but they just end up failing at best
and silly at worst. And what’s the cue
for the music? I’m just walking around
--Driving anything is a
pain in the ass. The first-person
perspective is NOT conducive to rolling around in an ATV (which is anything
but), especially with as much rugged terrain and obstacles in the way as the
island offers. Also, I’m preeeeeetty
sure the controls are not very good.
Then again, it’s been a while since I’ve played a racing game besides Mario Kart Wii…
--Fast travel? Screw that noise! I’m here to explore the island, not warp
around as soon as I’ve seen the sights once!
I appreciate the offer, game, but no thank you. I got legs.
I’m gonna use ‘em.
--Sure does take a
while to get upgrades…oh well. Guess I’m
earning them, at least.
That's a part of being a critic: loving something and then taking it apart.
ReplyDeleteTrue enough, but it makes it a LOT harder to enjoy things sometimes. As much as I'd like to subscribe to the "turn your brain off" mentality, it's something that I just can't bring myself to do.
ReplyDeleteUnless I'm asleep. But that's the only exception, because I'm asleep. And not watching anything.
I've actually never played any game in the series, don't know why
ReplyDeleteI haven't either. I had a friend who did (and apparently enjoyed it, though), but from what I've gathered from reviews Far Cry 3 fixes the problems of its predecessors and adds a definitive protagonist. Though in my case, it takes a lot more persuasive elements from shooters to warrant any more than a glance.
ReplyDeleteIf nothing else, this game is -- as YouTube advertisements suggest -- "like Skyrim with guns." To some extent, at least. So if you liked Skyrim, you'll probably like this game.
Yep, even Angry Joe called it "Skyrim with guns". (Even listed it as his second favorite game of the year.)
ReplyDeleteAdmittedly, I'm still not ready to check out this bandwagon. Maybe I'm just still baffled at how Skyrim is STILL $60 in most places [even in used condition!] I'd like for the price to drop drastically, universe, since I have other hobbies to invest in. Oh well. :/
At least you're enjoying the game. And you gave some good comments on its strengths and flaws. Unlike some people who blindly praise it and provide little substance.
btw, happy new year!
"And you gave some good comments on its strengths and flaws. Unlike some people who blindly praise it and provide little substance."
ReplyDeleteI'd like to think that anyone who gives a game a 10/10 rating is doing more harm than good to the reputation of a game. But even beyond that, in recent years I've started to suspect that I'm more discerning than a lot of video game reviewers. I wouldn't call them unobservant or stupid, but there are things that I (and lots of other gamers) can and have noticed that reviewers can't bring up thanks to spoilers and such. But I like to get in deep with my games -- and because of it, I can target their strong and weak points pretty easily.
Anyway, Far Cry 3 (and similarly, Skyrim) are pretty good games. Not perfect, but still plenty enjoyable. But that aside, here's to a new year. Thanks for dropping by.
I also never played Skyrim :P
ReplyDeleteThen I'll give you everything you need to know about the game in three points:
ReplyDelete1) You can completely ignore the main story and walk to the far corners of the game in search of stronger magic, braving the frozen landscape and fighting zombie walruses.
2) You can encounter dragons entirely at random -- and you can fight and beat them if you have the skill and guts.