It’s as much a rail
shooter as it is an adventure game, fusing Resident
Evil’s item-collecting sensibilities with the pinpoint-striking gunplay of
any given light gun arcade game. If that
were it, then I’d be fine with calling it innovative and leaving it at that --
but in case you haven’t heard, Killer7
is a game where you shoot mutated, explosive, laughing suicide bombers in their
weak points to absorb their essence. You
play as eight characters, seven of which are more or less rolled into one body
and you switch between them as needed.
There’s a conspiracy involving an afro-haired TV personality with a
cardboard office in Texas, a pastiche of the Power Rangers that’s come to life and kills their creator, and a
plot partially orchestrated by two Japanese politicians who shoot brain matter
at you after having their heads blown open, and the only way to beat them is to
shoot at one of their ties. Oh, and a
harvester of the bodies of orphans who has an anime schoolgirl daughter with
eyes the size of sand dollars, submachine guns, and super-speed.
I’m pretty sure that
the developers -- Suda51 well among them -- made it up as they went along as
part of their drug-fueled fever dream; I dare not imagine the man who could
come up with the final hours of that game while in a normal state of mind. But what’s important to take away from Killer7 isn’t that it leaves you saying
“Wow! What a delightfully weird-ass
game!” What’s important is that it
leaves you saying “Wow! What an
imaginative game!” That’s probably why I
admire Japanese games as much as I do: they don’t give a damn if you don’t
understand them in the long run. They’re
just out to act on their creative vision -- act without limits, just as any
good story can and should.
And with that in mind,
here we are. A story, and a heroine,
that likely wouldn’t exist without the reckless imagination of Killer7.
Hope you’re ready. The first member of the “Tech Trio” is here.
So I guess I should
start by saying…uh…
Wait, hold on a
second. I probably shouldn’t be too
hasty. There’s been a lot that’s
happened recently -- well, so to speak.
Better have a look around first.
Huh. Doesn’t look like there are any gaping
dimensional fluxes here in the blog. But
I wonder if I just can’t see them? And
if I’ve really crossed over into the virtual space -- or some facsimile of it
-- then wouldn’t that mean that the laws of reality, causality, and reason
itself are little more than trivialities?
What sorts of rules define this world, if it really is the boundary --
the mixture -- of reality and fantasy?
Ah, the hell with
this. I suck at science; better to just
focus on what I can handle. Namely…
If what FX said is
true, then that guy is gonna be the lynchpin of all this nonsense. He’s been MIA for the last few weeks -- and
given that I can’t remember his name, there are some pretty hefty clues. But how could I have called him here if I
never even knew his name? And if
real-world me is the one masterminding all this via Word Documents, how is it
even possible that I’ve gotten this far without even knowing the basics about
him? Do I even know what he looks like?
…Guess that’s a
no. Damn it.
All right, all right,
I’m not gonna figure this out just by sitting around and going over things I
don’t know. I’ll work out all the
details over my stay here…or there…or…wherever it is I am. Man, screw inter-dimensional travel. I’m a writer, not a physicist.
Now where was I? Oh, right, the new character. Or at least, relatively new. Let’s see here…I guess it’s been about seven
years since I came up with Alice; chronologically, she’s the ninth in line out
of a healthy ten. So circumstantially,
she’s one of the younger heroines bouncing around in my head.
It’s worth noting,
however, that even if she is one of the younger ones she was originally
designed with a more mature mindset.
That is to say, she and her story were supposed to be the darkest,
bloodiest, and most brutal I could muster -- a grisly tale featuring big guns,
bigger demons, and the biggest betrayals to comrades, organizations, and
humanity itself. If all the other
stories were optimistic, awe-inspiring tales of heroism and triumph, this one
would nix all of that.
Little wonder, then,
that it was that original version of the story that got nixed.
Much like Cobalt’s
story before it, Alice’s story ended up getting lighter, and lighter, and
lighter. It’s certainly not a flighty
foray, but compared to what it could have been, it’s a pretty marked
departure. Let me put it this way: I
have a habit of color-coding things.
Uniting everything under certain aesthetic principles, chief among them
a color or two that captures the mood, or the theme, or what have you. If you’ve seen some of the other posts for
the Showdown, you’ve probably noticed that there’s been a color associated with
each character. Cobalt is under the sea,
so he’s in blue. Deias is the
passionate, flame-slinging leader of his crew, so he gets red. Ocelot V is spirited and energetic, so he
gets orange (by the way, fun fact: orange is actually considered to be a lucky
color). In the past, Alice’s story --
and the character by extension -- was dominated by shades of red and black,
befitting the demon-infested city I envisioned.
Nowadays? The dominant color is
purple. Draw from that what you will for
the moment, because I’ll get back to it.
But colors can only go
so far. The guiding principles of the
story have changed as well; in the past, I was content with making the story as
brutal as possible, without any thought as to how to make it stand out,
thoughtful, or even worthwhile. (Give me
a break, I was young…well, younger.)
Nowadays, I can see and ascribe a spirit to the story. And right now, that spirit is…
The inescapable shadow
that hounds the wicked -- the terror that consumes the unrepentant, and acts as
an unsung counterpart to the light! It
is…it is…
…Wow, this sounds so
much sadder when there’s nobody around.
Seriously, where is…whatever that guy’s name is?! We can’t have a comedy routine with just one
half of the team!
Jeez. Well, anyway, I guess you can think of the
story as an urban fantasy, especially given that virtually all of it takes
place in a place called Santa Infierno. Unlike
the general disarray of Cobalt’s planet 187, Santa Infierno does well enough
for itself -- pockets of crime notwithstanding.
But there are two key factors that set it apart from a real-world
setting. First of all, humans are
extinct. Second of all, the entire city
looks like something out of a Tim Burton movie -- albeit with a notable
seventies vibe to it. And better lit.
Let’s flash back to
that first point. Humans are pretty much
a long-gone memory; everyone in the city is a demon, no matter how human they
might look. The only reason you might
see someone like Alice walking around is for the sake of A) convenience or B)
fashion -- and it’s more often the latter than the former. Why are humans extinct? Simple: because the rapture happened
centuries ago, wiping out humanity in a swirl of hellfire and the wrath of
God. To be fair, humanity wasn’t wiped
out in an instant; the sinners that remained to be tortured by the raging,
crumbling world ended up mating with the demons that emerged, and generations
of breeding from that point have diluted human blood to a thousandth of a
percent. Additionally, some people
managed a bit of resilience against the rapture and ended up becoming
demons. So in a nutshell, that’s pretty
much the origin of that little societal shift.
And on the second
point…well, what did you expect? Rapture
+ end of humanity = complete cultural meltdown.
We’re talking extinction here, and the repopulation of the earth by demons;
humans are treated with the same mindset as dinosaurs. Earth essentially started over, but certain
lessons and principles remained; while wars eventually started up (and indeed,
there were plenty of demon-versus-demon wars in the years following the
rapture), the demons eventually remembered and utilized what humans had
accomplished to build a new society…albeit with some macabre twists. So basically, you can expect lots of bent
architecture, a loony cavalcade of neon lights and shifting paints, and smiles
wherever you turn. Lots, and lots, and
lots of smiles.
Yeah, just like that.
While the world has
changed to accommodate the new world order, there are still some things that
never change. Everyone is a demon, but
because of it virtually everyone has some sort of ability that can -- as
Shakespeare once put it -- wreck your shit.
And wrecked in a spectacular fashion, no less. As such, if things get too out of hand it
wouldn’t just be the city itself that’s in danger, or the people therein; there
needs to be order, and plenty of it. So
heaven itself is involved in the proceedings; the angels (and God, of course)
act as overseers for Santa Infierno. But
rather than act directly, they’re content with having their proxies act for
them -- doing the lord’s work and ensuring peace, order, and justice reign
supreme before a real calamity strikes.
And who are these proxies?
Simple: it’s the Santa Infierno Societal Defense Agency…simply put, the
And of course, Alice is
a member. And it’s a good thing, too; there’s
something going down in Santa Infierno.
Something big. And if she wants
to put a stop to it, she’ll have to do more than just nab a few thugs; it’s
more than likely that she’ll have to go toe-to-toe with some of the deadliest
gunmen her demon-filled world can produce, unravel the mystery behind the
sudden rash of crime, uncover the corruption in several seats of power, figure
out just why entire city blocks are fading into the ether, and simplest of all,
prevent a revolt that could tear apart what remains of the disappearing city. So yeah, she’s going to be a bit busy.
I guess it’s just a
good thing she’s so good at her job, huh?
I said, I guess it’s
just a -- oh, right. There’s nobody here
but me. Wow, this makes things
infinitely more difficult. If I had
known this would happen I would have brought a robot buddy or something, or at
least a tape recorder so I could play back my voice.
No, no, that’s no good
at all. Just have to suck it up and keep
going; there’s got to be some good that comes out of all this eventually. Maybe.
Maybe I’ll stumble on some kind of clue…
Yeah, maybe so. Let’s see, what’s next? Oh, yeah -- this is the part where I relate
Alice to Morrigan from Darkstalkers,
and --
Son of a bitch! What kind of lame-ass clue is that? That’s not even a clue, I bet! Just a chance for me to embrace my
love/hate/love of fighting games!
…Okay, maybe this isn’t
quite so bad after all.
Like I said at the
outset, Alice is a member of the “Tech Trio”.
Generally speaking, they sacrifice maneuverability for some crazy
techniques and abilities; in other words, it’s their bag of tricks, not just
power or speed, which makes them unique.
That said, Alice is a bit of a hybrid character; she’s by far the most
agile of the Tech Trio, and while that doesn’t translate into giving her
Cobalt’s extreme speed or FX’s evasive mastery, she still has more than enough
skill to compensate. So let’s start with
the basics -- you look at Alice and what do you see? That’s right, a human. That’s the form she chooses to take…likely
because it goes swimmingly with her awesome British accent, as demonstrated here by Cammy White.
At a base level, Alice
is something along the lines of a human. But when I look at her, I don’t see a
human. I see this:
Alice has -- to put it
in fighting game terms -- command dashes.
In her case, they do more than give her unique movement options; she can
use slinky, almost snake-like motions to maneuver around the battlefield,
dodging bullets and widening or closing the gap as she sees fit. But it goes beyond that; she can vault
through the air with a spring of her heel, to the point where she can zip
behind an enemy and plant a bullet in the back of their head. Essentially, it’s impossible to escape her,
and trying to shoot her is done with a huge amount of risk. That’s largely because if she DOES decide to
close the gap -- if she gets within arm’s reach of an enemy -- she can make
pretty good use of her fangs to poison the crap out of them. (So incidentally, she’s got a command grab.)
But that’s not
all. Alice has got one hell of a gun
with her at all times -- one that would make Dirty Harry’s magnum look like a
pea-shooter. It’s got enough force to
rip through the hides of plenty of demons, and by utilizing Alice’s demonic
energy it can fire off massive, darkness-imbued shells that can and will shear
their way through anything in their path.
The key drawback, of course, is that she has to pick her shots very
carefully; she’s only got so much ammo, and reloading is an issue she has to be
mindful of at all times. Even so, she’s
never fighting alone; as if her mobility and gun weren’t enough, she’s also got the power to control and direct
snakes, like a serpentine Aquaman. Only
instead of calling in snakes from, say, the local zoo (though she can if need
be), she just materializes snakes from whatever shadows are nearby. She can create as many as a hundred eight, or
just have all the shadows coalesce into one giant-ass snake.
The key to Alice’s
strategy is control. She has plenty of
techniques, but how effective they are depends on where she is and where her
opponents are. There are certain gaps in
her offense and defense that can be exploited (she’s not as effective at
point-blank defense, and as you’d expect she’s not as useful when there’s a lot
of light), but she can put herself in a position to not only control the
movement of her enemies, but utterly dominate as long as she’s on the
You may think I’m being
silly for focusing so much on combat capabilities, but there’s a reason that
I’d go so far on that end. How someone
fights is an extension of their personalities -- both in their tool set and
their mentality. For a guy like Ocelot
V, going all in with rushing attacks and kung fu gleaned from poorly-dubbed
martial arts movies suits him, and encapsulates his essence. For a guy like FX, humiliating his opponents
and making them look like morons for even daring to face him is par for the
course. For Alice? Well, that much should be a bit clearer by
now (I hope), but let’s go a bit further in depth.
I don’t think I can
talk about Alice as a character without discussing what she used to be…or
should I say, almost was. In the
proto-version, she started off as a man; that didn’t last too long though. So she ended up being this cold-hearted
gunwoman -- a policewoman still, but not much in the way of warmth, opinion, or
personality. (It’s also worth noting
that her name at the time was “Kage” -- the Japanese word for shadow. Ah, yes, I was in THAT phase…one I dare not
speak of at the moment.) In other words,
she would have been everything I oppose now: little more than a stoic badass
with a token character arc and bloated self-importance.
This character is
better -- not perfect, I’d assume, but significantly better than the original
form. Alice is, in a nutshell, a cool
character. She’s confident. She keeps her composure. She’s a woman that knows what she wants and
how to get it -- and she’ll do so while laughing her way to victory. It’s not impossible to get under her skin, or
make her lose her cool…but it is very, very hard. Whereas four out of the seven characters
revealed so far in the Showdown are losers that you can’t help but feel sorry
for, Alice has a very commanding presence in spite of being so laid-back. She’ll gladly go out with you for a drink,
but she’s just as likely to tease you and pressure you into picking up the tab. In fact, her coolness almost makes her an
anomaly; even if she’s the kind of person you have to take seriously, the fact
that she’s so often taking things in stride makes people wonder if she’s out of
her mind. (It certainly doesn’t help
that her partner is -- in spite of putting on airs -- significantly lamer and
more easily flustered.)
Alice is all about
control, both on the battlefield and off it.
Domination, even. But in spite of
her snake-like status, she’s surprisingly rigid and uncompromising. As an agent of justice -- and an emissary of
heaven -- that’s not quite a bad thing…except for the fact that her rigidity
leads her to have a very certain view on things. She is all about pursuing justice, even if
she does so with a composed air; if she’s given an order from the higher-ups,
she’ll follow through. It’s all for a
good cause, after all.
Except…well, you read
that stuff earlier, didn’t you? She’s on
the side of the law, but she’s more than willing to get rough with anyone that
breaks it…up to and including murder.
SISDA has a very pragmatic approach to problems, and allows its agents
to do what needs to be done in order to succeed and keep the peace. Alice is no exception; she takes no glee from
killing, but DOES over the thought that she’s kept Santa Infierno a little bit
safer. So in some respects, there is a
more sinister side to her, and the organization at large.
But there’s a very good
reason why Alice acts the way she does, and it’s more than just to exert
dominance over the weak and foolish.
She’s old. Very old. Centuries old. Old enough to have seen the rapture. Old enough to have lived through it. She was just a ten-year-old girl at the time,
an out-of-the-way nobody who had a casual suburban life and a love of animals. And then, one day, she told her mom a little
white lie. Just one -- maybe the first
she’d ever told.
That was all it
took. One little unscrupulous act -- one
betrayal of virtues -- put humanity into the red zone. That’s right: Alice was the one who triggered
the rapture.
But she didn’t
die. She couldn’t. The denizens from on high had bigger plans
for her -- a destiny she couldn’t turn away from. She may have caused the chaos, but she would
one day make up for it. She would be the
greatest agent of justice the world would ever know. It was a fate, she soon discovered, that she
couldn’t refuse.
Alice had become -- and
still is -- immortal.
Make no mistake -- just
because she’s immortal doesn’t mean
she’s invincible. She still feels pain, still bleeds, and can
still “die” in a conventional sense. But
even if she gets blown to bits, the higher-ups will piece her back together
over a long period of time. (And believe
you me, she remembers every last “scrape” she’s gotten over the
centuries.) The key benefit is that
she’s effectively stopped aging; as long as heaven exists, she’ll be in the
prime of her life for eternity. An
eternity of being a cop and doing the work of heaven. An eternity of forced loyalty, lest she wants
to face a life full of misery and emptiness.
It’s a good thing,
then, that Alice genuinely believes in doing and bringing justice no matter
what. As stories go, the higher-ups
aren’t exactly what they seem to be; they aren’t the villains of the story, and
never will be, but the pragmatism they employ speaks a lot about their true
nature. In spite of that, Alice believes
in the concepts they put forth; remember, she LIVED through the rapture. She knows how bad things can get, and she
knows what might happen if humanity…er, demonkind loses its way. They need someone to snap them into
line. They need an overseer, a
peacekeeper, a symbol. They need someone
who’s willing to ensure order, in spite of the dark efforts required or the
secrets that remain hidden from the public.
Like it or not, they need Alice.
And Alice is guaranteed to be there -- not just for heaven’s sake, or
her own sake. There are children out
there with their own dreams; it’s her job to defend them.
Unfortunately, that’s
not a sentiment that the villains share.
A fair number of them -- the aptly-named Death Squad -- are in it for
their own selfish reasons, living only according to the vices and twisted codes
of their creation. But even the Death
Squad’s aims and actions are just part of a greater plot; even though all of
them, like Alice, remember the days before the rapture (and in fact reveled and
thrived in the chaos), the mastermind, and the story’s true villain, has a
single goal in mind. He’s out to start
up a second rapture. And this time, the world -- heaven and earth -- might not recover
from it.
Alice ain’t havin’ that
shit. It doesn’t matter if she’s got to
face off with a blind and timid heiress who’s sharing a body with a bloodthirsty
Wolverine-clawed psychopath, a milk-loving little girl toting twin Vulcan
cannons, a cultured and erudite monkey man with the power to spontaneously
create jungles, and a faceless actor who can shape-shift any part of his body
into dragon heads. She’ll take them all
out, in the name of justice.
See? I bet you were worried that this story
wouldn’t be weird enough, weren’t you -- oh.
Right. Still all alone over here. Well, at least I got through this post in a
short amount of time…a relatively short amount of time. Four thousand words? Not even four thousand words? That’s a new record, I think.
Guess I’ll leave the
theme song here, then.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand…uh, well, I guess that’ll
just about do it. Nothing else left to
do besides leave the teaser for the next character and head out. I’m actually a little excited about the next
one; if he was in a fighting game, he’d totally be my main. He’s got some moves.
Uh…hold on. I’ve got a little bit of alone time, so maybe
I should take a minute to sort through things one more time. If I don’t, then the internet will unravel,
and so will reality. And I assume that
that would kind of suck, and I’d like to avoid it. Those Game Grumps episodes aren’t going to
watch themselves. Also, everyone would
be dead.
Let’s see here. What do I know about that guy? Uh…he’s got a low tolerance for
shenanigans. He’s pretty sarcastic. And…and…hey!
I’m still drawing a
blank. Fantastic.
What is going on
here? I’m the one that friggin’ created
the guy for this feature! I should know
all this stuff! Who he is, what he’s after,
what he likes and dislikes! How is it
that I can remember facts about a guy I made thirteen years ago, but barely one
made in October? What’s the
difference? What’s separating the two of
them? What --
Hold on a second…
Hold on. Hold on, hold on. That guy isn’t here right now. Where he is, I can’t even begin to wonder --
my best guess would be somewhere on the internet, doing who knows what. But that’s not important right now; what’s
important is that he’s separated from me.
Even if he is my character, and even if this IS all an act for the sake
of the blog, he’s been able to distance himself from me with ease. He and I are separate entities, thanks to the
power of the internet and everything in it.
And if what’s happened to me is true, then…
The reason I can’t
remember anything about him is because of one of three reasons. One: he took that information from me when he
left. Two: that information no longer
exists, because he deleted it on his way out.
Or three: whatever info there was about him has been changed…mostly
because HE’S the one changing it.
So in other words, his
past and present are completely under his control -- if not deleted or changed,
then kept close to the chest. But if
that’s the case…then why? What’s he
after? What does he stand to gain? And what’s all this got to do with my blog?
No, I’m missing the
point here. He wouldn’t have spent so
much time here without a reason; there’s something here that he needed. Something that I must have given him. And now that he has it -- assuming that he
does have it, or at least a big enough portion of it -- he’s in a position to
do some real damage.
And right now, it looks
like I’ve got to put a stop to it. If
I’m the one responsible, then I’ve got a mess to clean up, one way or another.
And I might have just
the trick I need to pull it off. Time to
spring into action.
…Or I could eat some
hot dogs. Yeah, that sounds good right
about now.
Ah, Suda 51. I love the imagination behind his games, but often I'm not a big fan of the gameplay, no more heroes for the PS3 being the most recent example
ReplyDeleteYeah, he and his team (by extension) are big on crazy ideas, but when it comes to execution they tend to stumble. But then again, would you rather have a stylish game that's functionally imperfect, or a more solid product without a single new idea to its name?