It was during an update
for Black Ops 2 (joy of joys) that
the topic shifted to my distaste for CoD.
See, he’s under the impression that I only like Japanese things, given
my talk about Kingdom Hearts and Halo.
Of course in saying so that he revealed that he only SKIMS the blog --
maybe getting no further than the titles -- considering that I’ve slammed both
Japanese AND American games. Apparently
he missed the weeks I spent tearing into Final
Fantasy 13-2, or how I’ve willingly explained that Japanese media has its
faults, or even that I laid into Kingdom
Hearts 2 on multiple occasions…which you think he would have found
instantly, considering that they’re under the same tab.
And this whole “I hate
American games” business? Yeah, no. I hate terrible
things. If a
game gives me enough reason to pick it apart, then I’ll pick it apart -- but if
it does something right, I’ll say so.
I’m pretty damn sure that even though I said Halo 4 was awful in general, it had a bright spot via Cortana -- and by extension, the biggest issue was that she was so
underutilized in comparison to a refrigerator on legs. I’m ALSO pretty sure that I’ve praised Far Cry 3, PlayStation All-Stars, Ratchet
& Clank, and most recently BioShock
Infinite in more than a little detail.
I like American books. American
TV shows. American movies. American comics -- with my favorite hero
being, you know, Captain America. If the work is high-quality, then I don’t
give a damn about its country of origin, and neither should anyone else.
I’ll get deeper into
this topic another day, but for now we’ve got another issue to discuss: Iron Man 3. Is it good?
Is it bad? Well, I know one thing
for sure: it’s definitely American -- and in a lot of ways, that’s all I could
ever ask for.
You know, this is usually the part where I
say SPOILER ALERT, but for once I think I’ll hold off. It’s not that there’s nothing to spoil --
there is, and quite a bit of it -- but I feel like it’s time to do something a
Let’s get the obvious
out of the way now. I think Iron Man 3 is a good movie. Really good.
The question that’s
been on my mind, though, is a simple one: how does it stack up compared to The Avengers? Well, that’s a hard comparison to make…but in
a way, I’d say Iron Man 3 passes it
up. 2012’s runaway hit brought with it a
baddie-bashing menagerie of heroes, each one adding their own contributions to
the movie (except Hawkeye for a good sixty to seventy percent of the
film). Iron Man 3 may only have one hero -- barring Rhodes/War Machine
--but in exchange it gains a bit of focus.
Focus on the character, focus on certain themes specific to Stark’s
trilogy, and focus on the essence of said trilogy as defined by Stark’s
presence. Ideally, that means that
there’s more intellectual merit to the movie -- though you could make the
argument that there was intellectual merit in The Avengers -- and that there’s depth to be observed if you give
it a chance. How successful the movie is
at offering genuine and satisfying depth may vary from person to person, but
the movie at least tries on multiple fronts.
And I walked away more than satisfied.
A funny thing happened,
though. When I walked out of the
theater, I told my buddy that I thought the film was “excellent.” Later on, I ended up revising my thoughts to
“very good.” If I were to watch it again
right now, I wonder how I’d feel about it -- especially in regards to some of
the twists the narrative takes. I
recognize that part of the reason I think the movie (and Avengers by extension) is a success is because of its ability to
leave audiences hyped, energized, and ready to become heroes in their own
I suspect that there
are deeper ideas at play, but it’s VERY easy to shrug them off -- even ignore
them -- in the face of some genuinely good action and laughs by the dozen. Is that inherently a bad thing? Are these movies blinding us to their faults
by virtue of explosions and humor?
That’s entirely possible, even probable…but again, the ability to even
create that illusion is something worth valuing. Well, valuing and fearing, but you get what I mean.
There ARE faults in these movies, but there hasn’t been anything so
grievous that it’s soured the entire experience. Not yet, at least. Not in my eyes.
But in the eyes of
others, it looks like Iron Man 3 has
some unforgivable problems. Just taking
a look at its score on the Tomatometer, I’m genuinely surprised; I would have
figured that it’d reach the mid-eighties, at least. And I was genuinely surprised to see a C+ score from the A.V. Club. It made me
more than a little pensive, to say the least.
Could it be that my senses had dulled?
Could I have started losing my touch?
No, of course not. Because even in the middle of the movie, I
could point out a few of the issues -- things that keep me from going “Greatest
movie ever!” like some kind of barking seal.
Such as…
1) Tony Stark continues to be his own worst enemy by way of his
reckless impulsiveness. Granted I’d say
he’s gotten a bit better about things, but in this movie he ends up making an
entire, movie-shaping conflict happen by doing something remarkably dumb. Even later on Tony admits that he’s done
something stupid…and then continues carpet-bombing his relationships. Does the phrase “lesson learned” mean nothing
to this man?
2) If you’re a fan of War Machine, you should probably lower your
expectations now. He’s sidelined for a
curiously-long amount of time in this movie -- and while he gets his chances to
shine, it’s jarring to see him out of focus given the events of the previous
movie. Especially considering that, yes,
he’s sidelined thanks to issues with the baddies getting control over the
suit. Again. Even beyond that, the other characters
(Pepper Potts well among them) don’t get as much time as they should. It’s more than a little problematic in
3) If you’re the type that gets turned off (or even offended) by
allusions to September 11th, this is not the movie for you. In a lot of instances, they’re not even
allusions; the stuff here is pretty on-the-nose. It’s not so in-your-face that it ends up
getting silly -- though it DOES approach that line -- but the lighthearted fun
ends up getting a little soured in the face of terrorism and bombings. And on that note…
4) This is probably the biggest issue I have with the movie:
there’s no denying that it’s funny, but all too often I find myself thinking
that it was TOO funny. A lot of ideas --
and even whole scenes -- end up losing their dramatic weight because there has
to be a joke thrown in. They’re good
jokes, yes, and if you’re familiar with my work/opinions you know how much I
value levity, but there’s just so many of them that it diminishes the intended
effect of the narrative. This is
probably a consequence of Stark’s influence pervading the movie, but the
problem there is that everyone’s cracking
wise. They run the risk of having their
voices meld together by way of being too focused on delivering some jokes. To say that there are some tonal
inconsistencies would be a pretty big understatement.
5) You know, now that I think about it there are a lot of bad
decisions made in this movie. Stark
might have made a conflict that didn’t need to happen, but the main villain
creates a resolution that didn’t need
to happen. Several decisions are made
purely based on naiveté, in spite of them coming from people in positions of
power that should probably know better.
A pillar of the villain’s plan is wholly dependent on one character not
having a conversation with anyone, in spite of being surrounded by people. And I’m still not wholly convinced that Mr.
Rich and Important has learned anything substantial about this little
adventure. Making bad decisions seems to
be part and parcel of Stark’s MO, so whenever Avengers 2 rolls around we can probably expect him to continue
being kinda dumb.
And…that’s about
it. It’s more than possible to poke at
issues and point out plot holes, but that’s the case with any movie -- and with
a movie like this, I’m satisfied. It outweighs
its faults with the covert levels of intelligence and overt levels of fun it’s
got nestled into its run time. Again,
I’m not going to pretend like it’s the greatest movie ever, but it IS a good,
good, good, good movie that I have no problems recommending.
So. With that all said, why do I think Iron Man 3 is a good movie?
Really, though, that’s largely
the reason why I’m writing this post. In
a rare departure, I don’t want to spoil the entire movie for people just
because I can, or to prove certain points.
In this instance, the points that I need (or want) to prove are simple
enough to grasp without a full understanding of the movie’s particulars. As always, you owe it to yourself to see the
movie as soon as you can to form your own opinions, but I think I can prove the
movie’s case without venturing into spoiler territory just this once.
I guess this is going
to be a challenge on my end. Let’s see
how it goes. And once more, let’s take
this step by step.
1) Prepare to care about Iron Man.
Approximately fifteen
hundred words ago, you may remember me saying that Captain America is my
favorite superhero. That hasn’t
changed. And my guess is that it won’t
for a while; like I’ve said before, I’ve never been much in the way of comics,
but I’ve gone further in building an understanding of Cap than I have of Iron
And from the sound of
things, a lot of people felt the same way.
I’d like to think that not too long ago, people thought of this when it
came to The Invincible Iron Man:
Obviously, that’s
starting to change. This little trilogy
has put Iron Man in the public eye, offering up relevance and intrigue, and a
healthy -- if incomplete -- look into a character that most wouldn’t have given
the time of day beforehand. I’ve gleaned
information about Iron Man via the internet, but it’s the movies that really
show the potential of this character: a man locked in a constant struggle to
take command of situations, and his life, via the technology that threatens to
kill him. He’s a man whose ideas of
changing the world and himself are constantly at odds with his rivals -- those
who would use science and superior tech to line their pockets, rather than
build a better world. He’s a tinkerer, a
smooth-talking but absent-minded professor who has all the answers when it
comes to making the latest gear, but draws a blank when it comes to even basic
social graces and foresight. He’s
intriguing -- and I can’t help but be more intrigued than I was even a year ago
in his Avengers appearance.
(Side note: a lot of people have been asking "Where's SHIELD? Where are The Avengers?" during these events, and while I'd say that's a question that's worth asking, it's not as detrimental as one would think if you ask me. This is an Iron Man movie, and there are enough characters as it is. No need to get Thor and Black Widow involved. Beyond that, I'd like to think that Fury and his pals got involved in the background, even if we don't see them in person. Conjecture doesn't equal confirmation, I know, but again, this is about Tony Stark.)
But there’s another
point worth considering: Iron Man is now profitable. Hear me out on this: there’s no mistaking
that a movie should (emphasis on should) exist to tell a good story the way
that only it can, but there are underlying issues behind them. Making back money is precisely what a movie
as big as this should do, but it’s worth noting that the movie ALSO exists
because it’s supposed to make people care about Iron Man. It’s supposed to make them want to learn
about and represent the hero through whatever merchandise they can get their
hands on. Toys, games, comics, costumes,
the works -- and while that may sound inherently awful, it at least keeps the
suited-up superhero in the cultural zeitgeist.
I’ll come back to this
point later, but let’s switch to a different topic for now.
2) There’s simplicity, but also complexity.
I don’t know about the
rest of you, but I prefer to look on the bright side of things. As the Eternal Optimist, I prefer to believe that
people -- even the “least common denominator” -- are smarter than most give
them credit for, and it’s a lack of information and consideration of
possibilities that leads to problems.
How true that is might be up for debate (and I admit that’s part of my
own centralized naiveté), but I’d like to think that there’s some level of
intelligence that’s constant among us all.
Apparently the minds
behind Iron Man 3 -- and plenty of
other movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- feel the same way. This isn’t the first time I’ve been
intellectually tickled, and I suspect it won’t be the last. Granted this is coming from someone who
thought that there was intellectual merit to a game featuring a pants-averse sombrero-wearing cyborg with a chainsaw-tailed robot dog, but screw it. All that stuff I mentioned earlier? Things that led me to believe that this
movie, and its predecessors by extension, is a lot denser than the action would
Even so, I recognize
that the elements needed to appeal to the more “carnal” tastes are there in
full. There’s no denying that one of the
weaknesses of Iron Man 2 was its…er, lax approach on the combat front, and
more importantly the threat posed by villains.
It just felt like the movie spun in place, with an overlong
conflict/contrivances and an under-long clash with the baddies. I can’t bring myself to say that I hated it,
but the issues are very apparent. With Iron Man 3, the balance has been
restored; there’s action, but it’s handled in a way that exists parallel to and
rewards the ideas set up at the start
of the movie (and the trilogy, by extension).
Tony Stark’s troubles are both internal and external, and through his
skill and willpower he manages to overcome a good dozen obstacles. There’s an argument to be had that one of his
bigger issues goes unresolved in the movie, and while I can see what others
mean when they point out the flaw, I can’t quite bring myself to agree. Stark ends up having to face one of his
issues in a big way, and while it’s not exactly a substitute for the therapy he
desperately needs, it does feed into the ideas set up and acts as payoff. (Besides,
I’d wager this wouldn’t be the first time a hero desperately in need of therapy
doesn’t get it.)
But there is a
guttural, childish glee to be had from the movie. If you want explosions, you’ll get them. If you want repulsor blasts, you’ll get them. If you want Stark to put on his suit in the
most improbable ways possible, then you’ll get that too. Fist fights, science fu, high-rise hijinks, dozens
of Iron Man suits, goons getting decked, and frickin’ fire breath -- if you’re
in this for the action, you won’t be left wanting. You can get exactly as much out of this movie
as you want to -- it’s simple enough to take the surface level antics and leave
it at that, and still end up walking away with a smile on your face. Even so, I feel like there’s a complexity
that rewards those that look past the shiny suits and million-dollar CGI to try
and understand what’s going on. There’s
no guarantee you’ll find something worth essays and ten-thousand word
treatises, but there IS merit. There IS
something going on under the surface.
3) The twist.
I’m not going to reveal
what the twist is here. I just want to
say that compared to other twists in other things, I’d say it’s a good one --
and I’ll see if I can explain why without revealing anything too ruinous.
You have to understand
that I’m just coming off from BioShock Infinite -- and while I enjoyed the game, I admitted at the start of my
trio of posts that the ending nearly soured the entire experience. Most of that had to do with the last-minute
twists, and how they either negatively changed the context of the game, or just
came off as unnecessary. Now that I
think about it, the same applies to The
Dark Knight Rises -- the late-game twist there ended up creating problems
that didn’t need to exist, and change the narrative in unnecessary ways. It just goes to show that twists can be a
useful tool, but they’re not the be-all and end-all.
That’s not the case
with Iron Man 3. It comes pretty much right out of nowhere (in
a first viewing, at least), but I think it works in a lot of ways. It exists within the context of the story. It elevates the story instead of changing
it. It has genuine ramifications instead
of just being a “Gotcha!” moment that forces you to completely rethink the
story you just finished going through.
It’s a genuine plot twist, not a plot brick wall.
Is it the kind of thing
that’ll tick people off? Of course. But even I that’s the case, it’s worth
remembering that this is just one of many possible interpretations; the movies
do things one way, and other mediums (and their respective creators) can do it
another way. There’s a creative vision
behind each turn and interpretation, and while it’s not exactly heartwarming to
see one medium diverge from another, some respect has to be paid. And that’s all I’m going to say on that;
frankly, I’ve probably said too much already.
YouTube never
sleeps. Never.
A good theme song
begets good memories. Given that, I’d
say -- or at least hope -- this song stays in people’s heads for a while.
5) This movie has no right to be as funny as it is.
I don’t think I
actually saw a trailer for this movie until about a week before it came
out. And thinking back on that, I’d say
that I was expecting a darker movie. A
tale of revenge, and justice, and adult situations -- you know, the usual.
Imagine my surprise,
then, when the actual movie turns out to be a laugh riot. I don’t think there was any more than a
ten-minute gap (maybe five) where the audience at my screening went without
laughing…and loudly, at that. I still
stand by the opinion that there’s too much humor in the movie, but damned if
virtually every joke’s on the mark. It’s
just one hit after another, where things COULD get a bit too cheesy, but
there’s just enough control to keep a joke from going too far. You could probably attribute most of this to
Tony Stark (and Robert Downey Jr. by extension); in fact, I think it’s this
movie that helped me realize just how charismatic the actor could be. It took all of my willpower to avoid getting
lost in his eyes. And his goatee.
6) The New Age of Heroes is in full swing.
This should come as no
surprise to anyone, but Iron Man 3 has made mad bank so far.
I don’t know about the
rest of you, but I didn’t get to see the movie on opening night. A friend of mine made plans, though, and he
had me and my brother come with him to be a part of the event. What he failed to take into account, of
course, was that there would already be a massive line by the time we got there
(and indeed, leaving early should have been taken into consideration). So we ended up having to try again, after
dozens of other parties had their fill.
There are probably a
lot of reasons for the movie’s hype.
Part of it could be the post-Avengers
goodwill. Part of it could be the
chance to see RDJ go at it one more time.
Part of it could be that the movie has been thoroughly indoctrinated
into mainstream cinema. But you know
what? I think it’s just because this
movie, and the other movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, scratch that
itch. They’re giving us what we’ve
wanted all along, even if we didn’t quite know it.
We may all have
different preferences, but I’d bet that no matter the case we all have a
favorite superhero in mind. In the eyes
of some, Iron Man is the best. Some are
Batman fans. I’d bet there are a chosen
and dedicated few who are just itching for
a Doom Patrol movie. But whatever the
case, it’s those heroes that appeal to something deep within us all. They may have different forms and
powers. They may have different origins
and personas. They may have different
worlds and villains. But to be a hero is
to be something special to each and every one of us -- characters who define their
world in ways beyond all others. Ideals,
themes, and even virtues given form, and championed through feats of superhuman
will and prowess. Men and women who
build their legends over the ages, and become the idols of audiences from one
generation to the next. That’s what it
means to be a hero -- and in many ways, they’re the ultimate state of a
memorable character.
My brother and I joke
around that Tony Stark is “rich and important” and just leave it at that. But if nothing else, Iron Man 3 has shown me two things.
First off, it’s shown just how much potential lies within this
hero. He’s a man at once in command of,
and dominated by technology. He has
overwhelming charisma, but the façade wears thin the moment he has to face a
personal issue. When he’s down, he’s his
own worst enemy -- but when he’s up, he’s a man you can count on to save the
day. His intrigue is overwhelming…but
even with all that in mind, his way isn’t the only way to be a hero.
Each hero -- each entry
in the MCU -- brings with it a chance to understand and enhance our
understanding of the ideas at play, thanks in part to the heroes we can’t help
but enjoy and admire. We’ve been
reminded of the glee that can be had from seeing heroes spring into action for
the last decade or so; we’ve seen some real gems, and we’ve seen some real
stinkers. But the intent is there. The audience is there. The potential is there.
The world is watching
in wait to see who comes next, what happens next, and where we’ll go next. If we can’t fly through the sky alongside
Superman, we’ll gladly settle for watching him from the comfort of a movie
chair. And who knows? Maybe we’ll learn something along the way.
That’s my takeaway from
Iron Man 3 -- and because if it, I’m
satisfied. Others may not see it in high
esteem, but in my case it’s more than good enough. I see the faults -- even more than I
mentioned here, for obvious spoiler-related reasons -- but the good in this
case outweighs the bad. So, I’ll go
ahead and put the movie somewhere around HERE on my SmartChart™:
And I’ll call it a
day. Tony Stark, you may be rich and
important, but you sure know how to put a smile on my face. And for that, I thank you. You, and your friends, and your creators have
all done a good job. Thanks for the
…But seriously, I’m SO pumped for Captain America: Winter
~Iron Man!!!! I really enjoyed the movie but I didn`t get the part where he exploded all of his many suits ._. And yeah, the show concentrated mainly on him. The other characters were barely there =( He`s pretty dumb too, but I think it`s part of his personality. To be dumb.(I mean, he exploded his suits.) I liked the funny scenes! Got to watch it on the first day it aired, hehehehehehe
ReplyDelete~Cool video of the old Iron Man cartoon, how old is Iron Man anyway? o.o I liked the beginning song with the `blue` thing, although Iron Man is mainly reddddd, but yeahhh
~My favourite Avengers character would have to be Lokiiiii!! If heroes, I think it would be Iron Man, but i`m not sureeee....
From what I gathered, Stark decided to blow up his suits because he wanted to put that part of him -- the neurotic, obsessive, over-compensating part -- to rest so he could focus on being with Pepper and getting back into the world. Alternatively, the adventures he went through in the movie made him realize that whether he's got the suits or not, he's still a hero that can take care of himself. Alternatively (again), Stark is just putting on a grand display. He DOES come off as someone who likes to put on a show.
ReplyDeleteThen again, he'll probably be putting on the Mark 128 or something in Avengers 2, so...yeah, not exactly committed there.
Anyway, like a lot of Marvel superheroes Iron Man first started appearing in comics in the sixties (March 1963, if Wikipedia is right). Continuity has probably been updating constantly so that he's roughly the same age and in the same position as when he first started out, but the trade-off is that there have to be certain "compromises" when it comes to bringing in characters of the past to be relevant today.
I'd recommend watching this video if you have the time (or just watching stuff by MovieBob in general). Informative stuff, indeed.