I’m pretty sure I’ve
mentioned this at one point, but I’d say that for the moment it’s impossible
for me to make a “Top 10 Favorite Games Ever” list. As you can imagine, I’ve played a lot of
games. And as much as I would like to make a
definitive list, I don’t feel like I can without replaying the titles that
would have been in the upper echelon.
And given that I don’t have a fair number of the games I’ve played (and
the means to play them), seeing how they withstood the test of
time and my “evolving tastes” probably isn’t going to happen.
But then a thought
occurred to me. I might not be able to
honor certain games, but I can still honor certain characters. That much should be significantly easier…and
possible. All I need is a little
consideration, some fond memories, and maybe a little root beer on the side.
So let’s have at it
then, shall we? These are my favorite
video game characters…because if the Nostalgia Critic is doing it, then surely
no one else has ever thought of it before.

Let’s start off with
one of the OGs.
You may find rather
quickly that there’s a trend to my preferences -- that is, I seem to have a
certain fondness for characters who speak with their fists. Even though this is only a Top 10, there are
plenty more characters I like merely by virtue of them applying blunt force beatdowns
to anything in their path. So it’s not
all that surprising for me to see Knuckles on the list -- AND for me to
regularly assert that he’s cooler than Sonic.
We all know that
Sonic’s all about ROLLING AROUND AT THE SPEED OF SOUND, but I think there’s
some value to be had in Knuckles for playing the role of a foil. The blue blur is all about freedom and
exploration (most of the time), which is fine for the series as a whole, but
I’ve always found the red bruiser to be the more interesting of the two. He’s duty-bound to protect the Master
Emerald, forgoing Sonic’s carefree life for a task ordained by his people and
his inlaid pride. It’s a tiring,
thankless job that he has to endure for as long as he lives, and it’s something
so precious to him that he’ll cooperate with Eggman to reclaim his status. In a way, you can think of his role as a
means to add a bittersweet element to the canon -- a level of complexity that
players might have breezed past if not for his enduring presence.
Also he punches
stuff. So that’s always cool.
9) D-Mob (Def Jam: Fight For New
Def Jam: Fight For New York is by far one of the greatest surprises
I’ve ever gotten from a video game. I
knew literally nothing about it besides the fact that it was a sequel to a game
I never played and it had rappers in it…but damn, it turned out to be one of
the most over-the-top and exciting four-player fighters I’ve ever played. It’s just a shame that it’s a property held
by EA, and they had to go and run the name into the ground. Jackasses.
Anyway, D-Mob. The thing that immediately stands out about
D-Mob is that voice -- a voice so deep and menacing that it shakes the heavens
with every muttered syllable. But in spite
of that (and his ability to perform a quadruple power bomb), he’s
actually a wise and compassionate leader; he and Crow -- i.e. kung-fu Snoop
Dogg -- are staging a slew of underground fights to take control of the city,
and the big boss wants to do things the clean way…”clean” being relative in
this case, but whatever. The game may be
full of artists, real or not, doing moves that’d make Ultimate Muscle look sane in comparison, but his words speak spades
about the nature of the fight and the hip-hop image: command the people through
respect. On top of that, while he has a
voice that’d make God cower in fear, he’s more than eager to show a great deal
of concern and trust for the player character.
So yeah, he’s a nice guy…and man, does he look good in a suit.
8) Makoto Sako (Devil Survivor 2)
Hey, guys! Did you know I like Devil Survivor?
Other than Tales of Symphonia, I don’t think
there’s any RPG I’ve replayed more than the Devil
Survivor games -- and there’s a reason for that. They’re both damn good, with damn fine casts
and damn fine stories. I hold both games
in high esteem, but between the two of them my favorite character of either
cast has to be JPs agent Makoto Sako.
Mixing equal amounts of hardness and softness, Makoto isn’t just a
highly-elusive “strong female character”; she’s a strong character overall, one
that allows for weakness (questioning if her idea of justice has been
compromised by loyalty to people and ideals she can’t dutifully follow) as well
as strength (deciding that she’s allowed to dissent and find her own path, but
nonetheless aligning with the person she chooses by virtue of her undying
It makes me wish that
there were more characters like her -- especially in leading roles. Characters regardless of gender can and
should show a range of ideas and emotions, and show some level of growth over
the course of a story. Makoto succeeds
at this with aplomb, in spite of appearing on a cartridge that just barely uses
3D visuals AND appearing in a game alongside some thirteen other
characters. She’s just a cool, funny,
badass character that I prefer to imagine stomping out embodiments of the gods underfoot. Or with her fists. DeSu hasn’t
exactly been clear on how physical attacks are handled.
7) Hakumen (Blazblue: Calamity
“I am the white
void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand shall I reap the sins of this
world, and cleanse it in the fires of destruction. I am Hakumen!
The end has come!”
I’m just going to come
out and say it: samurai > ninja. And
significantly so. You want somebody to
sneak around and use cheap tricks, you call a ninja; if you want a grown-ass man to cut down whatever comes
your way, you call a samurai. And
Hakumen delivers in thirty seconds or less.
Striking visual design (his eyes are on his shoulders, chest, and shins),
an overwhelming presence in the story, and some of the coolest and hardest-hitting moves in a fighting game -- there’s a lot to love.
Even so, there’s still
more to Hakumen than just being a noob magnet.
He’s all about JUSTICE, yes, but he bears a great deal of weight on his
massive shoulders. If you don’t know the
story behind this guy, here’s a hyper-condensed version: he’s a time-displaced
future- cyborg version of one of the other characters in the game, and as such
he’s in a position to see both past loves, threats, and failures in the
flesh. As such, he has a chance to
reunite with someone that his other self should have treated better, and has a
genuinely touching scene that shows there’s meaning to his push for
justice. It’s more than just empty
words, and it shows just how powerful his convictions really are.
But seriously though,
he’s so damn cool.
6) Carl Johnson (Grand Theft
Auto: San Andreas)
I have to hand some
praise to the Grand Theft Auto series. Granted I don’t know the franchise in and out
(most of my time spent with the game was finding the coolest thing to drive off
of with a motorcycle and/or driving a tank), but I do appreciate that for the
noted faults it still does its job remarkably well.
I ALSO appreciate that
it’s entirely possible to interpret any one of its characters as whirling
maelstroms of destruction, both in-canon and out of it.
I admit that my
understanding of Carl Johnson is limited -- for the above reasons and more --
but he brings this undeniably destructive presence to San Andreas that I can’t help but admire, even if he is a hero…in
the largest quotation marks Microsoft Word will allow. If what I remember of him is right, all it
takes is one altercation for CJ to kill his best friend. Even if that’s not contextually true, there’s
still the matter of the fact that he casually leaps back into the world of
crime for reasons I’m not entirely certain are remotely justifiable. But whether he’s a hero or not, he’s still a
hell of a lot of fun to play as and explore with, thanks to his use of lines
like “Gimme that paper!” And “Shoulda
run away!” And my personal favorite, “I
hate gravity!” I heard that one a lot.
5) Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)
So here’s a question
for you readers: does being a strong female character rule out femininity?
I’m genuinely curious
about how people will respond to that question.
My opinion should be obvious, but in the wake of roughly eighty
zaptillion games -- and even beyond this medium, I suspect -- I wonder if
there’s some stigma that associates being feminine with being weak. This probably isn’t the place to discuss that
without opening up a dump truck’s worth of worms, so I’ll just go ahead and say
that Yukiko is an awesome character regardless of her being a GIRLY GIRL OF
In spite of some
obvious differences with the aforementioned Makoto (one’s a well-trained
government official, and the other’s a highly-insulated high school girl primed
to take over the family inn), I’d argue that they’re not so dissimilar. Yukiko may start as a fragile princess, but
well before the end of the game she becomes a confident and bold character in
her own right -- maybe one of the more passionate members of Inaba’s
investigation team, albeit with a heat tempered by her sensibilities. Again, she’s allowed to go through a range of
thoughts and emotions, and explore her own story arc (by the player’s choosing)
that picks up even after her main issue in the story is seemingly
But what gives her a
notable edge against Makoto is that while you have Makoto for about twenty
hours -- and not even that full play time -- along with a dozen other
characters, you have Yukiko for four times longer with almost half the cast. There’s a level of intimacy to be had that DeSu2 just couldn’t provide. Even beyond that, Yukiko’s full of far more
surprises by virtue of succeeding her archetype. Ignoring the fact that she’s got lines like
“That bear needs to be disappeared” -- said with no shortage of malice, mind --
there’s the fact that I have to take Persona
4 Arena into consideration. She may
be girly and her best friend Chie may be tomboyish (or manly, if you prefer),
but the latter’s theme is distinctly cute, while the former’s theme is harder-hitting…though
it manages to capture her essence well.
Too much wrist action,
indeed, Amagi-san.
4) Guile (Street Fighter II)
So, what’s his
deal? Besides being a family man, a
soldier, and a full-blooded AMERICAN?
Well, on a base level you’ve got a guy with a story worth telling and
experiencing, simple though it may be.
He’s a man out to clear the world of Shadaloo’s dark presence, but one
can’t help but wonder if he does so in the name of justice, or for the sake of
revenge. There’s a complexity, and a
desperation to him that’s nestled within the canon. Capcom may not do a whole lot when it comes
to giving the characters the time they need to develop, but let it be known
that they’ve done something -- and what they’ve done with Guile is more than
satisfactory in my eyes.
But the reason I put
him here on the list -- and by extension, everyone else up to this point -- is
that he offers something more gameplay-wise.
Guile’s from one of the most infamous, important, and beloved fighting
games ever created, and serves as an extension of many of its principles; it’s
good to know combos and such, but what’s more important is learning and
understanding the fundamentals.
Strategy. Defense, as well as
offense. His fighting style isn’t the
flashiest, but if you use him correctly the boundary between player and
character lessens -- if not in the sense that you’ve become him, then in the
sense that he’s your weapon. Your
shield. Understand and use him well, and
I’d wager you’ll understand a huge percentage of the game. So in essence, Guile’s more than just a
fighter. He’s a teacher.
And a man. Can’t forget that.
3) Robo (Chrono Trigger)
I feel no shame in
admitting that I have a soft spot for robots…though now that I think about it,
I wonder if there’s anyone who actually hates robots. Neo-Luddites, maybe?
Well, whatever. Add another one to the list of “Guys I Like
Because They Punch the Shit out of Things”; Robo’s not only got an intriguing
design, but a pool of moves that certainly made my life easier when it came to
taking down Lavos…though considering that I did so in the DS re-release, I
wonder if I’ve got the mettle to take on some of the bonus content. Musings and bad ideas aside, Robo’s kindness
and consideration give him a charm that I can’t help but look fondly on, even
after all this time (and I’m guessing those that played it on SNES have even
more attachment).
But of course, the most
legendary moment for me is the fact that Robo spends the course of centuries
planting and restoring a forest.
Centuries -- centuries spent alone, while all you have to do is jump
ahead to a different time period. When
you find him, he’s in a shoddy state, but Lucca’s efforts bring him back to
100% in a few scenes. And when that’s
done, Robo doesn’t care at all about you effectively abandoning him for
hundreds of thousands of days and nights.
He’s back to his chipper self.
But then again, that’s to be expected from a robot that gets trashed by
his brothers. What a trooper.
2) Link (Do I really need to tell
you this?)
Playing through Skyward Sword and Majora’s Mask has made me realize something (besides the fact that
Link’s pretty friggin’ damn cool): Link doesn’t just have a personality. He has multiple personalities.
With each new game and
each new world comes a new Link -- one that adapts to the circumstances and the
story, offering their own take on the Hero in the Green Tunic. SS Link
is different from MM Link, and if I play through Wind Waker, I’m
willing to bet (and assume) that WW Link will offer his own magic to the game. That variability is something to be
appreciated…though I wonder if I’m in the wrong for
naming Link the aggregate hero as my number two instead of a specific one.
…Fine, let’s go with SS Link until further notice.
In any case, when it
comes to silent protagonists you probably won’t be able to much better than
Link. He’s expressive and thoughtful in
his own way, but he remains unobtrusive when it comes to getting players into
the world and the story at large. It’s a
thin line, and at times I find myself wondering if Link crosses over that
line. But for what it’s worth, the
experiences I’ve had have taught me that Link’s in no danger of becoming, say,
Master Chief anytime soon. Link makes
his presence known at the opportune moments, reacting as needed and shouting
frantically in the midst of battle. And
he’s quite good at it -- the screaming, and the fighting. Say what you will about Nintendo, but Link
seems to be getting more and more hardcore in every new game; as a
twelve-year-old, he stabbed a man in the head.
Doesn’t get more metal than that.
1) Phoenix Wright (Phoenix
Wright: Ace Attorney)
Looks like I spoke too
If you’ve seen some of
my work in the past (and present) then this should be no surprise to
anyone. Once upon a time, Final Fantasy 7 taught me what kind of
wild adventures that can be made. And
the Ace Attorney series took that
lesson and took it several steps further…with more than a little tutoring from
Mr. Wright.
He’s intelligent. He’s passionate. He’s funny.
He’s put-upon. He’s serious about
his work, but very rarely taken seriously.
He’s iconic. He’s intense. He’s impeccably dressed. He may not be much in the way of fighting,
but he brings his own style of combat to the courtroom. He’s taught me the importance of
“non-combative combat” -- that dialogue battles can be far more impactful and
tense than just your plain old sword-to-sword combat. He’ll approach any struggle with equal parts
wild antics, calculated reasoning, and overwhelming manly spirit; in a lot of
ways, he’s tougher than some of the guys on this or any other top ten
list. It’s little wonder, then, that
I’ll gladly play Ultimate Marvel vs.
Capcom 3 just for the chance to bring Mr. Wright onto the battlefield. Even though it’s a remarkably poor idea most
of the time, every once in a while I can pull off a turnabout of my own. And when you get down to it, isn’t that what
being a hero is all about?
And that'll do it for now, guys. Hope you enjoyed this little peek into my mind; maybe now my preferences will be a lot more traceable from now on. And who knows? Maybe there are other awards I can dish out some day in the future...
I've been wanting to do a feature with my favorite video game characters for some time. But I have so many that I love that I'm unsure if I'd be able to narrow things down to a set number.
ReplyDeleteReally neat picks you have here. I've only played one Phoenix Wright game (the first one) but that's all it took for Phoenix to become one of my favorite video game characters. He's so human. Yeah, we play video games to escape reality, but every now and then, I don't mind being reminded of the real world and Phoenix is the best example of a realistic character in the world of gaming.
Worst case scenario, you could just pull names out of a hat. That could even be the title of your post: "My Favorite Game Characters According to My Nicest Hat."
ReplyDeleteI admit that I've only played a couple of Ace Attorney games -- second and third -- but like you said, that's all you really need to know you can't go wrong with Mr. Wright. (Wow, that line had 250% more corniness than I expected.) He and his games are overflowing with style, and that hot-blooded infectiousness is hard to get over. Hard to say how many AA fans there are out there, but I'd bet they're a satisfied bunch. I certainly am.
I find it amusing that Mr. Wright is your top pic despite not playing all the games. The most character development for 'Feenie' is done in the game you don't play as him. Apollo Justice really puts the final touch to an already fun character.
ReplyDeleteWithout spoiling anything. It's one thing to have someone that shines during success, but it is failures and trials that truly define a hero. There's a reason every good anime hero ever gets his butt kicked shortly after his introduction.
It's also ironic you never played Justice for All. As it contains the case that entertained a very serious ethical question for a lawyer. That said. This isn't me saying OMG poser! (Ok. Maybe a little, hehe.) It's me saying, he gets better.
Regarding Shadow. I can't unsee the game: Shadow the Hedgehog. Knuckles gets the spot.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm pecking away at Wind Waker every now and then to see how it holds up, and I can see why people like that version of Link. Actually, there's a lot worth saying about that game, but I guess that's a post for another day...
ReplyDeleteIn any case, I actually prefer tank-like characters over the speedy types in games. Tekken's Paul Phoenix and Final Fight's Haggar narrowly missed being on the list; they're not much in the way of speed, but their sheer MANLY FORCE compensates for it. Haggar's rightfully become a legend thanks to his Pile Driver, and Paul's infamous "Death Fist" has been known to take more than half an opponent's health away with one hit. So yeah...you don't wanna get hit by that.
I actually started watching a playthrough of Apollo Justice a while back because I couldn't find the game -- and now that I've seen the game around once or twice, I feel like I can't grab it because I've already seen the action for myself. Quite a bind, that...but oh well. Might as well watch the rest one of these days.
ReplyDeleteAnd actually, I DID play Justice for All -- in fact, that was the FIRST one I played, if you can believe that. (I'm a rebel, I know.) And indeed, that was a real test -- for me the player as much as Mr. Wright. It seriously made me antsy about whether or not I was doing the right thing...and even if I was, at what cost. Of course, that still doesn't compare to four little words in T&T that made me stare at my DS for a solid five minutes. I needed a moment to compose myself...and pick up the pieces of my skull.
I may not have played all the AA games, but I don't need to in order to decide that Mr. Wright is one dope-ass character...in my honest and ever-so-humble opinion.
True that.
ReplyDeleteFunny that you added Knuckles. Although Shadow was always my favorite overall (*stupid me and stupid jerkasses*), Knuckles comes pretty darn close. I loved playing his story in the first Sonic Adventure (it was probably the first of the six story lines I completed in my first play through). But I'm in the camp that prefers doing more than just sprinting from point a to point b to beat the stage. Knuckles might not be very speedy, but he's just an unstoppable tank. 'tis a shame he's often played as an idiot in many recent games and spinoffs. :'(
ReplyDeleteOh, Wind Waker Link is brilliant. With the art style of the game and the expressiveness of the characters, the greed-clad hero of the winds is pure comedy gold. His face... just so priceless beyond words. Many consider him to be one of the best Links in the franchise for that reason. (Though Twilight Princess Link had his own subtle expressions and personality I liked a ton...)
Interesting list that was fun to read. It's refreshing to see a list with characters I was not expecting... meaning it really was based on YOUR standards and opinions. (I figured you would put Yukiko on here based on one post awhile back...) Nothing seemed to obvious for the list, save Phoenix Wright. Never played one of the AA games, but his hamminess is so well-known and crazy it's hard to not smile. XD