1) This is a great game, and I have no problems recommending
it. If you haven’t played, watched, or
tried it, do so now.
2) This is not the greatest game ever created -- and if you think
that it’s a masterpiece, you might need to start re-evaluating your standards.
3) I accurately predicted the ending for the game -- and said
ending very nearly ruined the entire
experience for me.
WARNING: I know I say this pretty much every
time, but in the name of all that is good and pure (i.e. the average hot dog),
DO NOT READ THIS POST IF YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED THE GAME. If you have any intention of playing through Infinite for yourself, turn away
now. I mean it. Seriously.
Go away. This is not a post for
It’s the only way to protect you from SPOILERS
like Booker becoming a robot and Elizabeth learning how to moonwalk.